Billy si Mandy - Episodul 1

Nume : Billy si Mandy (Billy & Mandy)
Nr. episoade : 35
Limba : Romana
A fost difuzat pe : Cartoon Network

Descriere in Romana :

Negrele aventuri ale lui Billy și Mandy (engleză The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy) este un serial de desene animate american, difuzat de Cartoon Network. A fost mai întâi parte a seriei Negru și rău. A fost câștigătorul premiilor Emmy și Annie.
Personajele principale sunt Billy și Mandy, doi copii ce l-au manipulat pe Grim să fie prietenul lor pe vecie, după pierderea unui joc de limbo.

Despre serial

Billy și Mandy sunt doi copii din orașul Endsville. Într-o zi, când aceștia sărbătoreau a zecea aniversare a hamsterului lui Billy, apare Negri. Acesta voia să îi ia viața hamsterului, dar spre uimirea lui, Billy și Mandy nu s-au speriat de el. Mandy refuză să îi dea hamsterul lui Grim și propune să joace un joc pentru sufletul lui (ca și în filmul clasic The Seventh Seal). Dacă Grim câștiga primea hamsterul și putea să-i ia inima; dacă pierdea trebuia să fie prietenul copiilor pentru eternitate.


  • Billy este genul de băiat care e fericit oriunde s-ar afla. E un puști hiperactiv și curios care-și bagă nasul peste tot, dar din păcate, de multe ori, fără să mai reușească să și-l și scoată!
  • Mandy este cea mai bună prietenă a lui Billy. Plină de mânie și cruzime, ea obține tot timpul ceea ce-și dorește doar prin forța voinței sale, chiar și propriilor ei părinți fiindu-le teamă de ea.
  • Negri (engleză Grim) este un individ distins, scheletic, cu un accent de Caraibe în voce. Slujba lui anterioară era să adune și să ducă spiritele în lumea de dincolo. Acum trebuie să fie bun prieten cu Billy și Mandy.

Description in English :

The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy (also known as Billy & Mandy: The Series) is an American animated television series that aired on Cartoon Network. The show began in 2003 and is a spin-off of the 2001 film Billy & Mandy and the show Grim & Evil. The Grim Adventures of Billy & Mandy follows two children named Mandy and Billy, who after winning a limbo game to save Billy's ten-year-old pet hamster, gain the mighty Grim Reaper as their best friend in eternal servitude and slavery forever and ever. The show ran from June 13, 2003, to November 9, 2007 (though due to a successful spin-off, it ended by default on October 12, 2008), in all seven seasons with seventy-one episodes were made in its original run. In addition to the episodes; three movies, two special episodes, and nineteen shorts were made, with 3 award wins for the series as a whole. Billy & Mandy has also been made into a video game as well as various licensed merchandise.


The series is centered around the exploits of two young children—the optimistic, dim-witted, and kindhearted Billy, and the dark, ill-tempered, sinister, and very intelligent Mandy. After cheating at a limbo match against the Grim Reaper (out of retaliation for putting the limbo rod too low for them to go under), he is enslaved in a perpetual, unwanted friendship with the children, who use his magical abilities and supernatural powers to venture into supernatural locations or environments, such as the underworld, inhabited by an assortment of grotesque monstrous beasts. The pair also may use Grim's enormously strong supernatural abilities or ties with a number of beastly characters to achieve goals or desires for themselves with grotesque, altered, or twisted end results. Famed fictional monsters including Dracula, the Wolfman, and the bogeyman are also comically depicted in the series, which also includes the characters of the nerdy, awkward Irwin and the snobby, stuck-up, spoiled Mindy.
The continuity of the show is far from clear, as many episodes leave complex situations unresolved. Characters sometimes display an awareness of some events from previous episodes, but rarely do they stay gone when exiled or dead when killed. There are no clear character arcs or coherent plot lines tying the show together, but its randomness is part of the humor. Two universal constants remain throughout the series: that Mandy is always cold-hearted and evil, and Billy is always idiotic and stupid.


The Grim Reaper ("Grim") (voiced by Greg Eagles) is a skeleton Reaper with a Jamaican accent, who holds a scythe and wears a black hooded cloak. After losing a game of limbo to Billy and Mandy, Grim is forced to be their best friend forever. Though Billy is friendly and kind towards him, Mandy treats him coldly and dominantly, and this angers and irritates him to the point where he constantly fantasizes about killing both of them. However, there have been instances that show that he does care for them while also finding them both obnoxious.
Billy (voiced by Richard Steven Horvitz) is known for being slow with a low IQ and causes the most trouble for the three as a result. He wears a red hat, dark blue pants, a white shirt striped dark blue, red shoes and has a big pink nose. Billy is often kind to Grim, although he is seen by Mandy as more of a servant than an actual friend. His biggest fears are clowns and insects and often uses tangelos to ward them off. Overall Billy has a friendly personality.
Mandy (voiced by Grey DeLisle) is a cynical and arrogant girl with blonde hair with a black hairband, black shoes, and a light pink dress with a yellow flower on it. Mandy, unlike Billy, is smart and loves absolute power, order, chaos and control, which is something she uses to make Grim her obedient servant and slave. Billy and Mandy are best friends, although sometimes it is hard to tell. She almost never smiles, and denies it when she actually does. Her parents are also scared of her. Mandy usually gets what she wants and she does not hesitate to speak her mind. Despite her usually cold, dominant, and pompous demeanor she has from time to time been helpful and shown some general concern to both Grim and Billy.