Dosarele secrete ale cainilor detectivi - Episodul 1

Nume : Dosarele secrete ale cainilor detectivi
Nr. Episoade : 2
Limba : Romana (subtitrat)
A fost difuzat pe : Jetix

Descriere in Romana :The Secret Files of the Spy Dogs este un desen animat, produs de Saban Entertainment, difuzat Fox Kids din 1998 până când a fost oprit în 1999. Serialul a fost despre Câinii Detectivi, o organizație secretă de câini spioni, dedicați să protejeze omul de rău.

Dosarele Secrete ale Câinilor Detectivi scot la iveală adevărul din spatele comportamentului ciudat al câinilor și ne formează o idee despre aventurile secrete ale celui mai puțin cunoscut grup de eroi din lume. Într-o lume periculoasă, omenirea a avut nevoie mereu de protectori. Din fericire, are un prea bun prieten: câinele. Câinii din lume și-au unit în secret forțele și au format o frăție foarte serioasă de agenți secreți al cărei scop este să facă lumea un loc mai bun și mai sigur pentru oamenii nefericiți care își închipuie că sunt conducătorii regatului animalelor. Această frăție poartă numele de CIA - Agenția de Inteligență Canină, ai cărei membri sunt acei câini din rasa pudel, whippet sau beagle, îndrăzneți și curajoși, cunoscuți în întreaga lume sub numele de Câinii Detectivi.

Description in English :

Spy Dogs was a children's animated series made about the life of a dog who was really a spy. Here are all the characters, and villans. Main operatives Dog Zero Breed: unknown Home: unknown Rank: Chief of the Spydogs Ralph Breed: Mutt Home: America Rank: High ranking SpyDog Mitzy Breed: Terrier Home: America Rank: High ranking SpyDog Scribble Breed: Mutt Home: America Rank: SpyDog-in-Training Angus Breed: Scottish Terrier Home: Scotland Rank: Technology BARK squad-S.W.A.T. dogs. They allways wear helmets and waistcoats. Their names are Furry (leader), Dallas, Buck and Hatchet [edit] Other operatives Ayanna Breed: Basenji Home: India Rank: Operative Chukchi Breed: Siberian Husky Home: Antarctica Rank: Operative at Ice Station Husky DahgChow Breed: Chow Chow Home: China Rank: Operative Erin Breed: Irish Setter Home: Ireland Rank: Operative [edit] Villians Baron Bone: Corner the market in beef by luring all the cows in the world with a giant ball of cud. Catastrophe: A cat with mechanic tail and arch enemy of the Spydogs organization. He tried to take over the world with an army of mummy cats and Bastet. Chuck: Baron Bone's assistant. Colosatron: Computer that wanted to take over the world. D'Cell: He tried to steal every new gadget in the world so he would be on the cutting edge of technology. Ernest: He tryied to capture the Loch Ness monster. Ernst Stavro Blowfish: He took control of all the fast food restaurants in the world just because he thinks he is evil. Maws: Catastrophe's assistant with big teeth. Mistress Pavlov: She tryied to use her hypnotic powers to have the owners of dogs do her bidding. Porkzilla: He is not really evil. After he drank special potion to grow bigger he became huge and went to the city to eat. Space Slugs: They tried to bury the would in slime to reproduce their home world which was destroyed. Also tried to mutant the children of the world into Space Slugs by tainting lunchroom food in schools. Spin Doctors: They put a spell on the TV watchers of the world to make them watch too much television.

Pilotii Nascar - Episodul 1

 Nume : Pilotii Nascar (Nascar Racers)
Nr. Episoade : 15
Limba : Romana (Subtitrat)
A fost difuzat pe : Jetix

Descriere in Romana : 

În spatele vitezei stau adevărate aventuri. Cu o acţiune care se desfăşoară nu foarte departe în viitor, Piloţii Nascar urmăreşte o echipă de patru tineri piloţi în timp ce aceştia călătoresc în jurul lumii, concurând într-unul dintre concursurile cele mai pline de adrenalină - cursele de maşini! Echipa Fastex este alcătuită din atleţi foarte bine antrenaţi, care îşi ating limitele fizice şi psihice în acest sport. Sunt oameni obişnuiţi, aflaţi în faţa unor probe extraordinare. Loiali echipei lor, respectuoşi cu fanii şi cu o continuă pasiune pentru corectitudine, lucru indispensabil în sportul pe care îl practică, echipa Fastex se luptă pentru prima poziţie în maşinile futuriste, accelerând adesea la peste 400 de mile pe oră, alteori zburând, întorcându-se sau rotindu-se în aerul de pe pista Oraşului Motoarelor. În timp ce curajul şi munca în echipă sunt atuurile echipei Fastex, cele care le aduc victoria, cei patru eroi trebuie să facă faţă în acelaşi timp şi problemelor personale pentru a deveni adevăraţi piloţi NASCAR. Mark "Charger" McCutchen trebuie să se ridice la nivelul moştenirii tatălui şi bunicului lui, foşti piloţi extraordinari. Megan "Spitfire" Fassler vrea să demonstreze că este un geniu al mecanicii, Steve "Flyer" Sharp este decis să treacă peste momentele de slăbiciune fizică şi psihică ce l-au facut să îşi dea demisia din Academia de Aviaţie, iar Carlos "Stunts" Rey este un pilot salbatic gata să îşi asume orice risc pentru a câştiga bani. Atât pe, cât şi în afara pistei de concurs, cel mai mare obstacol al echipei Fastex, deţinută de gigantul industrial Fassler Technologies, este echipa Rexcor. Sponsorizată de Garner Rexton, vechiul rival al lui Jack Fassler, Echipa Rexcor este doar o parte din vendeta personală şi periculoasă a lui Garner, împotriva lui Jack şi a piloţilor săi. Conduşi cu viteza de maşini uimitoare, aerodinamice, dotate cu motoare turbo, roţi care se schimbă şi paraşute, Echipa Fastex se aventureaza în vaste deserturi şi jungle dese, având încredere într-o doză importantă de spirit competitiv pentru a prinde steagul fluturând şi a câştiga încă o dată în numele Piloţilor NASCAR!

Description in English :
NASCAR Racers is an animated television series about two rival NASCAR racing teams, Team Fastex and Team Rexcor, competing against each other in the futuristic NASCAR Unlimited Division.
26 half-hour episodes were produced by Saban, and shown on the Fox network between 1999-2001.
Several NASCAR Racers books, one Game Boy, and one PC video game were adapted from the show. NASCAR Racers books were authored by Gene Hult under the name J. E. Bright, and published by HarperEntertainment. The show was produced before Fox showed NASCAR races, and the show's broadcast history only overlapped with the network's coverage of the real series for one month.
While real life NASCAR tracks are mainly ovals, NASCAR Racers is anything but. The racers compete on a wide variety of courses, including road course, off-road, mountain, and Motorsphere. The Motorsphere track starts with a typical race track leading into a sphere, then tracks are wrapped around the inner surface of the sphere, which look like the AcceleDrome track from AcceleRacers.
The NASCAR Unlimited Division features cutting edge, over the top technologies (from the show's point of view). To protect drivers from crashes, each race car has an inner Rescue Racer that ejects from the outer body if an accident happens. XPT racers, introduced in season 2, are the new race cars for Team Fastex. XPT racers use atomic fuel run by forced-combustion systems. Nitro Racers contain high-flux fusion units that can get maximum power out of atomic fuel.
The change in body design from the XPT racers to the Nitro Racers was similar to the Sprint Cup transition to the "car of tomorrow". XPT racers were sleeker than the boxy Nitro Racers.
The characters often race on simulators to hone their skills before actual races; this is also done by real NASCAR drivers. (Often using off-the-shelf games)

