Sonic X - Episodul 1

Nume : Sonic X
Nr. Episoade : 17
Limba : Romana
A fost difuzat pe : Jetix

Descriere in Romana :

Povestea lui Sonic a inceput cand acesta trebuia sa isi salveze prietenii, Cream si Cheese de puterea Controlului Haosului, un smarald foarte puternic pe care Dr. Eggman vroia sa-l foloseasca pentru a alimenta amplificatorul sau de energie care il facea invincibil. Sonic reuseste sa ii pacaleasca pe robotii lui Eggman sa distruga amplificatorul, insa are loc o explozie atat de puternica, care il arunca pe Sonic si pe ceilalti intr-o lume noua si ciudata, tocmai pe Pamant. Aici Sonic, se va imprietenii cu Chris, un baietel destept si dornic de aventura si cu bunicul acestuia, Chuck Thorndyke, un foarte cunoscut om de stiinta. Acestia il vor ajuta pe Sonic sa-si gaseasca prietenii si totodata sa opreasca planurile malefice ale lui Eggman de a cuceri lumea.

Description in English : 

Sonic X (ソニックX Sonikku Ekkusu?) is an anime series based on the Sonic the Hedgehog video game series. It was created by TMS Entertainment and it began airing on TV Tokyo's 8:30 time slot on April 6, 2003, originally belonging to Ultra Lightning Express Hikarian. The series ended on March 28, 2004, and the timeslot was used to broadcast Bijutsu Hata no Shitsu. Sonic X was rerun on Kids Station from 2004 to 2005. In the United States, Saban Brands[2] currently owns and manages the copyright and branding of the series.
Several years ago, Earth was a single planet until a cataclysmic event split it in two, sending them into two worlds (Sonic's and the humans'). After being transported to Earth by the seven Chaos Emeralds while rescuing Cream from Doctor Eggman's clutches, Sonic the Hedgehog and his friends meet Chris Thorndyke, a young human boy who lets them stay at his house. Despite their initial conflicts with the police, Sonic and his friends are hailed as heroes.
However, as Sonic and his friends were transported to Earth, the two worlds start to remerge, cancelling out their respective time lines and freeze time itself forcing Sonic and friends to return home. Six months later, a new villain, Dark Oak, attempts to get the Chaos Emeralds from Sonic, but Sonic scatters them across the galaxy to prevent Dark Oak from using their power. Meanwhile, six years having passed in the human world, Chris uses a portal to travel to Sonic's world, where only six months had passed, but ends up in the form of a twelve-year-old. During their reunion, Dark Oak and his Metarex army attacks and steal the "Planet Egg" from Sonic's planet. Without the Egg, all the life on the planet goes away. Sonic and his friends venture into space to retrieve the Chaos Emeralds with Dr. Eggman following soon afterwards with his ship: The Crimson Egg.
Sonic and his friends end up on several different planets, searching for the Chaos Emeralds and restoring life to almost barren planets. Eggman joins up with the Metarex and becomes one of the five Metarex commanders soon after, along with: Pale Bay Leaf, Black Narcissus, and Yellow Zelkova. It is later revealed that Dr. Eggman was stealing technology, he, along with Decoe, and Bocoe, were later captured by Pale Bay Leaf and detained. Sometime later, Chris shows up and tries to save him, only for Dr. Eggman to point out that he never needed any help breaking out, and the crew proceed to escape.
Cosmo is eventually unveiled as an unwilling spy for the Metarex, who are part of the same race of anthropomorphic plants as Cosmo. When Dark Oak, Pale Bay Leaf, and Black Narcissus enact a plan that could destroy the galaxy, Cosmo sacrifices herself with the help of Super Sonic, Super Shadow, and Tails. Her essence is manifested in the form of a seed, which Tails plants once they return to their own planet. With the Metarex destroyed, Eggman helps Chris return to his home, implying he may never be able to return. Soon thereafter, Eggman revives his previous rivalry with Sonic, and everything returns to normal.

Marsupilami - Episodul 1

Nume : Marsupilami
Nr. Episoade : 15
Limba : Engleza
A fost difuzat pe : Tvr 1

Descriere in Romana :

O comedie extraordinara, turnata de Alain Shabat, foarte frumoasa si vesela, despre dragutul animal Marsupilami. Si copiii, si adultii vor primi o placere nemaipomenita, urmarind aventurile lui Marsupilami. Renumitul prezentator TV Dan Geraldo și prietenul său pleaca in tara misterioasa Palombia. Acolo ei dau de urmele celei mai enigmatice fiinte de pe lume – roscatul si pufosul animal Marsupilami. Acest animal dragut si fermecator are o legatura inexplicabila cu secretul tineretii vesnice, din ce cauza este cautat de multi doritori de a se imbogati. Calatorii vor fi nevoiti sa-l salveze pe Marsupilami de la savantii nebuni, militarii teribili, braconieri si alte napaste, ce ascunde jungla.
Description in English :
Marsupilami is a fictional comic book species created by André Franquin, first published on 31 January 1952 in the Franco-Belgian comics magazine Spirou. Since then it appeared regularly in the popular Belgian comic book series Spirou et Fantasio until Franquin stopped working on the series in 1968 and the character dropped out soon afterward. In the late 1980s, the Marsupilami got its own successful spin-off series of comic albums, Marsupilami, written by Greg, Yann and Dugomier and drawn by Batem, launching the publishing house Marsu Productions. Later, two animated shows featuring this character, as well as a Sega Genesis video game and a variety of other merchandise followed. The asteroid 98494 Marsupilami is named in its honour.
The name is a portmanteau of the words marsupial, Pilou-Pilou (the French name for Eugene the Jeep, a character Franquin loved as a kid) and ami, French for friend.
Marsupilami's adventures had been translated to several languages, like Dutch, German, Spanish, Portuguese and several Scandinavian languages. More than three million albums of the Marsupilami series are claimed to have been sold by Marsu Productions.
One album of Spirou and Fantasio featuring Marsupilami, number 15, was translated to English by Fantasy Flight Publishing in 1995, although it is currently out of print. Plans on releasing number 16 ended halfway through the translation process, due to bad sales. In 2007, Egmont's subsidiary Euro Books translated albums number 4, 5, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 14 for the Indian market.


