Winnie the Pooh - Episodul 1

Nume : Winnie the Pooh
Nr. episoade : 5
Limba : Romana
A fost difuzat pe : TVR 1

Descriere in Romana : 

Winnie de Pluș (engleză Winnie the Pooh) este o franciză media Disney bazată pe Winnie-the-Pooh (1926) și The House at Pooh Corner (1928).
Pluș a fost inițial jucat de Sterling Holloway în trei filmulețe care au fost folosite mai târziu ca segmente în The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh (1977). Hal Smith a preluat pentru scurt-metrajul din 1981 Winnie the Pooh Discovers the Seasons, și va rămâne cu rolul pâna când Jim Cummings a început să îl joace pe Pluș în Noile aventuri ale lui Winnie de Pluș (1988–1991). Cummings a continuat să îl joace pe Pluș (și deasemenea pe Tigru deasemenea) în ziua de azi.

Description in English :

Winnie the Pooh (or Pooh for short) is the titular protagonist and media franchise based on the books by A.A. Milne. He was originally voiced by Sterling Holloway. He was then voiced by Hal Smith until his death in 1994. Since the New Adventures of Winnie the Pooh, Pooh has been voiced by Jim Cummings.


"Winnie-the-Pooh," as he was originally called, first appeared in a story written by A.A. Milne, who based the characters off his young son Christopher Robin and the boy's stuffed animals. The original toy bear was named after Winnie (short for "Winnipeg"), a bear that had been adopted as a cub by a Canadian soldier during World War I, who was a popular attraction at the London Zoo.


Pooh is described as being stuffed with fluff, as well as being "a bear of very little brain." He is generally kind and friendly towards everyone he also is very childlike and likable. He can be very courageous in tough times, and is consulted when trouble occurs. Pooh is also known for his love of honey (or "hunny" as he spells it). He keeps a supply of pots at his home, but they are often empty due to his appetite. When he runs out, he often travels to Rabbit's home to borrow some. Loyal to his friends and often entitled to "leader of the group". Pooh has a knack for being very optimistic during times of despair. Out of all the animals, Pooh is the one who is the closest to Christopher Robin.

My Disney Experience

Deep in the Hundred Acre Wood lives the lovable Winnie the Pooh. He's stuffed with fluff and awfully fond of honey.

Film Appearances

The Many Adventures of Winnie the Pooh

Pooh features prominently in the first two segments, Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Tree and Winnie the Pooh and the Blustery Day, and plays a supporting role in Winnie the Pooh and Tigger Too!
The first segment showcases Pooh's attempts to gather honey after he runs out. He first attempts to get some from a bee tree, going so far as to disguise himself as a raincloud. Even with Christopher Robin's assistance, however, all of Pooh's attempts fail. Afterward, Pooh decides to go over to Rabbit's house, as Rabbit always invites him to lunch. In reality, Rabbit fears these visits, but reluctantly gives in. However, Pooh eats so much honey, that he becomes stuck in Rabbit's front door. As the only remedy is to wait until Pooh grows thinner, Pooh must wait to be pulled from the door. At one point, Pooh meets Gopher, who offers to dig him out, but is chased off when Gopher offers to give Pooh more honey. Finally, Pooh grows thin enough that he can be removed, but Christopher Robin and friends pull him so hard that Pooh nearly flies out of the book before landing in a honey tree, where he happily eats.
In the next segment, Pooh learns from Gopher that it is "Winds-Day", so Pooh travels to wish his friends a Happy "Winds-Day". Pooh is forced to rescue Piglet via Piglet's unraveled scarf, when the strong winds blow Piglet away. During the adventure, Pooh inadvertently harvests Rabbit's carrots while plowing through Rabbit's garden. Later on in the day, Pooh pays a visit to Owl. During the visit, Owl's tree home blows over and is deemed unreparable. That night, as Pooh is at home, he is unexpectedly visited by Tigger. Tigger introduces himself and leaves as quickly as he came. However, Pooh is terrified by the stories of the honey-stealing Heffalumps and Woozles Tigger spoke of, and takes measures to protect the honey. That night, Pooh dreams of the honey thieves, and awakens to a flood. Pooh manages to get to a tree limb with some honey pots, but falls into the river while eating. Pooh eventually floats into Piglet, inadvertently rescuing his friend from the flood. Both arrive at Christopher Robin's home, and Pooh is given a party in honor of his actions after the flood ends. When Piglet chooses to let the homeless Owl have his home, Pooh offers to let Piglet live with him.
In the third segment, Pooh is roped into Rabbit's plan to lose Tigger in the mist as a punishment for his excessive bouncing. However, Pooh, Rabbit and Piglet become lost themselves. Rabbit walks off on his own, and Pooh is able to get himself and Piglet home, claiming that his honey pots were calling to his stomach. In the winter, Pooh and Piglet are walking through the woods, when they notice that Tigger and Roo are stuck in a tree. After getting Christopher Robin, Roo is saved by jumping down onto Christopher Robin's coat. Tigger is eventually brought down by the Narrator. At the end, Pooh is taught to bounce by Tigger.
The closing scene of the film shows Pooh and friends dealing with the fact that Christopher Robin must go away to school.