Cast and characters

Team Fastex

Megan "Spitfire" Fassler (Kathleen Barr)
Megan is the daughter of Jack Fassler, manager of Team Fastex, and the only female member of the team. First, her father disapproves about letting Megan race in the Unlimited Series for the team but changes his mind during the series while observing Megan driving the new hi-tech experimental cars. In season 2, Garner Rexton hires a woman to confuse Megan about her past telling her that she is her true mother. After that, she is starting to make a team with Eve "Wild Card" Kilder and with "Chrome", later Zorina being a part of the team. In the end, she finds out about her true past and re-joins Fastex.
Mark "Charger" McCutchen (Ian James Corlett)
Mark is the son of Mack McCutchen, Jr., and an excellent driver. Mark wanted to follow his father in his racing career and so he won the cup in season 1 for Team Fastex. He's Lyle Owens's main rival even before the Unlimited NASCAR started and the team's number one driver chosen by the computer to race against Kent "Demolisher" Steele. he has feelings about Megan Fassler. In season 2, Rexton hired old racer Farrel Longstreet to make Mark feel guilty about the accident that took place when his engine started to explode.
Steve "Flyer" Sharp (Roger R. Cross)
Steve joined the U.S. Air Force years ago when a barrel exploded in his face but survived with serious brain damage. Many years after that, that explosion started to haunt him and made him vulnerable in a real race. He won the cup of the championship in season 2.
Carlos "Stunts" Rey (Rino Romano)
Carlos tries every time to win the money from NASCAR Unlimited races for his ill father. His money was stolen by a guy called Dwindling, hired by Garner Rexton. After what happened Carlos was persuaded by Rexton to win the last race of the season by betraying Fastex, but in the end he chooses his side along his team and helps Flyer win the championship. Carlos once won the first race from season 2 but as that race wasn't a qualified one by NASCAR, he didn't win any money.
Jack Fassler (Paul Dobson)
Owner of Team Fastex and adoptive father of Megan Fassler. When he chose the team for the championship in the first season, Jack disapproved only 2 things: letting Lyle Owens become a member of team Fastex and letting Megan racing for the team. Later he changed his mind about letting Megan become a member of the team as he needed a 4-man team like any other team of the championship. In episode "Hostage", Jack is kidnapped by some gang members (the gang which Junker made part of) from Garner Rexton's orders. He was saved then and also convinced Megan about her past telling the truth as she re-joined Fastex.
Douglas "Duck" Dunaka (Dale Wilson)
He is the crew chief of the team though he competed for team Fastex as "Rubber Ducky" only in episode "Duck Unlimited" of season 2.
Team Fastex mechanic, hired by the team at the start of the second season.

Team Rexcor

Lyle "The Collector" Owens (Scott McNeil)
"The Collector" is Rexcor's nr. 1 driver followed by Zorina and Tanker (Tanker joined team Rexcor in season 2). He is merciless, cruel, and very arrogant with everyone, and is considered a threat by every NASCAR team. With his deadly driving skills, he "collects" almost every driver from other teams by taking a part of the car as a trophy. Lyle is "Charger" McCutchen's number one rival even when they were both in team Fastex (before joining Rexcor). He was later fired at the end of season 1 when Kent Steele was created and hired. Lyle's life dramatically changed in season 2 when he suffered great mutations making him stronger than any human being.
Hondo "Specter" Hines
"Specter" is one of the spookiest drivers in NASCAR. He can be quite sneaky and tries to cheat every time while his team is around. He is also very naive and makes a good team with Zorina at cheating and destroying other cars.
She is a punk rock-like driver, very ignorant and aggressive. She uses her driving skills to destroy every car around her making team with "Specter" Hines at cheating and destroying. In season 2, Garner Rexton decided to hire Tanker in the team which meant someone had to go. Unfortunately for her, Zorina was the one and made a decision by joining the Spitfire Racers, a team led by Megan Fassler.
Diesel "Junker" Spitz
Years ago, Diesel was a gang member at the grand prix, trying to sabotage enemy cars. He was still a driver then and used his stealth experience in many ways. After what happened, Diesel was found by Garner Rexton and quickly became a member of team Rexcor. He is clumsy and very slow, but still he is a noticeable member of the team, by trashing other cars.
Garner Rexton (Ron Halder)
Owner of Team Rexcor and "master puppeter" of anything suspicious in the NASCAR championship. He is a very ignorant and greedy man, using his manipulation skills to control the others around him although he was disqualified and arrested after the last race, after Carlos "Stunts" Rey told the officials everything he did.
Spex (Richard Newman)
Team Rexcor Crew Chief and Garner Rexton's right-hand man. Spex is a cyborg using his special body tools to repair any damage to other cars.
Kent "Demolisher" Steel
Kent is an android designed for the destruction of team Fastex. He first appears at the end of the first season, as a very powerful and destructive driver (with the same qualities as Collector). He later appears in episodes "Chain Reaction" as he tries to sabotage the fuel for team Fastex and the other teams, and "Rumble" as one of the drivers used for racing for the prize money.

Other characters

"Redline" O'Rourke
This unknown driver is still a mystery to many managers in the NASCAR championship. Using his extraordinary driving experience, "Redline" can get past every car he wants to, making him a strong adversary and the number-two rival to "Charger" McCutchen. He has a crush on Megan Fassler.
Phil "Octane" Knox
This challenging driver is very well known because of his car speed and power, but what the other drivers and people don't know of him is that he works for Rexcor as pretending to be Steve "Flyer's" friend by poisoning his mind with the same liquid that exploded in his face years ago when he was in the aviation forces. Steve once saved Octane while he was falling from the Motorsphere, but in the end he poisoned his mind by mistake in the last race, even before it started.
His true name is still unknown although years ago he was in the army and a very good driver and pilot (like Flyer). As Steve "Flyer's" car is modeled like a battle-jetplane, Tanker uses his tank modeled-like car to destroy all the other cars in his way. That is also the reason why Tanker has been chosen for team Rexcor in season 2. Tanker is Flyer's nr. 1 rival.
Grim Repo
This is the spookiest and most unknown racers of all (so unknown that not even his face is shown). He first appears at the beginning of season 2 together with the other 4 racers (Redline, Tanker, Chrome and Octane). He was once a member of team Rexcor in episode "Rumble" at the middle of the second season.
She is the only female member of the new drivers from season 2. She can be very intimidating although she has never been chosen for team Rexcor. In season 2 she is a member of Spitfire Racers.
Eve "Wild Card" Kildere
She was a stuntmaker like Carlos "Stunts" Rey, but later she accepted Megan's offer by joining Spitfire Racers. She was arrested for trying to kill team Fastex with some fireworks during a stunt. She was then hired by Rexcor but in the end she competed for Megan Fassler's team. She is in love with Carlos "Stunts" Rey.
Libby Fassler
Wife of Jack Fassler and adoptive mother of Megan Fassler. She was once kidnapped by some bounty hunters secretly hired by Garner Rexton, when he sent his team to investigate trying to save Libby so he can win her by his side, but then Fastex did the same thing by saving her as the bounty hunters have escaped.
Miles McCutchen
Younger brother of Mark McCutchen who aspires to race like his older sibling.
Farrell Longstreet
A former racing colleague of Mark McCutchen's father who comes out of retirement to race in the unlimited division.
Mike Hauger
A television presenter for Sports Network Interglobal Television (SNIT), alongside Pat Anther, who covers and commentates the NASCAR Unlimited Series races.
Pat Anther
A television presenter for Sports Network Interglobal Television (SNIT), alongside Mike Hauger, who covers and commentates the NASCAR Unlimited Series races.

Flipper si prietenii sai - Episodul 1

Nume : Flipper si prietenii sai
Nr. Episoade : 6
Limba : Romana
A fost difuzat pe : Minimax

Descriere :
Lopaka este un baietel care locuieste pe o insula linisita numita Iloka. El are un prieten mai special, un delfin pe nume Flipper, cu care isi petrece timpul mereu. Insula este invadata de niste straini care sunt in cautarea unei statui vechi de o valoare mare, despre care se spune ca are puteri magice. Este un artefact, care a fost sacrificat de catre stramosii insulei, in scopul de a imblanzi monstri maritimi.

Cu toate acestea, Lopaka afla ca insula ar putea fi distrusa. Astfel, Flipper si Lopaka trebuie sa previna acest lucru si pornesc intr-o calatorie plina de aventuri in adancurile periculoase ale oceanului. Cu ajutorul lui Flipper, Lopaka reuseste sa salveze insula.

Lolek si Bolek - Episodul 1

Nume : Lolek si Bolek
Nr. Episoade : 3
Limba : Romana
A fost difuzat pe : TVR 1

Descriere in Romana :

Frații Lolek și Bolek (în poloneză „Bolek i Lolek”) sunt personajele principale ale unei serii de desene animate poloneze create de Władysław Nehrebecki și Leszek Mech începînd din 1963 pînă în 1986. Se presupune că Władysław Nehrebecki a creat aceste personaje inspirându-se din caracterul celor doi fii ai săi.

