X-men - Episodul 1

Nume: X-Men
Nr. episoade : 31
Limba : Romana

Descriere in Romana : 

X-Men Evolution este o serie de desene animate despre echipa de superi eroi Marvel Comisc X-Men castigatoare a doua premii Emmy.In aceste seriale mai multe dintre personaje sunt adolescenti, mai degraba decat adulti.Serialele ruleaza pe un total de 4 sezoane (52 episoade) din noiembrie 2000 pana in octombrie 2003 pe Kids'WB, el devenind al treilea cel mai lung serial de desene animate Marvel Comics, in urma serialelor X-Men: The Aminated Serise si Spider-Man: The Animated Series. Serialul a inceput sa ruleze pe Disney XD pe 15 iunie 2009.

Sezonul Intai

Primul sezon introduce personajele de baza si stabileste bazele pentru viitoruil povestii.Profesorul X, Wolverine, Cyclops, Storm si Jean Grey alcatuiesc originala echipa X-Men.In timp ce sezonul se desfasoara, randurile echipei X-Men se maresc cu Nightcrawler in primul episod, Shadowcat in al doilea episod,Spike in al cincilea si Rogue (care initial se alaturase Fratiei)in al saptelea.In episoadele urmatoare, Nightcrawler descopera identitatea mamei sale, Wolverine afla raspunsuri privitor la raspunsul sau, Rogue schimba taberele ca sa se alature echipei X-Men iar fratele geaman al lui Xavier este eliberat din inchisoare.Pe parcursul sezonului confruntari sunt de obicei cu Fratia, care rivalizeaza cu X-Men pentru noi recruti.Toad este primul introdus, urmat de Avalansa, Blob si Quicksilver. Fratia aparent condusa de Mystique, sunt de fapt condusi de o putere mai mare, identitatea persoanei fiind descoperite la finalele sezonului 2,ca fiind Magneto. Dupa ce Cyclops afla ca fratele lui Alex inca mai traieste dupa accidentul de avion care le-a omorat parintii, acestia sunt luati in sanctuarul lui Magneti pe Asteroid M.Magneti captureaza o multime de membri ai X-Men si ai Fratiei intr-o incercare de a amplifica abilitatile lor de mutanti si de a le elimina emotiile.Asteroid M. este distrud de Scott si Alex Summers, dar nu inainte ca doua obiecte metalice neidentificate sa zboare de pe piatra care era pe cale sa explodeze.

Sezonul al Doilea

In al doilea sezon sunt adaugati mai multi mutanti inclusiv Beast, care devine profesor la institutul lui Xavier si un X-Men de asemenea.Pe parcursul sezonului este relevat ca personajele negative care erau crezute moarte, sunt in viata.Sabretooth continua lupta cu Wolverine, iar Magneto continua sa lucreze la agenda sa.Mystique se prezinta ca Risty Wilde, o eleva de liceu care se imprieteneste cu Rogue si intra in casa lui Xavier pentru a fura fisiere din Celebro. Cu ajutorul acestor fisiere ea reuseste sa o recupereze pe Wanda Maximoff, fiica lui Magneto si sora lui Quicksilver.Mutantul instabil mintal se alatura Fratiei, permitandu-le sa castige o batalie impotriva X-Men la mall-ul din Bayville.Inainte de finalele sezonului, este difuzat un episod esential care il prezinta pe telepatul Mesmero care deschide una din cele trei usi care il vor elibera pe Apocalypse.La finalele sezonului in antreneaza pe elevii sai sa faca fata lui Magneto, acociindui cu Fratia. Cyclops furios deoarece trenbuia sa se antreneze alaturi de Fratie, paraseste echipa.In acest timp Magneto, ii antreneaza pe Sabretooth, Gambit, Pyro, pe Colossus sa se lupte impotriva echipei X-Men/Fratiei.In acest timp Wolverine este capturat de Bolivar Trask pentru a fi folosit ca subiect pentru arma anti-mutanti, Santinela. Santinela este eliberata in oras, fortandu-i pe X-Men sa isi foloseasca puterile in public.Wanda il pune la pamant si il ataca pe Magneto in timp ce acesta incerca sa doboare Santinela. In final Santinela este avariata si pare ca il zdrobeste si pe Magnetoatunci. Cand mutantii care nu au fost capturati de catre Santinela se intorc la institut, Cyclops si elevii vin de la explozia institutului nevatamati. Cyclops il arunca pe Xavier de pe scaunul cu rotile si il acuza pentru explozia institutului. Xavier ridicandu-se calm se transforma in Mystique.