The marsupilami is a black-spotted yellow monkey-like creature. Male marsupilamis have an incredibly long, strong, flexible and prehensile tail which can be used for almost anything. Female marsupilamis have a much shorter tail, but still long compared to real animals. Unlike the males, the females also walk on the tips of their toes. When the animal rebounds, he makes the noise: "Boing". Males also have eyes that are not completely separate while females have two separate eyes. Female marsupilamis also have a totally different voice than the males. Males say "houba" most of the time, while females say "houbii", which means the same thing as houba, but sounds more feminine. According to the L'Encyclopédie du Marsupilami, they are monotremes like the platypus and echidna, which explains why they lay eggs while having mammalian features.


"The Marsupilami" refers originally to the individual captured and then adopted by Spirou and Fantasio, which they never bothered to name because he was the only known specimen. The Spirou et Fantasio album Le nid des Marsupilamis is mostly concerned with a documentary-within-the-comic about the life of a family of marsupilamis still living in the wild in Palombia. The spin-off comics later drawn by Batem star those, and the title of the series now refers to the - also unnamed - father in this family, and not to Spirou's original Marsupilami.
In these series, Marsupilami's wife is referred to as Marsupilamie (a female version of the name) but their three young are named, respectively, Bibi, Bibu and Bobo. Mars le noir (Mars the Black) is another specimen, which first appears in the album Mars le Noir. A former captive marsupilami, he first finds it hard to live again in the forest. After failing to seduce Marsupilamie, he becomes jealous of Marsupilami and nearly gets into a fight with him. Later, he meets a black female marsupilami, named Vénus, who becomes his mate. In Baby Prinz, another specimen, an elderly male who lives in a zoo, is featured. Altogether, that comes to eight specimens in Palombia, plus Spirou and Fantasio's pet. Marsupilamis can come in colours of yellow, yellow with black spots, dark blue, white, white with black spots, and dark blue with yellow spots.Only the yellow, yellow with black spots and dark blue marsupilami's show up in cartoon.

Fratele Urs - Dublat in limba Romana

Nume : Fratele Urs
Durata : 80 min
A fost lansat in 2003

Descriere in Romana :

Este povestea a trei frati care au trãit pe meleaguri îndepãrtate cu mult timp în urmã, atunci cînd mamutii încã mai hoinãreau prin ceea ce astãzi numim Nord Vestul Americii. Kenai, cel mai mic dintre cei trei frati, este pe cale sã-si primeascã totemul personal – simbolul pe care Marele Spirit i-l dãruieste pentru a-i fi cãlãuzã în viatã. Atunci cînd Tanana, samanul tribului îi prezintã Ursul – simbol al dragostei, tînãrul este foarte dezamãgit. El spera cu totul altceva. Ceva mai important, cum ar fi un vultur (simbolul cãlãuzei), asa cum primise fratele sãu Sitka, sau totemul lupului (simbolul întelepciunii) cum avea fratele Denahi. În timp ce Sitka încearcã sã îl mîngîie, Denahi nu înceteazã sã-l necãjeasca

Description in English :  

Brother Bear is a 2003 American animated adventure drama film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures. It is the 44th animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series. In the film, an Inuit boy named Kenai pursues a bear in revenge for a battle that he provoked in which his oldest brother Sitka is killed. He tracks down the bear and kills it, but the Spirits, angered by this needless death, change Kenai into a bear himself as punishment. In order to be human again, Kenai must learn to see through another's eyes, feel through another's heart, and discover the meaning of brotherhood. It was the third and final Disney animated feature produced primarily by the Feature Animation studio at Disney-MGM Studios in Orlando, Florida; the studio was shut down in March 2004, not long after the release of this film in favor of computer animated features. The film received an Academy Award nomination for Best Animated Feature, but lost to Pixar's Finding Nemo. A direct-to-video sequel, Brother Bear 2, was released on August 29, 2006.
The film is set in a post-ice age North America, where the local tribesmen believe all creatures are created through the Spirits, who are said to appear in the form of an aurora. Three brothers: Kenai (voiced by Joaquin Phoenix)- the youngest brother, Denahi (voiced by Jason Raize)- the middle brother -and Sitka (voiced by D.B. Sweeney)- the eldest brother, return to their tribe in order for Kenai to receive his sacred totem, a necklace in the shape of an animal. The particular animal it represents symbolizes what he must achieve to call himself a man. Unlike Sitka, who gained the eagle of guidance, and Denahi, who gained the wolf of wisdom, Kenai receives the bear of love, to which he objects, stating that bears are thieves. He believes his point is made a fact when a bear takes some salmon. Kenai and his brothers pursue the bear, but a fight follows on a glacier, during which Sitka giving his life to save his brothers, although the bear survives. Vengeful, Kenai heads out to avenge Sitka. He chases the bear up onto a mountain and kills it. The Spirits, represented by Sitka's spirit in the form of a bald eagle, transform Kenai into a bear after the dead bear's body disappears. Denahi arrives, mistaking Kenai for dead, and believing the bear is responsible, vows to avenge Kenai by hunting it down.
Kenai falls down some river rapids, survives, and is healed by Tanana (voiced by Joan Copeland), the shaman of Kenai's tribe. She does not speak the bear language, but advises him to return to the mountain to find Sitka and be turned back to normal, but only when he corrects what he had done; she quickly disappears without an explanation. Kenai quickly discovers the wildlife can talk, meeting two brother moose, Rutt and Tuke (voiced by Rick Moranis and Dave Thomas, in a send-up of their famous characters Bob and Doug McKenzie). He gets caught in a trap, but is freed by a chatty bear cub named Koda (voiced by Jeremy Suarez). The two bears make a deal: Kenai will go with Koda to a nearby salmon run and then the cub will lead Kenai to the mountain. As the two eventually form a sibling-like bond, Koda reveals that his mother is missing. The two are hunted by Denahi, who fails multiple times to kill Kenai, still unaware that he is his brother. Rutt and Tuke run into the bears multiple times, the group hitching a ride on a herd of mammoths to quicken the pace to the salmon run, but the moose are left behind when the bears move on. Kenai and Koda escape Denahi again and reach the salmon run, where a large number of bears live as a family, including the leader Tug (voiced by Michael Clarke Duncan), a grizzly bear. Kenai becomes very much at home and content with the other bears. During a discussion among the bears, Koda tells a story about his mother fighting human hunters, making Kenai realize that the bear he killed was Koda's mother.
Kenai's contentment is about to be shattered when Koda tells the story ofhis separation from his mother
Guilty and horrified, Kenai runs away, but Koda soon finds him. Kenai reveals the truth to Koda, who runs away, grief-stricken. An apologetic Kenai leaves to reach the mountain. Rutt and Tuke, having fallen out, reform their brotherhood in front of Koda, prompting him to go after Kenai. Denahi confronts Kenai on the mountain, but their fight is interrupted by Koda, who steals Denahi's hunting pike. Kenai goes to Koda's aid out of love, prompting Sitka to appear and turn him back into a human, much to Denahi and Koda's surprise. However, Kenai asks Sitka to transform him back into a bear so he can stay with Koda. Sitka complies, and Koda is reunited briefly with the spirit of his mother, before she and Sitka return to the Spirits. In the end, Kenai lives with the rest of the bears and gains his title as a man, through being a bear.