Description in English :

Bolek and Lolek are two Polish cartoon characters from the TV animated series by the same title (Bolek i Lolek in Polish). They are based on Władysław Nehrebecki's sons, named Jan and Roman, and were partially created by German-born Alfred Ledwig before being developed by Władysław Nehrebecki and Leszek Lorek. The series is about two young brothers and their fun and sometimes silly adventures which often involve spending a lot of time outdoors. They first appeared in an animated film in 1963.
The names of the two characters are diminutives of Bolesław and Karol. In English, the cartoon was distributed as Jym & Jam and Bennie and Lennie. Some episodes were seen as part of Nickelodeon's Pinwheel. In 1973 the creators of the film placed on the request from the female viewing audience a girl character by the name of Tola. The first time she appeared in occurred in the episode entitled "Tola". In total, Tola (Antonine) appeared in 30 episodes.
Most episodes do not have dialogues. Exceptions are feature-length films and the series from the 1980s, where the main characters' voices were done by: Bolek – Ewa Złotowska, Ilona Kuśmierska; Lolek – Danuta Mancewicz, Danuta Przesmycka.
During the period of the Peoples Republic of Poland (PRL), Bolek and Lolek were reproduced in a large quantity of toys: action figures, movies, postcards, online arcades, puzzles, etc., which can be seen in the Museum of Dobranocki (bed-time stories) of the PRL. They are also currently made in computer programs, coloring books, general picture books and games.
Of all the Polish animated cartoons Bolek and Lolek ranks as number one all-time favorite. The series was popular in many countries, and was one of the few animated movies allowed to be broadcast by Iranian television just after the revolution of 1979.

Miaunel si Balanel - Episodul 1

Nume : Miaunel si Balanel
Nr. Episoade : 4
Limba : Romana
A fost difuzat pe : TVR 1

Descriere in Romana :

Miaunel și Bălănel, au fost creați de Horia Ștefănescu, Zaharia Buzea și Artin Badea.
În 1974, pe ecran apărea scurtmetrajul "Baloane vrăjite", semnat de Zaharia Buzea. În această poveste se întâmpla ceva fără precedent. Considerat natural, conflictul dintre câine și pisică era abandonat în acest film. Era un mare curaj și un mare risc, mai ales că protagoniștii principali ai săi erau tocmai un cățeluș și o pisicuță. Dar ei - Miaunel și Bălănel - veniseră pe lume fără să știe că trebuie sa se certe, chiar fără motiv. Erau fermecători în ingenuitatea lor. Voiau ca nimeni să nu se certe cu nimeni, cel slab să nu fie nedreptățit, cel merituos să nu fie înșelat. Se mirau ca de ceva nemaiîntâlnit în fața lăcomiei și a minciunii; erau niște naivi, în fapt.
Micii spectatori au decis că generozitatea lui Miaunel și Bălănel, lirismul, cultul prieteniei, trebuie să triumfe. Așa s-a ajuns ca până prin 1982, din filmele cu Miaunel și Bălănel să fie realizate peste 60 de titluri. Aproape că nu există creator din studioul Animafilm - din acea vreme - care să nu se fi implicat, într-un fel sau altul (animație, intermediare, decoruri), la triumful acestui maraton filmic.
Devenite vedete, cele două personaje s-au "strecurat" și în alte seriale, devenind căutători de comori în "Răzbunarea buldogului", film în care era nevoie de cineva în stare să mai potolească rivalitatea, nu întotdeauna cavalerească, dintre buldogul Manole și motanul Pusy. În zelul lor de a împăca pe toată lumea, Bălănel și Miaunel își descoperă noi resurse, în cele din urmă dând chiar nobile pilde de curaj.
De curând, Direcția de Sănătate Publică București și Studioul Cinematografic Animafilm au hotărât să facă un film de desene animate intitulat "SIDA - intrarea oprită" (rebotezat ulterior în „Un alt fel de Love Story”), în care Bălănel și Miaunel, împreună cu partenerele lor, dau un exemplu despre cum se face sex fără riscuri de contractare a bolilor cu transmitere sexuală. Pelicula a ieșit pe piață în 2004.

Barbie si Spargatorul de nuci (in Romana)

Nume: Barbie si Spargatorul de nuci 
Durata: 76 Min.
Limba: Romana
Produs in: 2001

Brbie in spargatorul de nuci(romana)

Descriere in Romana : Barbie prinde viata intr-un mod magic, datorita uluitoarei animatii computerizate, in aceasta adaptare moderna a povestii clasice a lui E.T.A. Hoffmann. Basmul incepe atunci cand Barbie, care joaca rolul Clarei, primeste de la matusa ei preferata un minunat spargator de nuci, din lemn. in aceasta noapte, in timp ce Clara doarme, Spargatorul de nuci se trezeste la viata pentru a-l alunga pe diabolicul Rege soarece, care a invadat camera Clarei. Fetita se trezeste si il ajuta pe Spargatorul de nuci, dar Regele soarece o micsoreaza cu ajutorul unei vraji. Clara si Spargatorul de nuci pornesc intr-o aventura palpabila, in cautarea Printesei Zaharel, singura care poate rupe vraja Regelui soarece. Povestea este infrumusetata de scene de dans spectaculoase, create de renumitul coregraf Peter Martins, pe muzica lui Ceaikovski. Miscarile reale ale dansatorilor de la Baletul din New York aduc frumusetea baletului pe micul ecran asa cum nu s-a mai vazut niciodata. Barbie in Spargatorul de nuci ne arata ca daca esti bun, istet si curajos, orice este posibil...

Descriere in Engleza : The frame story is of Barbie's young friend, Kelly, having trouble performing a ballet move and her fears of going onstage. Barbie tells her a story of The Nutcracker to cheer her up.
A girl named Clara lives with Drosselmeyer, her stern grandfather, and Tommy, her younger brother. On Christmas Eve, they receive a surprise visit from their Aunt Elizabeth, who comes with gifts for her niece and nephew. Clara receives a Nutcracker that Aunt Elizabeth tells her contains the heart of a prince. Tommy tries to grab the doll from Clara, but in the scuffle, the Nutcracker's arm is broken.
Clara fixes the Nutcracker and falls asleep near the Christmas tree. She awakens to see her Nutcracker suddenly alive and fighting the Mouse King and his mouse army. When Clara tries to help, the Mouse King shrinks her down to his size, though he is still unable to defeat them and temporarily retreats.
The Nutcracker explains that he needs to find the Sugarplum Princess who is the only person who can stop the Mouse King from taking over his world. The wise owl of the grandfather clock advises Clara to follow the Nutcracker, since the Sugarplum Princess is the only one who can make Clara her original size again. The owl also gives Clara a locket that has the power to send Clara home after they find the Sugarplum Princess.
The two journey into the Land of Parthenia in the Gingerbread Village, where the children tells them that the rightful heir to the throne, Prince Eric, has gone missing. Clara realizes that her Nutcracker is the missing prince and he reveals that his previous careless attitude lead the king to pronouncing the Mouse as acting king until Eric accepted his responsibilities. The Mouse decided he wanted to be king for good and put a spell on Eric, turning him into a Nutcracker. Eric hopes to redeem himself by finding the Sugarplum Princess and make things right again.
Clara and the Nutcracker are joined by Major Mint and Captain Candy. They cross the Sea of Storms with the purple horse named Marzipan, and arrive at the Sugarplum Princess' Island. Clara is separated from the group, who are all captured by the Mouse King's bats, and she ventures alone to the Mouse King's palace to free her friends. After being rescued, the Nutcracker fights a final battle with the Mouse King, during which the Mouse King is hit with his own spell and shrunk into the size of a real mouse. He flees into the sewers.
The Nutcracker was injured in the battle and Clara kisses him, whereupon he is restored to his true form as Prince Eric. Clara, because she was able to break the spell, is revealed as the Sugarplum Princess. Eric is crowned king and the couple, who have fallen in love, dance as the citizens of the Land of Parthenia celebrate their victory. At this time the shrunken Mouse King makes one more attempt to defeat Clara, stealing her heart-shaped locket and opening it. The Mouse King is knocked to the ground by a snowball and apparently dies, but Clara disappears, having been magically returned home.
Clara wakes up in the living room where she fell asleep. The Nutcracker is missing, and she runs to her Grandfather who dismisses the story as her imagination. Just then, Aunt Elizabeth returns with a young man – it is Eric. Revealing him to be a friend, she insists that he stay for dinner and drags Grandfather Drosselmeyer and Tommy away. Eric gives her back the locket and asks her to dance. She answers, "I couldn't say 'no' to the King", and the couple waltz together. A snow-globe shows the Prince – now a king – and the Sugarplum Princess dancing happily in the Palace courtyard.
The story goes back to Kelly and Barbie. Kelly realizes the importance of not giving up and makes one more attempt at the ballet move she just can't do. Kelly and Barbie dance to the music and Kelly finally gets her steps right.