Description in English : 

The show features X-Men similar in look and line-up to the early 1990s X-Men drawn by Jim Lee (more specifically, Cyclops' Blue Team, established in the early issues of the second X-Men comic series), composed of Cyclops, Wolverine, Rogue, Storm, Beast, Gambit, Jubilee, Jean Grey, Professor X, as well as an original character, Morph (an adaptation of previous X-Men member Kevin Sydney).
A number of famous storylines and events from the comics are loosely adapted in the series, such as "The Dark Phoenix Saga", "Days of Future Past", the "Phalanx Covenant", and the "Legacy Virus". The third episode, "Enter Magneto", features a confrontation at a missile base: this is largely based on the X-Men's first battle with Magneto, as told in their 1963 debut The X-Men #1. The season four episodes "Sanctuary, Parts I & II", which involve Magneto creating an orbiting haven for mutants, were influenced by several storylines from the comics, chiefly the first three issues of X-Men (Volume 2) and the "Fatal Attractions" crossover. An Age of Apocalypse-like time-line is shown in the episode "One Man's Worth". The entire saga of the Phoenix is retold and adapted in the third season, subdivided into the five-part "Phoenix Saga", in which Jean acquires the power of the Phoenix and the battle for the M'Kraan Crystal occurs, and the "Dark Phoenix Saga", showcasing the battle with the Hellfire Club, the Phoenix Force's transformation into Dark Phoenix, and the battle to decide her fate. These particular episodes were so closely adapted from their comic counterpart that the episodes have the additional credit, "Based on stories by Chris Claremont".
Prejudice, intolerance, isolation, and racism were all frequent themes in the animated series, as they were in the comics. Anti-mutant prejudice and discrimination was depicted through minor characters as well as more prominent ones, including Senator Robert Kelly, the Friends of Humanity (whose activities and masks in later episodes echoed white supremacy groups such as the Ku Klux Klan) and robotic Sentinels. On the opposite side of the spectrum, Professor Xavier and Magneto, much like their comic-book counterparts, bear similarities to civil rights leaders Martin Luther King Jr. and Malcolm X, respectively. While Xavier advocates non-violence in the struggle for equality, Magneto takes on a more aggressive 'by any means necessary' stance; the duo's differing views are the source of much discussion throughout the series.
The series also deals with other social issues, including divorce ("Proteus"), Christianity ("Nightcrawler" & "Bloodlines"), the Holocaust ("Enter Magneto," "Deadly Reunions", "Days of Future Past", and "The Phalanx Covenant"), AIDS hysteria ("Time Fugitives"), and even satires of television itself ("Mojovision" and "Longshot").
X-Men also crossed over with fellow animated series Spider-Man, when Spider-Man seeks out the X-Men's help to stave off his progressing mutation. In the abbreviated form of the Secret Wars storyline, the Beyonder and Madame Web selected Spider-Man to lead a team of heroes including Storm) against a group of villains. One completely written chapter of "Secret Wars" involved the X-Men, but transporting the X-Men cast to L.A. (where production for the Spider-Man animated series was based) from Canada (where the X-Men animated series was based) was too costly in the previous episodes the X-Men appeared in, so the episode was dropped and only Storm was used as Iona Morris lived in L.A.Hulk and She-Hulk weren't used in these episodes because the Hulk show was on UPN.
The first season of the show brought the X-Men into conflict with human conspirators building mutant-exterminating Sentinel robots, Magneto and his attempts to instigate a human-mutant war, and the powerful mutant Apocalypse's plans to eradicate the weak, both human and mutant alike. Other storylines including X-Men member Morph's death at the hands of Sentinels, Beast's incarceration, and an assassination attempt on US senator Kelly by Apocalypse's minions to turn human sentiment against the mutants. The second season sees Cyclops and Jean get married and become the targets of Mister Sinister, who hopes to use the genetically perfect combination of their DNA to create an army of obedient mutants. Morph returns, having been rescued by Sinister and brainwashed into forcing the X-Men apart. The season also features the growing rift between humans and mutants, spearheaded by the Friends of Humanity, an anti-mutant group who lead the persecution of all mutants. Apocalypse also returns, developing a deadly plague to be blamed on mutants, fuelling mutant hatred.
The third season focuses on the cosmic force, the Phoenix, which merges with Jean Grey and eventually turns her into the malevolent and powerful Dark Phoenix. The season also introduced the Shi'ar Empire who want to stop the Dark Phoenix, including Liandra and Gladiator. Other storylines include the introduction of Wolverine's former lover turned mercenary, Lady Deathstrike, former X-Men member Iceman, and the villainous Shadow King.