Tangled (2010) - Subtitrat in Romana

Nume : Tangled (O poveste incalcita)
Durata : 100 min
A fost lansat in : 2010
Subtitrat in limba Romana


Descriere in Romana :

Fiind răpită din castelul părinţilor ei de către Mother Gothel pe vremea când era doar o copilă în leagăn fiindcă părul ei fermecat are capacitatea de a asigura tinereţea veşnică şi de a vindeca orice rană ori de câte ori fata cântă o melodie, frumoasa şi rebela prinţesă Rapunzel şi-a petrecut ultimii 18 ani închisă într-un turn înalt, la care nu se poate ajunge pe nicio scară. Complet izolată de lume, dornică de aventură şi simţindu-se singură în compania unui cameleon, Rapunzel reuşeşte să îl prindă în capcana pletelor ei lungi de peste 20 de metri pe tânărul Flynn Rider, care se refugiază în turn după ce fură o tiară cu pietre preţioase împreună cu doi complici şi după ce îşi păcăleşte camarazii fugind cu prada. Plină de imaginaţie, încăpăţânată şi voluntară, prinţesa Rapunzel se foloseşte de cosiţele ei blonde cu putere magică ca de nişte tentacule uriaşe şi evadează cu ajutorul lui Flynn Rider din turnul în care a fost ţinută captivă. Pornind într-o călătorie plină de peripeţii, umor şi iubire, Rapunzel descoperă cum arată lumea reală, află adevărul despre originile ei şi se reuneşte cu părinţii biologici îndureraţi, care nu au încetat niciodată să o caute. 
Description in English : 

Tangled is a 2010 American computer animated musical fantasy-comedy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Loosely based on the German fairy tale "Rapunzel" in the collection of folk tales published by the Brothers Grimm, it is the 50th animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series. Featuring the voices of Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi, and Donna Murphy, the film tells the story of a lost princess with long magical hair who yearns to leave her secluded tower. Against her mother's wishes, she accepts the aid of a handsome intruder to take her out into the world which she has never seen.
Before the film's release, its title was changed from Rapunzel to Tangled, reportedly to market the film as gender-neutral. Tangled spent six years in production at a cost that has been estimated at $260 million which, if accurate, would make it the most expensive animated film ever made and the second most expensive film of all time. The film employed a unique artistic style by blending features of both computer-generated imagery (CGI) and traditional animation together, while using non-photorealistic rendering to create the impression of a painting. Composer Alan Menken, who had worked on prior Disney animated features, returned to score Tangled.
Tangled premiered at the El Capitan Theatre on November 14, 2010, and went into general release on November 24. The film earned $591 million in worldwide box office revenue, $200 million of which was earned in the United States and Canada; it was well received by critics and audiences alike. Tangled was nominated for a number of awards, including Best Original Song at the 83rd Academy Awards. The film was released on Blu-ray and DVD on March 29, 2011; an animated short sequel, Tangled Ever After, was released in 2012.
Once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight falls to Earth and becomes a golden flower filled with incredibly strong healing properties. An old enchantress named Mother Gothel discovers the flower and hoards its healing ability through a song to keep her young for hundreds of years. Centuries later, the pregnant queen of a nearby kingdom falls deathly sick, leading the king to seek out the legendary mystical plant. Despite Gothel's efforts to hide it, the flower is found, uprooted, and boiled into medicine for the queen, which heals her. A baby princess is born with beautiful golden hair that possesses healing properties. Gothel, wanting to reclaim her immortality and youth, breaks into the royal nursery to cut a lock of the princess's hair, only to discover that doing so causes it to lose its magic. She kidnaps the princess instead and names her "Rapunzel," raising her as her own in an isolated tower. The king and the queen honor their missing daughter by releasing floating lanterns on the night of her birthday each year in hopes that one day, their lost princess will return.
For her eighteenth birthday, Rapunzel asks Gothel for permission to go outside the tower to see the source of the annual floating lights, but Gothel refuses and says that the outside world is filled with dangers. Meanwhile, Flynn Rider and the Stabbington brothers steal the tiara of the lost princess. During the ensuing chase, Maximus, horse of the Captain of the Guards, is separated from his rider but continues on his own. Flynn betrays his accomplices, takes the tiara, and stumbles upon Rapunzel's tower. Rapunzel knocks him unconscious, hides him, and takes the tiara. She asks Gothel for a special paint, the ingredients for which require three days of travel. Gothel leaves and Rapunzel tells Flynn that she will give him the tiara back if he takes her to see the lights. While on the route, he takes her to the Snuggly Duckling Inn, which is full of Gaul thugs, in hopes of scaring her into giving up her quest. The thugs are charmed by Rapunzel, who encourages them to follow their dreams.
Fearing that someone might find Rapunzel, Gothel returns early to the tower and finds the tiara. She teams up with the Stabbington brothers so she can get Rapunzel back and the brothers can get revenge on Flynn. The guards invade the tavern and chase Rapunzel and Flynn to a dam which collapses. Flynn and Rapunzel become trapped in a flooding cave. Believing he is about to die, Flynn tells Rapunzel his real name: Eugene Fitzherbert. Rapunzel admits her hair glows when she sings, then realizes they can use the light from her hair to find a way out. Rapunzel later uses her hair to heal Flynn's injured hand. When Flynn goes to gather firewood, Gothel meets Rapunzel insisting that Flynn does not care for her and gives Rapunzel the tiara, suggesting that she test Flynn by giving it to him. The next morning, Maximus confronts Flynn but Rapunzel befriends the horse and convinces him to help them instead. Arriving at the kingdom, Flynn takes Rapunzel around the city and later at night, takes her to see the lanterns. There, Rapunzel gives Flynn back the tiara. He realizes he has fallen in love with her, and just before he is about to kiss Rapunzel, he spots his old accomplices and leaves Rapunzel to give them the tiara, realizing that he cares more for Rapunzel. The brothers knock him out, tie him up on a boat, and sail him across the lake. They tell Rapunzel that Flynn betrayed her as they attempt to kidnap her for her hair's power. Gothel stages a rescue by knocking the brothers unconscious and takes her back to the tower. Rapunzel realizes she is the lost princess and attempts to flee the tower, but is captured by Mother Gothel.
Flynn is arrested and sentenced to death, but is rescued by Maximus and the Gaul thugs from the inn. Flynn races back to the tower and finds Rapunzel chained to the wall and gagged. Gothel fatally stabs him with a knife. Just before Flynn dies, he uses a shard of glass to cut Rapunzel's hair short, causing it to lose its power and the frightened Gothel to crumble into dust. With his last breath, Flynn declares his love for her. He dies, leaving a heartbroken Rapunzel to cry, singing the healing song. A single tear, still possessing its healing ability, drops onto Flynn's face and revives him. Returning to the kingdom, Rapunzel is reunited with the King and Queen. Flynn then ends the film by telling the audience that all the thugs made their dreams come true, he readopted his original name, and that he and Rapunzel eventually married and lived happily ever after.