Barbie in Povestea Sirenei (in Romana)

 Nume: Barbie in povestea Sirenei
Durata: 75 Min.
Limba : Romana 
Produs in: 2010

Descriere in Romana : In aceasta incantatoare poveste o intalnim pe Merliah o campioana la surfing din Malibu. In timpul unui concurs parul lui Merliah capata o nuanta roz. Vazand reactia publicului Merliah se arunca in ocean unde se intalneste cu un delfin cu care poarta o conversatie. Pe langa faptul ca delfinii pot vorbi Merliah mai descopera ca poate vorbi si sub apa. Prietenele ei Hardley si Fallon pun totul pe cazatura dar Merliah nu este convinsa. Ajungand acasa il intreaba pe bunicul ei care ii povesteste faptul ca ea e fica unui om si a unei sirene si ca mama ei a lasato in grija lui. Merliah nu mai crede nimic si se intalneste cu prietenele ei. In tot acest timp apare din nou delfinul care ii mai spune ca mama e, Carlisa, este regina oceanului ceea ce inseamna ca Merliah este o printesa. Furioasa Merliah arunca medalion care il avea de la mama ei. Acesta se sparge si arata o imagine cu Carlisa. Merliah afla atunci ca mama ei a fost detronata acum 15 ani de catre sora ei Eris. Merliah se hotaraste sa mearga sa o salveze pe mama ei doar pentru a-si putea recapata vechea ei viata. Daca va reusi Merliah sa o invinga pe Eris ve-ti afla daca urmariti filmul.

Descriere in EnglezaBarbie in A Mermaid Tale is about a sixteen-year-old girl called Merliah Summers, (Liah for short). She is a top surfer at Malibu and is nicknamed, "Queen of the Waves". On the day of a surfing competition, Merliah is surfing mavericks, when one part of her hair suddenly turns pink on contact with seawater. Nervous of showing everyone her hair, she dives underwater and meets a pink-ish purple coloured, dolphin named Zuma. Merliah finds out she can breathe underwater.
After telling her grandfather what happened, Merliah finds out that she is half-mermaid. Thinking that her parents died when she was a small baby, Merliah's grandfather tells her the truth. Break tells her that Merliah's father was a human named Rip and that her mother was a mermaid named Calissa (who in fact, is the Queen of Oceana).Break tells her that when Merliah's father died, Calissa was worried about the fact that Calissa's evil mermaid sister Eris would try to rule over. At the same time, Calissa gave birth to Merliah. Merliah had no tail which made it dangerous for her in Oceana. Calissa didn't want Merliah to get hurt, so she took Merliah to her grandfather, Break. Calissa asked if Break could raise Merliah so that she would be safer on land from Eris's rule.At first, Merliah didn't believe Break and left to tell her friends what happened.
After telling her friends the news, Hadley was excited and believed that Merliah is of mermaid royalty. Just then, Zuma appears and says that it is true about what Break said, but Merliah at first didn't believe anything and in anger she throws the necklace she'd been wearing ever since she was an infant, it reveals Calissa is still alive, spinning Merillia, the life force of the sea. She also tells Merliah that the reason her hair is pink, that she can breathe underwater, is because she is part mermaid. Merliah decides to try to rescue her mother and save the kingdom.
With Zuma as her guide, Merliah arrives in Oceana just when the "Eris Festival" starts. Zuma explains that ever since Eris ruled Oceana, her Merillia was not as strong as Calissa's, which made the ocean weak. Most of the coral has turned brown, much like the autumn leaves. During the "Eris Festival", Merliah and Zuma hide in a nearby shop. Merliah is terrified, as Eris controls Oceana in an evil way trapping people she doesn't like in whirlpools, and doubts she can save Oceana. After the festival ends, Zuma takes Merliah to a boutique which is owned by two mermaids, Kayla and Xylie.They chose to help her after their pet seal Snouts licks her ticklish toes making her laugh, and they make Merliah look like a mermaid.The team seeks out the Destinies, three small stylish mermaids who have prophetic powers. Just before they arrive, they hear Eris storming that she will destroy Calissa's daughter. Merliah hides, while Kayla and Xylie point Eris in the wrong direction. While Eris is distracted, Merliah and Zuma meet the Destinies. They reveal in order for the team to succeed in overthrowing Eris, they need "three tools that are spread far and wide": The Celestial Comb, a Dreamfish and Eris' protective necklace.
They set out to look for the items. First, with Fallon and Hadley's help, they find the Celestial Comb in a cave guarded by three giant jellyfish. Kayla, Xylie and Zuma lure the jellyfish away while Merliah and Snouts look for the comb. Merliah manages to get it and escapes from the cave just before it caves in. Next, they find the Dreamfish, yet again with Fallon's and Hadley's internet help, in the Adenato currents. Merliah gets one to promise to grant her a wish later on by impressing it with her surfing skills. Lastly, they get Eris' protective necklace by distracting her with some music and a song. Furious, Eris spins a whirlpool in order to get rid of Merliah. Merliah gets sucked into the whirlpool. Desperate, Merliah calls on the Dreamfish which offers to send her back to Malibu, her mermaid half to go away and it as if none of this has ever happened. Merliah hesitates and rejects the wish and accepts her role as princess of Oceana. Because of this, she is given a real, strong mermaid tail, and successfully escapes the whirlpool. Merliah throws Eris' necklace to the ground, revealing Calissa spinning Merillia. Merliah finds out that though Eris is from the royal family, she can't spin Merillia, which is why Eris did not destroy Calissa. Eris is fed up with Merliah and goes after her. Merliah leads Eris into her own whirlpool and Eris is sent to the bottom of the deepest trench in the ocean. Merliah sets Calissa free and Calissa makes Oceana healthy once more. Calissa gives Merliah a magical necklace that will let her wish to be human or mermaid at any time. Merliah then goes back to land and wins the surfing trophy of best surfer girl of Malibu. And also, queen Calissa met Break and Merliah's friends, Hadley and Fallon.

Barbie in Rapunzel (in Romana)

Nume: Barbie in Rapunzel
Durata: 85 Min.
Limba: Romana 
Produs in: 2002

Barbie Rapunzel

Descriere in Romana : Contopirea povestii fratilor Grimm cu papusa Barbie in rolul lui Rapunzel are drept scop nobil de a da viata, prin desen animat, unei jucarii simbol de peste 5 decenii. Ideea nu e noua intrucat, Barbie si-a facut debutul actoricesc in anul 1987, iar modelul de frumusete si gingasie revine in 2001 si 2002 prin vocea lui Kelly Sheridan reprezentand-o pe Barbie intr-o serie de povesti de succes pentru copii. Filmul este o poveste cadru care permite dialogul dintre o fetita pe nume Kelly si Barbie ca pretext in a divulga lumea inventiva a copiilor care-si creeaza singuri povestile si eroii sau eroinele pe care ei le iubesc si carora, numai visand, le pot da viata. Asa incepe si povestea minunata a lui Rapunzel care, prin magia penelului, reinventeaza o poveste germana veche cu personaje dinamice, cum ar fi: Hobie, Penelope, Hugo, Gothel, Otto, printul Stefan, etc., toate adunate intr-un cadru feeric. Universul printesei Rapunzel este strict limitat de demonica Gothel la un castel bine pazit de vicleanul Otto si dragonul Hugo. Din fericire, eroina si prietenii ei, Penelope si Hobie gasesc din intamplare un penel fermecat ce le va schimba viata. Acesta deschide o poarta catre o alta lume. Finalul basmului ne readuce in prim-plan pe minunata povestitoare Barbie si pe Kelly care ramane vrajita - la fel si publicul de orice varsta - de frumusetea tabloului realizat de maiestria penelului.