Lilo & Stitch (2002) - Dublat in Romana

Nume : Lilo & Stitch
Durata : 75 min
A fost lansat in 2002
Dublat in limba Romana

Descriere in Romana : 

Un catel ciudat, mai putin dragalas, Stitch, adoptat de fetita Lilo, ar fi animalul de companie perfect daca nu ar fi un extraterestru scapat de pe o planeta indepartata si aterizat pe pamant. Cercetatorul Jumba a creat aceasta creatura, numita Experiment 626, care iubeste haosul si este programat sa distruga tot ce intalneste in cale. Cei doi tovarasi (Lilo si Stich) au probleme de comunicare, de vreme ce Lilo este foarte tanara, iar Stich nu vorbeste engleza. Dar extraterestrul invata repede, atat limba, cat si modul de viata. Dezagreabil la inceput, Stich incepe sa placa tot mai mult si devine cel mai bun prieten al lui Lilo. 

Description in English : 

Lilo & Stitch is a 2002 American animated science fiction comedy film produced by Walt Disney Feature Animation and released by Walt Disney Pictures on June 21, 2002. The 42nd animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series, it was written and directed by Chris Sanders and Dean DeBlois, and features the voices of Sanders, Daveigh Chase, Tia Carrere, David Ogden Stiers, Kevin McDonald, Ving Rhames, Jason Scott Lee, and Kevin Michael Richardson. Lilo & Stitch was the second of three Disney animated features produced primarily at the Florida animation studio located at Walt Disney World's Hollywood Studios in Orlando, Florida. The film received positive reviews and was nominated for the 2002 Academy Award for Best Animated Feature, which ultimately went to Hayao Miyazaki's film, Spirited Away, which also starred Daveigh Chase and David Ogden Stiers.
The 2002 film eventually started a franchise: a direct-to-video sequel, Stitch! The Movie, was released on August 26, 2003. This was followed by a television series, Lilo & Stitch: The Series, which ran from September 20, 2003 to July 29, 2006. A second direct-to-video sequel, Lilo & Stitch 2: Stitch Has a Glitch, was released on August 30, 2005. A third and final direct-to-video sequel, Leroy & Stitch, was released on June 27, 2006 as the conclusion to the TV series. Unlike Lilo & Stitch, its sequel features and series were produced by Walt Disney Television Animation.
Dr. Jumba Jookiba is put on trial by the Galactic Federation for "illegal genetic experimentation"—the evidence of this is Experiment 626: an aggressive creature that is nearly indestructible and learns quickly. Jumba is imprisoned while Experiment 626 is to be exiled on a desert asteroid. During transport on Captain Gantu's ship, 626 manages to break out of his cell and cut off the ship's power grid. 626 hijacks a police cruiser unit upon his escape, but finds himself outnumbered and outgunned. Surrounded, 626 activates the hyperdrive and breaks through their defense, setting coordinates at random, landing him on the planet Earth. The Grand Councilwoman orders Jumba to work with Agent Pleakley to recover 626 discreetly. 626 survives his escape attempt to Earth, landing on the Hawaiian island of Kauaʻi, but is knocked unconscious by a passing truck, and is taken to an animal shelter because he is believed by the truck drivers to be a breed of dog.
After the recent death of their parents in a car accident, 19-year-old Nani Pelekai is looking after her younger, more rambunctious sister, Lilo. They are visited by Cobra Bubbles, a social worker, who is concerned that Nani refuses to take adequate care of Lilo (he tells Nani that she has three days to change his mind, lest he remove Lilo from her care forever). He considers putting Lilo into foster care, but Nani does not approve, as Lilo and she are the only remaining members of her family; Lilo does not help as she does not understand what may happen. After hearing Lilo in her room pray to be given a friend (Lilo has no real friends because every girl in her class makes fun of her), Nani agrees to allow Lilo to adopt a dog. At the shelter, Lilo immediately takes a keen interest in Experiment 626, despite serious misgivings that Nani and the shelter worker have about him being a dog. Lilo names 626 "Stitch" and shows him around Hawaii; Stitch quickly discovers escape is impossible due to the island being surrounded by water (his body is too dense for swimming) and that there are no large cities, which Jumba had previously said he would seek out to cause chaos, and suffers a nervous breakdown.
As Nani attempts to find a good job, after being fired because of Lilo and Stitch, she is forced to bring them with her. Lilo uses the time to try to curb Stitch's aggressiveness by encouraging him to behave like Elvis Presley, whom she calls a model citizen as well as reading the book The Ugly Duckling to him. Stitch's antics, although at times foiling Jumba and Pleakley's attempts to capture him, also ruin Nani's chances of getting a job. David, a friend of Nani's, sees her at the beach, where she was trying to get a job as a lifeguard. David suggests they go surfing to improve her mood. While Nani, Lilo, and Stitch ride on a huge wave, Jumba makes one more effort to capture Stitch from underwater; as a result, it appears as if Stitch attempted to drown Lilo. Although everyone gets safely to shore, Cobra saw the whole thing and tells Nani he will come by in the morning to take Lilo away from her and leaves feeling sorry for her. After Stitch sees how much trouble he has caused, he leaves, taking The Ugly Duckling book with him in hopes of finding his "family".
The next morning, as Nani waits for Cobra to arrive, David tells Nani of a job offer that she must respond to. Nani tells Lilo to stay at home while she goes to secure the job. Stitch, hiding in the nearby woods, encounters Jumba, who reveals that Stitch can never have a family or "belong" because he was just built to destroy. Stitch races to Lilo's house, followed by Jumba firing at Stitch with his gun. The two fight, with Lilo immediately phoning Cobra for help. The house is ultimately destroyed by the end of the fight, with Nani and Cobra arriving shortly after. As Nani and Cobra argue over Lilo's well-being, Lilo slips away to hide in the forest and finds Stitch, who reveals his true alien identity form to her. While she says how he ruined everything, they are both captured by Captain Gantu, who had been sent to capture Stitch after Jumba and Pleakley failed to do so, and he makes to leave Earth. Nani is shocked to see Gantu putting Lilo and Stitch in a container pod and taking off in the ship. Stitch escapes from the container before the ship takes off, leaving Lilo behind. Nani then realizes that Stitch is not what she thought he was, and demands he had better speak, just as Lilo always said he did.
While once again trying to capture Stitch, both Jumba and Pleakley are revealed to Nani, and tell her that they do know Lilo, and they can both get her back, encouraged by Stitch reassuring Nani with the definition of "Ohana". Stitch, with help from Jumba's ship and by launching a gas tanker truck out of a volcano, is able to free Lilo and stop Gantu. After they land, they find that the Grand Councilwoman has arrived nearby, in order to capture Stitch personally. When she sees Stitch has developed a sense of respect and compassion, she realizes he has become a civilized creature and no longer an abomination. Using Lilo's certificate of Stitch's ownership, which proves that taking Stitch would mean stealing him from Lilo, the Councilwoman asserts that Stitch, now a part of Nani and Lilo's family, will live his exile on Earth with the humans as his warders. As her guards take Gantu away, she does not let Pleakley or Jumba return on her ship, and orders Cobra, a former CIA agent who previously met the Councilwoman at Roswell, to keep an eye on the new family. Stitch, Jumba, and Pleakley become integrated into Lilo's family, and the house is rebuilt with the help of the three, Nani, Lilo, David, and Cobra.