Descriere in Engleza :  Barbie tells a story to her little sister Kelly, who doesn't have confidence in her painting abilities.
Rapunzel lives as a servant to the witch Gothel, who resides in a manor isolated in the woods. She grows up believing that Gothel saved her from abandonment as an infant. Rapunzel finds companionship in Penelope, an outgoing dragon, and Hobie, a worrisome rabbit. Rapunzel spends what free time she has painting beautiful pictures of places she dreams of going when she is free one day. However, Gothel disapproves of Rapunzel's hobbies and accuses her of not appreciating everything that Gothel has done for her.
While preparing tea for Gothel, Penelope accidentally finds a secret staircase which leads to an old room below the manor. In it they discover a gift from her parents who allegedly deserted her: a silver hairbrush engraved with the following: “Constant as the stars above, always know that you are loved. To our daughter, Rapunzel on her first birthday. With Love Forever, Mother and Father.” These words leave the young artist questioning her past for the first time. Her diversion is quickly interrupted by Gothel’s calls for tea.
After serving Gothel her meal, Rapunzel and her friends revisit the cellar where Penelope exposes yet another secret: a tunnel leading to the nearby village. Rapunzel takes this path to the small kingdom and is able to rescue a princess named Katrina from a pitfall. Soon after, Rapunzel is introduced to Katrina’s elder brother, Prince Stefan. He explains to her that the trap Katrina managed to escape was put there by King Wilhelm, the ruler of an opposing kingdom. Enchanted by the mysterious maiden, Stefan asks to meet her again, to which she agrees, though their meeting is ended abruptly before Stefan can tell her his name. She quickly rushes back to the woods to avoid being discovered by Gothel. Unknown to Rapunzel, Gothel's pet ferret, Otto, has witnessed the entire exchange.
Angered, Gothel demands Rapunzel tell her the boy's name. Rapunzel insists that she does not know it, but Gothel does not believe her, thinking Rapunzel has been lying. Rapunzel tells her that she cannot keep her locked away forever to which Gothel responds, Watch me. Gothel destroys Rapunzel's paints and paintings before transforming the bedroom into a more secure, seemingly unescapable tower and stations Hugo, Penelope's father, outside. Gothel refuses to let Rapunzel go until she tells her the name of the boy she met.
That night, Rapunzel has a dream that Prince Stefan found her tower. He comes up by climbing her long hair. They nearly kiss, but Gothel shows up and separates them. Rapunzel then wakes up and recites the engraving on the hairbrush. A shower of light, outside her window, turns the hairbrush into a paintbrush.
Rapunzel is left alone with Hobie and Penelope, who cheer her up with new paint to replace the ones taken away from by Gothel. Hobie discovers the paintbrush, and Rapunzel begins to paint. It soon becomes clear that she doesn't need paint, and whatever she paints becomes real. Rapunzel paints the village and then uses the painting as a portal, arriving at the palace gardens and meeting Stefan.
She shows him the brush and asks for help to find its maker, but insists that he never tell her his name. She meets a silversmith who says his brother, who lives in Wilhelm's kingdom, made it. The silversmith has not seen his brother in years, making him very upset. Stefan realizes that the feud is hurting the villagers more than he realized.
Afterward, Stefan asks Rapunzel to a masked ball. She replies that she will meet him there. He tells that her hair is a 'beautiful give-away.' Penelope soon arrives via the painting and explains that Gothel is coming, and they must leave so that Hugo will not be punished. Rapunzel leaves, painting a way out.
When back at the tower, Rapunzel uses the paintbrush to paint herself a beautiful gown. Hobie and Penelope provide a mask. Unfortunately, the paintbrush's magic light can be seen and Otto sneaks in. He quickly steals the invitation without their notice and presents it to Gothel.
Angered, Gothel arrives at the tower, cuts off Rapunzel's hair, and shatters the paintbrush. She also manages to destroy the painting of the village. Because she thinks Rapunzel refused to tell the truth, Gothel puts a spell on her tower, which eternally holds people who lie. Gothel then storms to King Friedrich and Stefan's castle. Back at the tower, Rapunzel manages to escape with the help of Penelope and Hugo, as the spell only works if the prisoner is a liar, which Rapunzel is not. She then rushes to save Stefan and his family.
Stefan is lured away from the party by Gothel, disguised as Rapunzel. Gothel reveals herself and begins her attack. King Wilhelm comes before King Fredrick, hoping to end the feud by force. It is revealed that the source of the feud is that Wilhelm believes Fredrick kidnapped his daughter, who has been missing since she was an infant. Friedrich replies that he planned nothing of the sort and he has no idea where Wilhelm's daughter is, to which Gothel reveals that she took Rapunzel because Wilhelm "loved" her but married another woman; he saw Gothel only as a friend. Rapunzel arrives just in time to stop them from fighting, and Wilhelm immediately recognizes her as his daughter.
Gothel attacks Rapunzel with magic. As Rapunzel runs into the royal maze, she remembers the magic painting of the tower and tricks Gothel into running into it. Gothel finds herself in Rapunzel's tower, where Hugo reminds her she can't escape, as she has a lying heart.
Rapunzel is reunited with her biological parents, and marries Stefan, thus ending the feud as well as uniting the two kingdoms. Hugo, Penelope, and Hobie live in their castle with them. It's revealed that Otto now serves Gothel, but it's implied that she died soon after. A shot is seen of Rapunzel and Stefan walking along a beach, the same one that Rapunzel painted with a castle in the distance, implying her dreams came true. The scene becomes the painting Barbie had been working on.
Kelly now feels better and begins painting with blue, after Barbie reminds her that creativity is the true magic in art.

Barbie - Printesa si sarmana croitoreasa (in Romana)

 Nume: Barbie - Printesa si sarmana croitoreasa
Durata: 80 Min.
Limba: Romana
Produs in : 2004

Barbie in Printesa si frumoasa croitoreasa(traducere)

Descriere in Romana : La primul ei muzical animat, cu şapte melodii originale, Barbie prinde viaţă în această repovestire modernă a clasicei false identităţi şi a puterii prieteniei. Având la bază povestea lui Mark Twain, Barbie în Prinţesa şi sărmana croitoreasă o prezintă pe Barbie în dublul rol al prinţesei şi al ţărăncuţei sărace, două fete ce seamănă ca două picături de apă!
Drumurile lor se încrucişează atunci când prinţesa Anneliese e răpită, iar Erika, sosia sa, trebuie să încerce s-o salveze. Se poate da Erika drept prinţesă pentru a scăpa de diabolicul Preminger? Şi ce va face regele Dominick, care se îndrăgosteşte de Erika crezând că e Anneliese?
În acest spectacol muzical magic, două fete frumoase îndrăznesc să-şi urmeze visele şi să descopere că destinul e scris într-un loc deosebit: în inimă!

Descriere in Engleza :  In an unnamed kingdom, a blonde princess and a brunette pauper are born simultaneously. The princess, Anneliese, craves freedom from her royal duties, especially when she is informed by her widowed mother, Queen Genevieve, that she must marry the wealthy king of a nearby kingdom because their royal treasury is nearly bankrupt. The Pauper, Erika, craves a different sort of freedom as she is an indentured servant at the Madam Carp's Dress Emporium to work off her parents' debt, but dreams of becoming a singer.
Unbeknownst to the royal family, the royal advisor Preminger has been having his minions Nick and Nack steal gold from the royal mines for some time. Preminger plans to announce his newfound wealth to Queen Genevieve, which he believes will allow him to marry Princess Anneliese. When Preminger learns that Queen Genevieve has approached King Dominick of Dulcimia to marry Anneliese, Preminger orders Nick and Nack to kidnap Anneliese, so that Preminger can stage his "rescuing" her, hoping that Queen Genevieve will give him Anneliese's hand in marriage.
Anneliese and her tutor, Julian, are in love with one another, though they are unaware of the other's feelings. To cheer her up, Julian decides to take Anneliese into town. The princess crosses paths with Erika and the girls are shocked to see how identical they are, the only differences between them being their hair colour and the crown-shaped birthmark on Anneliese's right shoulder. The girls become friends.
On the same night, Anneliese is kidnapped and a fake letter is left on her desk stating Anneliese "ran away" to avoid marrying King Dominick. Julian suspects she was kidnapped by Preminger, so he asks Erika to impersonate the princess until he can rescue the real Anneliese. Erika agrees to the temporary ruse, and surprises Preminger when she arrives to welcome King Dominick. Dominick and Erika fall in love, despite Erika's fear of being thrown into prison when revealed that she is an imposter.
Anneliese manages to escape from Preminger's men, but after a series of events ends up being recaptured by Preminger and thrown into the mines with Julian, who had been following Preminger. Upon returning to the castle, Preminger exposes Erika as a fraud and claims that she had conspired with Julian to kill and replace the real princess. Erika, unable to prove her good intentions, is locked away in a small cell by the queen. After convincing everyone that the princess is dead, Preminger persuades Queen Genevieve to marry him to save the kingdom. Erika manages to escape from her cell and bumps into Dominick, who reveals that he doesn't believe that Preminger is telling the truth. Elsewhere, Anneliese and Julian confess their love for each other and work together to escape the mines.
At the queen's wedding, Anneliese arrives in time to stop the marriage and reveals Preminger's deceit. After confessing to her mother that she loves Julian and does not wish to marry King Dominick, Anneliese presents to the queen a solution to the kingdom's gold shortage: the rocks discarded by the miners actually hold amethysts and the mine is full of them.
Dominick confesses his love for Erika and asks if she would marry him. Erika, freed from her debt to Madam Carp thanks to Anneliese, chooses not to accept marriage just yet so that she achieve her dream of singing all around the world. After several months, she realizes that the place she would really like to sing is among her friends, and returns to marry Dominick while Anneliese marries Julian in a double wedding.

Barbie Mariposa (in Romana)

 Nume: Barbie Mariposa
Durata: 75 Min.
Limba: Romana
Produs in: 2008

Barbie Mariposa Prietenii fluturi
Descriere in Romana : Mariposa este o zana careia ii place sa citeasca si sa viseze la lumea din Taramul Fluturilor, care este protejat de puterile magice ale Reginei. Dar dupa ce Regina este otravita de Henna, zana rea, puterile sale incep sa dispara una cate una. Acum totul depinde de Mariposa si de prietenii ei, care pornesc intr-o calatorie pentru a descoperi antidotul care o salveaza pe Regina.

Descriere in Engleza :  Bibble is worried that he will embarrass himself and won't belong with his friend's friends, so Elina (heroine of the Fairytopia films) tells him the story of Mariposa, a butterfly fairy who lives in far-off Flutterfield, a remote kingdom in Fairytopia populated by fairies with butterfly wings. Henna, the evil butterfly fairy and the attendant of the queen of Flutterfield, has poisoned the queen in an attempt to take over the kingdom. Due to this, the lights protecting Flutterfield are in danger of going out, as they go out only when the queen is dead. These lights protect Flutterfield from the "Skeezites", monsters who eat butterfly fairies,and are afraid of light. It is up to Mariposa and her friends/employers, Rayna and Rayla, to find an antidote to save the queen.
They first travel according to the map, but when night falls, they are far from Flutterfield, and the Skeezites appear. They engage in a long chase scene, but Mariposa, Rayna and Rayla escape through a gate of red plants. However, the map gets chomped by an Skeezite. Mariposa remembers that there was a sun picture on the map, and she concludes that they should travel east, as toward the rising sun.
They then arrive at the Wilderness, and encounter a little flying rabbit named Zinzie, who is a great thrower and loves fluttercorn, and leads them to a mermaid statue in exchange for a packet of fluttercorn. They end up all diving into a lake and find mermaids. Mariposa asks them to tell her the whereabouts of the Cave of Reflections, and the mermaids agree to help them, but they ask for one thing in exchange: Concho shells. However, little merbabies are sleeping and use these shells as pillows, and it is revealed that if you wake the baby, the baby cries and wakes a sea monster. Rayla finds a plant, and wraps it until it bears the shape of the conch shells. They gently swap the shells with the plant, but one of the babies is tickled on the nose by a little leaf that was not wrapped properly, and the baby wakes and starts crying. This wakes the other babies, who as well start crying, waking the sea monster. While Mariposa delivers the concho shells to the mermaids, Rayna, Zinzie and Rayla try to escape the sea monster by swimming in different directions. The mermaids help in the end, and they all escape the sea monster.
Meanwhile, Queen Marabella has fallen ill, and the guards captured the prince who was trying to find the antidote. The Queen's captain of the guards holds him in an conversation, and another fairy sought the prince and freed him. That fairy is Willa, Mariposa's best friend. She tells the prince that she has spotted Henna doing evil things. So they decide to follow her, and the two find out that she had taken control over Skeezites by mixing a strange liquid and thistleburst; moreover, they discover that Henna was plotting to take over Flutterfield all this time.
The mermaids tell the four braves where to find the Cave of Reflections, and they fly towards it eagerly, but find that the cave was guarded by Skeezites. Zinzie manages to trick the Skeezites, and the four escape into the cave. There, they find their reflections talking back to themselves. They finally meet the Fairy of the Cave, who leads the group to different sections, where she proclaims each time "one of you must stay behind". Mariposa was left as the last one, and the cave fairy guides her toward a place filled with stars. She tells that one star hold the antidote she needs. Mariposa eventually finds one (which was all by itself), in which she used the archer's star pattern to locate it. This hints that this was the correct star, and for that reason, Mariposa is presented with larger, more beautiful sparkling wings.
The four heroines arrive back just in time when the Skeezites start attacking everyone at the Royal fairy castle. Mariposa eventually discovers that it was Henna who poisoned the queen, so she races to cure her with the antidote. Henna tries stopping Mariposa from foiling her plans, but Mariposa eventually manages to heal Marabella before she dies. Henna leaves and goes away with the Skeezites under the pretense of not getting caught, thus fleeing from the light. After the big save, Queen Marabella presents each of the heroines with a crown of flowers. Since then, Mariposa felt she belonged, having learned that being herself is the best thing in life.

Barbie si cei trei muschetari (in Romana)

 Nume: Barbie si cei trei muschetari
Durata: 80 Min.
Limba: Romana
Produs in: 2009

Barbie Cei trei muschetari
Descriere in Romana : Barbie este Corinne, o tânără ţărăncuţă care pleacă la Paris pentru a-şi îndeplini visul, devenind muşchetar! Aici, ea întâlneşte trei fete care, în taină, au acelaşi vis. Vor reuşi oare fetele să danseze la balul mascat, să se schimbe în costume de muşchetari şi să îl salveze pe prinţ, fără să îşi strice tocurile? Urmăriţi o incitantă aventură care demonstrează că visurile chiar se pot transforma în realitate!

Descriere in Engleza :  Corinne is a country girl from Gascony who dreams of being a musketeer in France. She goes to Paris with a letter for Monsieur Treville, the captain of the musketeers and an old friend of her father, hoping to be accepted as a musketeer.
But being a musketeer is not easy for Corinne. She is made fun of, and hired as a palace maid, not a musketeer. She meets her coworkers, three other girls who also dream of being musketeers too: Viveca, Aramina, and Renee. The next day when they return to work, a chandelier drops, and Viveca, Aramina, and Renee show off their musketeering skills. Corinne also finds a small ruby and above finds that the rope has been cut.
An old maid named Helen overhears their conversation and takes them through a secret passageway, where she leads them to the old musketeer training room, and agrees to train the four girls to be true musketeers. Soon the four girls are mastering their skills with Helen's help.
One day, while Corinne is cleaning the windows, she spots the prince hanging from his flying machine and runs to help him. The prince thanks Corinne, but later, she finds that the rope has been cut, just like the chandelier!
One night, Corinne, Viveca, Aramina, and Renee decide to celebrate their musketeering skills and walk into the dark, quiet streets. They encounter a man who pulls out a knife, and Corrine realises it matches the ruby she found next to the chandelier. They soon discover that the regiont's men were sneaking weapons into the masquerade ball to kill the prince!
Finally, Corinne and her friends have a chance to save Prince Louis from his evil cousin with a very clever plan. Prince Louis names them royal musketeers. In the end, Corinne and her four friends ride horses saying, "All for One, and One for All"

Barbie Fairytopia (in Romana)

   Nume:Barbie Fairytopia 
Durata: 70 Min.
Limba: Romana
Produs in: 2005

Descriere in Romana : Cu Barbie in rolul Elinei! La capatul curcubeului, in Fairytopia, traieste Elina, o minunata zana a florilor, care isi doreste cu disperare sa aiba aripi.
Casa ei este o floare din Poiana Magica, unde traieste alaturi de Bibble, o bila de puf tafnoasa, dar foarte simpatica.
Intr-o zi, Elina se trezeste si vede ca floarea in care locuia e bolnava, iar prietenele ei zane nu pot zbura! Ea isi aduna tot curajul pentru a le ajuta si pleaca intr-o calatorie fantastica pentru a o gasi pe Azura, o Zana Pazitoare care ar putea rezolva problema. Pe drum intalneste oameni care ii vor testa curajul si o vor invata ce inseamna adevarata prietenie. Dar poate o zana fara aripi sa salveze Fairytopia?
Veniti alaturi de Barbie, in rolul Elinei, in primul ei film despre Fairytopia, si descoperiti o lume fermecata, cu zane, flori si experiente incantatoare!