Alvin and the Chipmunks (2007) - Subtitrat in Romana

Nume : Alvin and the Chipmunks
Durata : 90 Min
A fost lansat in : 2007
Subtitrat in limba Romana

Descriere in Romana :  

Simboluri populare, ALVIN SI VEVERITELE sunt un fenomen multi-media. Descoperiti de compozitorul - manager Dave Seville, care i-a gasit - un orasel uitat de lume, trioul, care a castigat premiul Grammy, este indragit in intreaga lume pentru hitul "The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)" si pentru "Witch Doctor," precum si pentru serialul de televiziune nominalizat la premiul Emmy si aparitiile speciale in prime time.

Niciodata multumite sa se culce pe laurii gloriei, Veveritele s-au apucat sa alcatuiasca un album in care se combina sonoritatile clasice cu talentul muzical modern. Acest proiect mult asteptat este acum realitate: ALVIN AND THE CHIPMUNKS, productie Twentieth Century Fox, urmeaza sa fie distribuit in toate cinematografele pe 14 decembrie. Pe 20 noiembrie, Razor & Tie Entertainment va distribui coloana sonora a filmului artistic originar, pe care apare piesa muzicala de identificare a Veveritelor, precum si melodii moderne rock, pop, reggae si hip hop.

Ce urmeaza pentru Alvin, Simon si Theodore? Baietii nu spun inca, dar noul lor album si filmul le reconfirma statutul de simboluri ale culturii populare, cu un trecut glorios si...un viitor fara limite.

ALVIN. Conducator de trupa. Un pasionat al jocurilor video. Alvin este toate acestea... Si inca mai mult. (Doar intrebati-l.) Litera "A" marcata pe puloverul lui rosu facut dintr-o soseta de catre managerul-compozitor Dave Seville... il distinge pe acest artist de confratii sai. Superstarul Veverita este impulsiv, fermecator, meloman si plin de magnetism. Ceea ce ceilalti caracterizeaza drept scheme gandite pe jumatate, Alvin prefera sa le vada drept "o provocare la adresa obisnuitului". Inaltimea: 9 -9 ½ inch. Culoarea ochilor: auriu. Pulover: Rosu. Blana: Maro.

SIMON. Simon are simt al umorului, pe langa un talent muzical remarcabil. Nu uita niciodata sa-si incante nenumaratii fani. Inteligenta lui ascutita se completeaza cu mintea iute a lui Alvin. In timp ce Alvin are o monograma pe pulover, accesoriul de identificare al lui Simon este o pereche de ochelari imprumutati de la o jucarie, ceea ce ii da un aer aparte. Acest accesoriu i-a inspirat pe fanii din intreaga lume care sufera de hipermetropie sa poarte ochelari cu mandrie. Inaltimea: 10-10 ½ inch. Culoarea ochilor: Albastri. Pulover: Albastru. Blana: Maro inchis.