Descriere in Engleza :  Following the previous "Fairytopia films", Elina and her puffball friend, Bibble, live in the Magic Meadow, a region in Fairytopia. They receive a visit from Azura, one of the seven guardian fairies of Fairytopia. The Enchantress, ruler of Fairytopia, has instructed the seven guardians to appoint an apprentice each, and Azura wants Elina to be her apprentice. Elina thrilled by the honour, and sets off for the Enchantress' home, Crystal Palace, where she has to go to accept the apprenticeship. Along the way to the Crystal Palace, Elina and Bibble meet a apprentice named Linden and a winged animal (called a Tumby) and make friends.
Elina arrives at the dormitories near the Crystal Palace, where the apprentices are to stay, and meets her fellow apprentices. In particular she gets along with Glee, a fairy who has a female puffball, Dizzle, as a companion who Bibble falls in love with.
The seven apprentices are addressed by the seven guardians, who inform them that one of the main duties of the guardians is to perform the Flight of Spring. During the Flight of Spring, the First Blush of Spring (resembling a pink flower bud), is coaxed open. The First Blush of Spring then releases the First Rainbow of Spring, thereby preventing a bitter cold winter of ten years to befall Fairytopia. The apprentices are to attend classes, given by the various guardians, and learn three techniques for performing the Flight. It becomes evident as the fairies attend classes that Elina is a particularly gifted fairy.
Unknown to Elina, the evil Laverna wishes revenge on the Enchantress and Elina, following her defeat in the previous "Fairytopia" films. She transforms her henchman Max into a decoy to stay at the bog, while Laverna herself approaches Elina and tricks her into performing a Fairy Undoing Spell. Laverna regains her fairy form and flies away. Elina is mortified by her mistake, but when she tries to warn the guardian fairies, they consult the looking glass and see Max in Laverna's place, mistakenly concluding that Laverna is still safely transformed. Even so, as the time to perform the Flight of Spring draws near, security is tightened and the apprentices take turns patrolling at night. The Other Apperntices, excluding Linden and Glee, confront Elina by the accident she made by being tricked by Laverna.
During patrols, another apprentice named Sunburst is injured, and all the guardian fairies fall into comas. The Enchantress herself appears and says that she will personally train the apprentices, since they will have to perform the Dance of Spring while the guardian fairies are comatose.
On the big day, the seven apprentices arrive at the Crystal Palace. They start to perform Flight, during which Elina discovers that Sunburst is actually Laverna in disguise. Knowing that no one will believe her, Elina leaves the ceremony to search for the real Sunburst. She eventually finds the real Sunburst trapped in an underwater bubble, frees her, and together they set off to the Crystal Palace. Confronted by the real Sunburst, Laverna reveals herself and tells the Enchantress that she must abdicate the throne of Fairytopia and step into a spell-proof chamber, or else Laverna will destroy the First Blush of Spring. The Enchantress agrees, but Laverna starts destroying the First Blush of Spring anyway. Elina intercedes but is weakened. The other apprentices perform Luminescence, aiming their beams of light at Elina, who absorbs their power, transforms into a beautiful rainbow fairy and fights back to Laverna.
With Laverna gone, the spell-proof chamber shatters and the Enchantress is restored. Despite the damage on the First Blush, the apprentices manage to coax it to open successfully. At the graduation ceremony, the seven apprentices are applauded for their good work and bravery, and each handed a badge as proof that they’ve completed the course. Elina has a heartfelt talk with Linden and Glee, before she leaves, and Bibble gets a goodbye hug from Dizzle. Elina and Bibble both set off back to The Magic Meadow to see Dandelion again.

Barbie si magia lui Pegasus (in Romana)

 Nume:Barbie si magia lui Pegasus 
Durata: 85 min.
Limba: Romana
Produs in: 2005

Barbie Magia lui Pegasus

Descriere in Romana : Barbie îsi ia zborul în primul sãu basm original, "Barbie si al ei Pegasus Magic". Printesa Annika (Barbie) descoperã aventura, atunci când se împrieteneste cu Brietta, un minunat cal înaripat, care o duce în frumosul Regat al Norilor. Annika are numai trei zile la dispozitie sã scape de vraja lui Wenlock, un vrãjitor diabolic, care i-a transformat familia în stane de piatrã. În încercarea ei de a-l învinge pe Wenlock, Annika întâlneste noi prieteni si împreunã vor cãlãtori prin pãduri interzise, vor patina prin pesteri de gheatã si vor zbura deasupra norilor, pentru a construi o baghetã magicã de luminã. Coloana sonorã include teme din Simfonia a 6-a, de Beethoven. Zburati împreunã cu Barbie în cea mai uluitoare aventurã a sa!

Descriere in Engleza : In a magical kingdom, the Queen wants to surprise her daughter, Princess Annika, with a birthday gift. When she opens the door to Annika's room, she discovers that Annika is missing, having gone to an ice rink without asking for permission. Out skating, Annika meets a small polar bear whom she names Shiver. When Annika returns to the palace, her parents are so worried and overprotective they forbid her from skating ever again.
That night, Annika sneaks out of the palace to join a festival. A powerful wizard named Wenlock appears and asks the princess to marry him. When Annika refuses, Wenlock furiously tells the king and queen the fate of their "other daughter," which surprises Annika. Wenlock magically turns everyone into stone, but Annika is saved by Brietta, a flying horse, but Wenlock tells her that she has three days to marry him, otherwise the spell will be permanent.
Brietta takes Annika to a castle in the clouds called the Cloud Kingdom. There Annika discovers that "the other daughter" of the king and queen is Brietta, who was transformed into a Pegasus by Wenlock when she refused to marry him (explaining why Annika's parents are so overprotective). Annika decides to build the "Wand of Light" to break Wenlock's spell. In order to accomplish this, they must have a measure of courage, a ring of love and a gem of ice lit by hope's eternal flame. The Cloud Queen gives Brietta a crystal bell to ring if she is in need of help.
The group travels to the Forbidden Forest, where they meet a young man named Aidan who helps them after they get caught in a net. When Shiver and Annika fall into a giant's stew pot, Annika tricks him into chaining himself to a post, and uses her hair ribbon to climb out. The ribbon is the same size as her, and as a measure of courage, it turns into a staff for the Wand of Light.
After trading Annika's skates for a fake map, the group finds themselves in a large cavern filled with gems, where a sign tells them to take only what they need. Although they get 2 gems, Shiver causes a cave-in thanks to her amazement of the gems' sparkles, which they narrowly manage to escape. As Aidan starts to forge the Wand, he reveals that he ran away from his parents and lost all of his money gambling. He got an extra gem to bring to his parents so that he could get their forgiveness.
Brietta offers her tiara to make the ring of love. With all three objects, the "Wand of Light" is assembled. To prove that the Wand works, Annika asks for Brietta to be a human from the bottom of her heart. Then, Brietta transformed back into a human.
Annika and Brietta return to the Cloud Kingdom on two pegasuses summoned by the Cloud Queen's bell, but Wenlock pursues them, hurting Brietta. Angrily Annika asks the wand to destroy Wenlock. But it does not work. Annika gives up. Finally she agrees to marry Wenlock if he changes her parents and the people back to normal persons. Wenlock refuses her for she is hateful, just like his other wives. He sneers at her, taking the wand from Annika's hand. He causes a snowslide, trapping Annika.
Immediately Aidan comes and helps to dig Annika out. Aidan and Brietta brings an unconscious Annika to the Cloud Kingdom. After Annika wakes up, the trio go to Wenlock's lair. Blush decides not to give the clouds a dusk color to give Annika more time after some persuasion by Rose. While Brietta guards the pegasus, Annika, Aidan, and Shiver slides to the green castle. Aidan fights against Griffin as Annika searches for the wand. When she finds the wand, suddenly the gem falls. Fortunately Aidan gives Annika his own.
Realizing how to work the Wand, Annika asks it to defeat Wenlock for the love of her family and friends. Wenlock turns to be an ordinary person and the spell on Annika's parents is broken. Annika shows them Brietta and the entire family celebrates together, while Aidan's father forgives him. Aidan makes Annika meet his father too. The end scene shows Aidan and Annika skating in the cloud palace. Both Aidan and Annika are wearing crowns, signifying that they have gotten married. Brietta remarks that they look happy, and gifts the Cloud Queen with the Wand, who replies that it will be the first star at night.

Barbie - Secretul zanelor (in Romana)


  Nume: Barbie - Secretul zanelor 
Durata: 70 Min
Limba : Romana 
Produs in : 2011

Barbie - Secretul Zanelor

Descriere in Romana : "Barbie a fairy secret" este o poveste plina de magie si de fantastic. Toata actiunea incepe atunci cand Ken este rapit de niste zane pentru a fi dus pe taramul acestora si pentru a se casatori cu Printesa Graciella, conducatoarea zanelor. Barbie descopera ca asistentele ei, Carrie si Taylor sunt zane, si porneste cu acestea in incercarea de a-l salva pe Ken de la o casatorie nedorita. In ajutorul lui Barbie sare si Raquelle, chiar daca cele doua se detesta de foarte mult timp.

  Pentru a ajunge pe taramul zanelor cele patru au nevoie de o poarta magica si singura deschisa mereu se afla in Paris, la cea mai mare creatoare de moda care este si ea o zana. O data ajunse pe taramul zanelor Carrie si Taylor le duc pe Barbie si pe Raquelle la magazinul pentru aripi pentru a-si lua si ele cate o pereche de aripi. Intre timp Ken se lupta cu Zane, fostul logodnic al Printeseii Graciella, pentru mana printesei. Ceea ce nu stie nimeni din regat este ca printesa se afla sub vraja potiunii dragostei. Acum Barbie trebuie sa o scape pe pritesa de efectul acestei vraji pentru a-l putea salva pe Ken si pentru a se putea intoarce acasa.

Descriere in Engleza
Barbie is at the premiere of her latest movie when her co-star and rival, Raquelle, steps on her dress, ripping it. Her stylists, Carrie and Taylor, secretly being fairies, use magic to mend it. Crystal, another fairy, greets Carrie and Taylor and goes back to Gloss Angeles, taking one final picture of Ken.
Back in Gloss Angeles, Crystal shows Princess Graciella the pictures she took at the premiere. She gives the Princess a love potion, which turns her eyes from blue to purple. Crystal then shows the Princess the picture of Ken she took, and Graciella falls in love with him on the spot.
The next day at Wally’s restaurant, Barbie confronts Raquelle. While the two are arguing, Princess Graciella, Crystal, and two assistant fairies show up and kidnap Ken. Carrie and Taylor sprout their wings and attempt to stop the Princess from taking Ken, but the portal to Gloss Angeles closes before they can enter it. The stylists attempt to dissuade Raquelle and Barbie of the fact that they just saw fairies, but admit their existence. Meanwhile in Gloss Angeles, Ken and the Princess arrive in the royal palace, where they meet Zane, Graciella’s boyfriend. Zane is outraged, at Graciella's new love interest challenges Ken to three duels.
Barbie, Raquelle and the fairies go to a clothing store, where they enter the Flyway (a fairy method of transport), teleporting to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris. The fairies reveal that Lilianna Roxelle, a fashion critic from the previous movie, is the oldest and wisest fairy living on Earth. They arrive at Lilianna’s house, Lilianna Roxelle,says them that Princess Graciella is acting under a potion love.
Lilliana gives Barbie a potion saying that Princess Graciella can get back to be a normal princess and not keep acting under a love potion if she drinks it. Then Barbie, Raquelle, Taylor and Carrie arrive at Gloss Angeles, cross the Palace's guard-tornadoes(swirlnadoes) aboard ponies, change their costumes to cooks, and try to reveal princess Graciella about Crystal's love potion, but to no avail. Crystal finds Taylor and Carrie with Taylor's shoes, and Barbie, Raquelle, Taylor and Carrie are locked in a furysphere. Barbie and Raquelle become friends in the cage, and the anger of a passion fairy(the furysphere)turns to real wings due to forgiveness and friendship, and Barbie and Raquelle, who now got real wings, now realize that 'forgiveness makes you fly' and they stop the wedding between Graciella and Ken, and quarrel for sometime with the attendants, and at last put the antidote on Graciella, who gets married to zane. She punishes crystal after her wedding with zane.
Graciella tells Barbie and Raquelle that their wings will disappear when they go back to the human world, and then reappear when they return to Gloss Angeles. But Raquelle does not promise Graciella that she'll keep Gloss Angeles and faries existence a secret. Thus, the fairies blow a magic sleeping dust on them. The next morning, Barbie wakes up with no recollection of Gloss Angeles or the fairies, thinking it was a dream. However, she and Raquelle are now friends. Carrie and Taylor tell the two that they reconnected with an old friend and are going back to their hometown Gloss Angeles.

Barbie si cele 12 printese dansatoare (in Romana)

 Nume: Barbie si cele 12 printese dansatoare
Limba: Romana
Durata: 80 Min.
 Produs in: 2006

Descriere in Romana : Prinţesa Geneviève, interpretată de Barbie, şi cele 11 surori ale sale locuiesc într-un regat în care domneşte buna dispoziţie şi dansul, până într-o zi când se mută la ele lacoma lor verişoară , iar din castel dispare bucuria care-l însufleţea.  
Zâmbetul revine pe chipul prinţeselor atunci când ele descoperă sub podeaua camerei lor o intrare secretă spre un tarâm magic.   Atunci când regele este în pericol, Prinţesa Geneviève, împreună cu surorile sale vor să facă tot posibilul ca să îşi salveze tatăl, precum şi întregul regat. Ele învaţă astfel că solidaritatea unei familii poate să învingă toate obstacolele.

Descriere in Engleza :  Barbie stars as Genevieve, a princess with eleven sisters: Ashlyn, Blair, Courtney, Delia, Edeline, Fallon, Hadley, Isla, Janessa, Kathleen and Lacey. They live in a castle with their widowed father, King Randolph. The girls' adventurous and free-spirited natures are viewed as "unladylike" and "non-proper" by other members of the royal society, and this leads to king summoning his cousin, Duchess Rowena, to the castle to help raise them. Unknown to him, Rowena plans to poison the king and get rid of his daughters so that she can be queen. Attempting to break the girls' spirits, Rowena makes the princesses' lives miserable by stripping the castle of everything they love, as well as banishing dancing and singing from the castle.
The princesses find comfort in their late mother's (Queen Isabella) favorite story, which tells of a magical kingdom where gold flowers grant wishes and a princess could dance at an enchanted pavilion for three nights. The princesses figure out that the story contains clues on how to really enter the magical kingdom from their bedroom by dancing on specific stones on the floor. The princesses also discover the healing properties of the water in this kingdom.
The next day, the girls are tired and the duchess finds their new dancing shoes worn through, arousing her suspicions. The royal cobbler and Genevieve's love interest, Derek, comes to fix their shoes and sees that they are covered in gold dust. Genevieve asks Derek to find out what Rowena's true intentions are, especially since Randolph has mysteriously fallen ill. That night the princesses return to the magical kingdom to dance under the nose of Rowena's footman, Desmond, who is standing guard outside the princesses' room. During this time, Derek discovers that Rowena is stealing heirlooms from the castle and dealing with an apothecary and rushes back to the kingdom.
The next morning, the sisters are exhausted. Rowena interrogates and threatens them, but when they tell her the truth she refuses to believe them and forces them into servitude. Heartbroken, the princesses return to the magical kingdom, and Rowena finds the sisters gone the next morning. That evening, Derek makes it back to the castle but discovers that the princesses are missing. He sneaks into their bedroom and, remembering the dance Genevieve had shown him earlier, enters the magic realm and reports his findings to the girls. Rowena's monkey minion, Brutus, witnesses Derek entering the Realm and reports back to Rowena, who uses this knowledge to get in, steal some flowers that grant wishes, and then destroying the doorway behind her after she returns to the castle.
The princesses and Derek are trapped in the Magical Realm. They eventually figure out that when Genevieve and Derek dance together, everyone floats up into the sky and return home through a different gateway that leads to their mother's dance pavilion.
Once back, the sisters and Derek discover that Rowena is acting queen. The princesses break into the castle to confront Rowena, and after a struggle Rowena uses the flowers to wish for Genevieve to dance forever. But when the flower dust comes towards her, Genevieve produces her fan and blows it back at Rowena, who starts dancing instead. Desmond joins her while trying to help and the two villains dance their way out of the castle and the film.
It is revealed that Lacey has saved some water from the magical kingdom. She uses it, and thereby heals the dying king. Randolph explains that Rowena was poisoning him and apologizes to his daughters for not believing them. The film ends with everything made right as Genevieve and Derek celebrate their wedding.

Barbie si Craciunul perfect (in Romana)

Nume: Barbie si Craciunul perfect
Limba: Romana
Durata: 73 Min.
Produs in: 2011


Descriere in Romana : "Barbie: A Perfect Christmas" ne-o prezinta pe Barbie intr-o noua aventura. Aceasta impreuna cu surorile ei, Skipper, Stacie si Chelsea pleaca spre New York unde isi vor petrece sarbatorile de craciun. Din pacate pentru acestea vremea devine foarte rea si avionul e nevoit sa aterizeze intr-o cu totul alta destinatie. De acolo cele patru surori iau o masina insa se ratacesc pe drum si ajung la hanul "Pomul de craciun" unde pregatirile pentru Craciun sunt in toi. Cele patru inopteaza la han insa dimineata descopera ca zborurile avioanelor sunt in continuare anulate asa ca se distreaza cat pot de bine la han. Aici descopera ca angazatii pun in scena un spectacol si decid sa ajute. Skipper decide ca poate organiza totul insase dovedeste rapid ca are nevoie de ajutor, dupa ce cateii care ar trebui sa faca parte din program, distrug c-am tot ce gasesc incercand sa prinda o veverita. Chealsea dispare si celelalte trei surori tebuie sa o gaseasca si apoi sa se intoarca la petrecerea de craciun, petrecere care nu se stie cum va arata.

Descriere in Engleza : Join Barbie and her sisters, Skipper, Stacie and Chelsea as their holiday vacation plans turn into a most unexpected adventure and heartwarming lesson. After a snow storm grounds their plane, the girls find themselves far from their New York City destination and their holiday dreams. Now stranded at a remote hotel in Rodchester, Minnesota, the sisters are welcomed by new friends and magical experiences. In appreciation for the wonderful hospitality they receive, Barbie, Skipper, Stacie, and Chelsea use their musical talents to put on a performance for the whole town. Barbie and her sisters realize the true joy of being together is what really makes  A Perfect Christmas