THEODORE. Cunoscut fanilor sub numele de "Cel Dulce", Theodore este iubitor, sensibil, de incredere, sare in ajutor si este naiv. (Pe scurt, este tot ceea ce nu este Alvin). Are o inima mare si un apetit si mai mare. Se stie despre el ca a reusit sa-si indese in falci o cutie intreaga de bomboane. Fiind cel mai tanar dintre Veverite, Theodore adesea intervine atunci cand Simon si Alvin nu se pun de acord (ceea ce se intampla foarte des). Inaltimea: 6 inch. Culoarea ochilor: Verde. Pulover: Verde. Blana: Blond inchis.

O scurta istorie a veveritelor

In 1958, Ross Bagdasarian, Sr. era un muzician fara prea mult noroc, care avea o familie de hranit. A semnat cu Liberty Records, o marca disperata sa scoata un hit. In spiritul unui adevarat artist, Bagdasarian, Sr.a riscat. A cheltuit toata agoniseala familiei si a cumparat un magnetofon, iar apoi s-a asezat si a inceput sa se gandeasca ce sa faca cu el. Uitandu-se pe masa, a vazut o carte numita Duel cu Doctorul Vrajitor. Aceea a fost sursa de inspiratie pentru hitul numarul unu "Doctorul Vrajitor", o melodie de mare succes pe care toata lumea o tine minte datorita refrenului care nu are nici un sens: "OO EE OO AH AH ting tang wal-la wal-la bing bang."

Bagdasarian a folosit o tehnica foarte simpla pentru vocea Doctorului Vrajitor. A redus viteza de inregistrare si a inregistrat versurile cu o voce lenta, distorsionata, apoi a rulat banda la viteza normala. Tehnica a fost folosita pentru a defini vocile unice ale personajelor Alvin, Simon si Theodore.

Pe masura ce "Doctorul Vrajitor" depasea un milion de copii vandute, Liberty Records se trezea cu bani care veneau gramada. Dar nu au fost de ajuns pentru a salva marca, iar Liberty a avut curand nevoie de un alt hit... asa ca l-au chemat pe Bagdasarian.

Cautand in jur surse de inspiratie, Bagdasarian s-a trezit ascultand refrenul insistent al fiului sau de patru ani, care intreba cand va fi Craciunul— aceasta se intampla in vara anului 1958 — asa ca el a compus cantecul de Craciun "Cantecul Veveritelor (Craciun, nu intarzia)"... dar nu l-a numit asa pentru ca atunci Veveritele nu existau.

Bagdasarian iubea vocea pe care o crease pentru Doctorul Vrajitor, dar vroia sa faca ceva nou, un lucru cu personalitate, doar ca nu stia in ce fel. Intr-o zi, cand mergea cu masina prin Yosemite National Park, o veverita a sarit in fata masinii lui, s-a oprit, s-a ridicat pe picioarele din spate si parea ca vrea sa-l provoace pe Bagdasarian sa treaca de el. Restul este istorie... acea veverita a fost Alvin.

Bagdasarian a creat doi parteneri pentru rautaciosul Alvin: Simon, cel intelectual si practic; Theodore, cel moale si maleabil. Impreuna, ei erau ALVIN SI VEVERITELE, capatandu-si numele de la cei trei directori executivi de la Liberty: Al Bennett, Si Waronker si Theodore Keep. In acea perioada Bagdasarian si-a luat numele de scena de David Seville.

Desi la inceput a fost dificil ca "The Chipmunk Song (Christmas Don't Be Late)" sa fie difuzat la radio, Liberty a gasit un mic post in Minneapolis dornic sa-l difuzeze inainte de inceputul oficial al sezonului Craciunului. A fost de ajuns pentru ca dupa aceea a devenit hitul cu cele mai mari vanzari, peste patru milioane in sapte saptamani (recordul a mai fost batut de The Beatles, cu hitul "I Want to Hold Your Hand" din 1964) si se inscria in cursa pentru trei premii Grammy Awards.

Veveritele si-au facut debutul in televiziunea de cablu, ca papusi care interpretau alaturi de "Dave Seville" (Bagdasarian) - la "The Ed Sullivan Show." Din nou, au avut un succes imediat. Oamenii erau gata pentru mai mult legat de Veverite si s-a realizat si o imagine care era foarte diferita de ceea ce am ajuns noi sa asociem cu Veveritele. La inceput, Veveritele aratau bine, ca niste veverite... nu chiar foto realistic, dar imaginea lor se inspira mult nu de la animal, ci de la substitutul lui de plus. Au aparut tot felul de jucarii si suveniruri si, desigur, inregistrari.

Succesul Veveritelor era urias. Oamenii nu se mai saturau de ei. Dupa ce in 1960 a lansat un single "Alvin for President," Bagdasarian a primit o scrisoare de la senatorul John F. Kennedy. Popularitatea lor parea ca nu mai are limite. In trei ani, Veveritele au vandut 16 milioane de discuri, au castigat cateva premii Grammy, au avut numeroase nominalizari si erau pe creasta unui val fara precedent. Era timpul sa fie aduse la un nivel mai dinamic - lumea televiziunii.

The Alvin Show a debutat in televiziune in toamna anului 1661 si odata cu acest spectacol Alvin, Simon Theodore au capatat alt voce si alta infatisare , de vreme ce personajul lui Bagdasarian Dave Seville, se nascuse in lumea animatiei.

Description in English :

Alvin and the Chipmunks is an American animated music group created by Ross Bagdasarian, Sr. for a novelty record in 1958. The group consists of three singing animated anthropomorphic chipmunks: Alvin, the mischievous troublemaker, who quickly became the star of the group; Simon, the tall, bespectacled intellectual; and Theodore, the chubby, impressionable one. The trio is managed by their human adoptive father, David (Dave) Seville. In reality, "David Seville" was Bagdasarian's stage name, and the Chipmunks themselves are named after the executives of their original record label. The characters became a success, and the singing Chipmunks and their manager were given life in several animated cartoon productions, using redrawn, anthropomorphic chipmunks, and eventually films.
The voices of the group were all performed by Bagdasarian, who sped up the playback to create high-pitched voices. This oft-used process was not entirely new to Bagdasarian, who had also used it for two previous novelty songs, including "Witch Doctor", but it was so unusual and well-executed it earned the record two Grammy Awards for engineering. Bagdasarian, performing as the Chipmunks, released a long line of albums and singles, with "The Chipmunk Song" becoming a number-one single in the United States. After the death of Bagdasarian in 1972, the characters' voices were performed by his son Ross Bagdasarian, Jr. and the latter's wife Janice Karman in the subsequent incarnations of the 1980s and 1990s.
In the 2007 CGI/live-action movie adaptation and its 2009 sequel, they were voiced in dialogue by Justin Long, Matthew Gray Gubler and Jesse McCartney. Bagdasarian, Jr. and Karman continue to perform the singing voices for Alvin, Theodore and the Chipettes, but Steve Vining does Simon's singing voice. The project has earned five Grammy awards, an American Music Award, a Golden Reel Award, and three Kids' Choice Awards, and has been nominated for three Emmy awards.
A third movie installment, Alvin and the Chipmunks: Chipwrecked, was released in theaters on December 16, 2011.
A CGI-animated TV series revival, titled ALVINNN!!! and the Chipmunks, is currently in production. Scheduled to run for 52 11-minute episodes, it will premiere on a yet-to-be-announced cable channel in early 2015. After a 25-year hiatus, the premiere of this series will mark its first television debut since their last TV appearance ended in 1990.
Fox 2000 Pictures and Regency Enterprises announced a fourth installment, titled Alvin and the Chipmunks 4, scheduled to be released on December 11, 2015.

Bolt (2008) - Dublat in limba Romana

Nume : Bolt
Durata : 96 Min.
A fost lansat in : 2008
Dublat in limba Romana

 Descriere in Romana :

 Pentru super catelul Bolt, fiecare zi este plina de aventuri, pericole si intriga, pentru ca Bolt este starul unui serial de televiziune. Cand ajunge din greseala in New York, pentru el incepe una dintre cele mai mari aventuri ale sale, o calatorie de-a lungul tarii prin lumea reala. Dupa atatia ani pe platourile de filmare, Bolt a ajuns sa creada cu adevarat ca superputerile sale uimitoare sunt reale, iar acest lucru va crea numeroase situatii amuzante. De-a lungul calatoriei Bolt reuseste sa isi faca doi buni prieteni: Mittens, o pisica de casa abandonata si Rhino, un hamster obsedat de televizor, inchis intr-o bila de plastic. Cu ajutorul acestora, Bolt va descoperi ca nu are nevoie de superputeri pentru a fi erou.

Description in English : 

 Bolt is a 2008 American computer-animated adventure/action comedy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios, released by Walt Disney Pictures, and the studio's 48th animated feature. It is the first film directed by Chris Williams (who previously worked on Mulan and The Emperor's New Groove) and Byron Howard (who previously worked on Lilo & Stitch and Brother Bear). The film stars the voices of John Travolta, Miley Cyrus, Malcolm McDowell, Diedrich Bader, Nick Swardson, Greg Germann, Susie Essman and Mark Walton. The film's plot centers on a small white dog named Bolt who, having spent his entire life on the set of a television series, thinks that he has super powers. When he believes that his human, Penny, has been kidnapped, he sets out on a cross-country journey to "rescue" her. As with earlier CGI Disney films, such as Chicken Little and Meet the Robinsons, Bolt was also distributed in Disney Digital 3-D in the theaters equipped for it. The movie was nominated for a series of awards, one of which being the Academy Award for Best Animated Feature which was, however, lost to WALL-E. Plot A dog named Bolt (John Travolta) and a girl named Penny (Miley Cyrus) star on a hit television series called Bolt in which the titular character has various superpowers and must constantly thwart the evil plans of the nefarious Doctor Calico (Malcolm McDowell). To gain a more realistic performance, the TV show's producers have deceived Bolt his entire life, arranging the filming in such a way that Bolt believes the television show is real and he really has superpowers, including a powerful sonic scream-like "superbark". Mistakenly believing Penny has been kidnapped by the villain, Bolt escapes from his on-set trailer in Hollywood but falls into a box of foam peanuts and unknown to the film company is accidentally shipped to New York City. In New York, Bolt starts to notice that his "superpowers" aren't working, and rationalizes this is the effect that styrofoam has on his body. He then meets Mittens (Susie Essman), a female alley cat who bullies pigeons out of their food. Bolt forces Mittens to help him get back to Hollywood, and after Bolt knocks Mittens unconscious the two start their journey westward on a truck. In Hollywood, Penny is deeply saddened over Bolt's disappearance but is convinced by the studio to continue filming with a Bolt lookalike. Surprised at his first feelings of hunger, Bolt is shown by Mittens how to act like a cute, but needy dog, and is rewarded by food for the both of them at a nearby RV park, where they meet Rhino (Mark Walton), a fearless, TV-obsessed hamster and Bolt fan who joins their team. Rhino’s unwavering faith in Bolt substantiates the dog’s illusions about his superpowers, but Mittens, who has learned that Bolt is from a television show, tries to convince Bolt that his superpowers aren't real. Bolt refuses to listen to Mittens, and instead becomes frustrated and attempts to "superbark" her repeatedly. The noise attracts Animal Control, who captures them both and transports them to an animal shelter. After being freed en route by Rhino, Bolt finally realizes that he is just a normal dog, but regains his confidence after Rhino (oblivious to this revelation) gives him a pep talk. They rescue Mittens from the shelter and escape, allowing them to continue their journey. Along the way, Mittens helps Bolt through his identity crisis by teaching him typical dog activities (such as hanging his head out car windows and chasing sticks), but Mittens refuses to go farther than Las Vegas. She tells Bolt that his Hollywood life is fake and there is no real love for him there. Her emotional rant reveals that she was once a house cat, but was abandoned by her previous owner and left to brave the harsh streets alone and declawed. Bolt refuses to believe that Penny doesn't love him, and continues on alone, wishing Mittens the best. Rhino, learning of Bolt's departure, convinces Mittens that they must help him, and the two set off to find Bolt once again. Bolt reaches the studio and finds Penny embracing his lookalike. Unaware that Penny still misses him and that her affection for the lookalike is only a part of a rehearsal for the show, he leaves, brokenhearted. Mittens, on a gantry in the studio, sees what Bolt does not: Penny telling her mother how much she misses Bolt. Realizing that Penny truly does love Bolt, Mittens follows Bolt and explains. At the same time, the Bolt-lookalike panics during the show's filming and accidentally knocks over some flaming torches, setting the sound stage on fire with Penny trapped inside. Bolt arrives and reunites with Penny inside the burning studio, but they cannot get out. In desperation, and unwilling to abandon Penny, Bolt uses his "superbark". The firefighters hear the noise through the building's air vent and manage to rescue them before they succumb to smoke inhalation. Penny and her mother subsequently quit the show when their agent attempts to exploit the incident for publicity purposes. Penny herself adopts Mittens and Rhino, and she and her family move to a rural home to enjoy a simpler, happy lifestyle with Bolt and her new pets. The show continues, but with a replacement "Bolt" and "Penny" – "Penny's" new appearance being explained in the show as being serious injuries necessitating her undergoing facial reconstruction surgery, and adopting a new storyline about alien abduction (one that even Rhino finds unrealistic, and Bolt finds "ridonculous"). The epilogue scenes during the credits show Bolt, Penny, her mother, Mittens, and Rhino enjoying their new life together.

Igor (2008) - Subtitrat in Romana

Nume : Igor
Durata : 87 Min
A fost lansat in : 2008
Subtitrat in limba Romana

Descriere in Romana : 

Igor s-a nascut cu o minte geniala, dar din nefericire lumea din jurul lui nu reuseste sa vada decat cocoasa lui, ingnorand inteligenta. Fortat de circumstante, el devine asistentul unui infam om de stiinta, Doctorul Glickenstein. Igor viseaza la ziua in care va deveni s iel un om de stiinta, va castiga premiul cel mare la Targul de Stinte Malefice si va castiga inima lui Gretchen, frumusica satului.
In fiecare an oameni de stiinta din toate satele vin in Malaria sa concureze in Targul anual de Stinte Malefice, un eveniment unde sunt prezentate intotdeauna o multime de raze ale mortii, generatoare de cutremure sau plante carnivore mutante. Spre deosebire de ceilalti asistenti, Igor isi doreste sa schimbe lumea in moduri pe care stapanul sau nici nu si le-ar putea imagina si cand Doctorul Glickenstein moare cu doua saptamani inaintea targului, el profita de ocazia aparuta pentru a-si demonstra talentele, ajutat fiind de creierul Brian si iepurele reanimat Scampers.
Problemele apar cand creatia sa malefica se dovedeste a fi Eva, o femeie monstru cu o inima de aur, ce nu intelege ca a fost creata sa fie rea si isi doreste sa urmeze o cariera de actrita. In cele doua saptamani pana la inceperea targului, Igor va incerca sa o faca pe Eva sa para un monstru terific, spunandu-i ca are sansa sa joace intr-o piesa de teatru al carui personaj principal trebuie sa fie malefic. In timp ce "repetitiile" sunt in curs de desfasurare, satenii curiosi incep sa dea tarcoale castelului, rauvoitorul doctor Schadenfreude planuieste sa o fure pe Eva si sa spuna ca este experimentul sau, iar Igor de indragosteste treptat de creatia sa si isi da seama ca viata unui om de stiinta excentric nu este atat de spectaculoasa pe cat credea el.
Igor viseaza sa fie mai mult decat un asistent si doreste sa devina el insusi un geniu malefic, spre indignarea tuturor care cred ca un cocosat nu poate fi nimic mai mult decat un sclav pentru un om de stiinta. Astfel Igor face ceea ce nimeni altcineva nu a mai facut pana atunci, creeaza viata cu scopul de a castiga concursul de inventii malefice, insa lucrurile nu ies tocmai asa cum a planuit.

Description in English :

Igor is a 2008 American computer animated family-comedy film about the stock character of the same name around the grotesque with his dreams of winning first place at the Evil Science Fair. The film was released on September 19, 2008 by MGM and features the voices of John Cusack, Molly Shannon, Steve Buscemi, Sean Hayes, Jennifer Coolidge, Arsenio Hall, Eddie Izzard, Jay Leno, Christian Slater and John Cleese. The kingdom of Malaria's agriculture-based economy is devastated when all crops are killed by a mysterious rain. Its evil King Malbert then blackmails the rest of the world to pay the town not to unleash the various doomsday devices invented by its Evil Scientists. They in turn are assisted by Igors, while the kingdom's annual Evil Science Fair showcases the scientists' latest weapons. One Igor, however, who serves the somewhat dull-minded Doctor Glickenstein, is a talented inventor who aspires to be an Evil Scientist himself. Among his inventions are his friends "Scamper," a re-animated, immortal rabbit with a death wish, and "Brain," a dim-witted human brain transplanted into a life support jar. When one of Glickenstein's inventions malfunctions and explodes, taking Glickenstein with it, Igor sees his chance. With Brain and Scamper's help, he assembles a huge, monstrous being from human remains. When he brings her to life, however, he discovers that the "Evil Bone" he gave her was not activated, making her gentle, affectionate, and feminine. Igor tries to convince her that she is evil, inadvertently naming her "Eva", while an attempt to brainwash her into becoming evil turns her into an aspiring actress instead. Igor decides to exhibit Eva at the science fair anyway, telling her that the fair is an "Annie" audition. Igor's nemesis Dr. Schadenfreude learns of Eva's existence and attempts to steal her, but when that fails, he exposes Igor to King Malbert, who sends Igor to an "Igor Recycling Plant." Schadenfreude activates Eva's Evil Bone and unleashes her into the Science Fair, where she destroys all the other Evil Inventions. Scamper and Brain help Igor escape from the recycling plant. They then learn that Malbert had deliberately killed Malaria's crops with a weather modification ray so he could implement his "Evil Inventions" plan, thereby keeping himself in power. Rushing into the arena, Igor reasons with Eva to deactivate her Evil Bone and allowing her to regain her normal personality, while Scamper and Brain deactivate the weather ray which falls and squashes Malbert. Schadenfreude attempts to take power but the citizens revolt upon learning of Malbert's deception. With Malbert gone, Malaria regains its former pastoral character. The monarchy has been dissolved and Malaria becomes a republic, with Igor as President. Schadenfreude is relegated to a pickle salesman, while the annual Science Fair is now an annual musical theater showcase.