Tangled (2010) - Subtitrat in Romana

Nume : Tangled (O poveste incalcita)
Durata : 100 min
A fost lansat in : 2010
Subtitrat in limba Romana


Descriere in Romana :

Fiind răpită din castelul părinţilor ei de către Mother Gothel pe vremea când era doar o copilă în leagăn fiindcă părul ei fermecat are capacitatea de a asigura tinereţea veşnică şi de a vindeca orice rană ori de câte ori fata cântă o melodie, frumoasa şi rebela prinţesă Rapunzel şi-a petrecut ultimii 18 ani închisă într-un turn înalt, la care nu se poate ajunge pe nicio scară. Complet izolată de lume, dornică de aventură şi simţindu-se singură în compania unui cameleon, Rapunzel reuşeşte să îl prindă în capcana pletelor ei lungi de peste 20 de metri pe tânărul Flynn Rider, care se refugiază în turn după ce fură o tiară cu pietre preţioase împreună cu doi complici şi după ce îşi păcăleşte camarazii fugind cu prada. Plină de imaginaţie, încăpăţânată şi voluntară, prinţesa Rapunzel se foloseşte de cosiţele ei blonde cu putere magică ca de nişte tentacule uriaşe şi evadează cu ajutorul lui Flynn Rider din turnul în care a fost ţinută captivă. Pornind într-o călătorie plină de peripeţii, umor şi iubire, Rapunzel descoperă cum arată lumea reală, află adevărul despre originile ei şi se reuneşte cu părinţii biologici îndureraţi, care nu au încetat niciodată să o caute. 
Description in English : 

Tangled is a 2010 American computer animated musical fantasy-comedy film produced by Walt Disney Animation Studios and released by Walt Disney Pictures. Loosely based on the German fairy tale "Rapunzel" in the collection of folk tales published by the Brothers Grimm, it is the 50th animated feature in the Walt Disney Animated Classics series. Featuring the voices of Mandy Moore, Zachary Levi, and Donna Murphy, the film tells the story of a lost princess with long magical hair who yearns to leave her secluded tower. Against her mother's wishes, she accepts the aid of a handsome intruder to take her out into the world which she has never seen.
Before the film's release, its title was changed from Rapunzel to Tangled, reportedly to market the film as gender-neutral. Tangled spent six years in production at a cost that has been estimated at $260 million which, if accurate, would make it the most expensive animated film ever made and the second most expensive film of all time. The film employed a unique artistic style by blending features of both computer-generated imagery (CGI) and traditional animation together, while using non-photorealistic rendering to create the impression of a painting. Composer Alan Menken, who had worked on prior Disney animated features, returned to score Tangled.
Tangled premiered at the El Capitan Theatre on November 14, 2010, and went into general release on November 24. The film earned $591 million in worldwide box office revenue, $200 million of which was earned in the United States and Canada; it was well received by critics and audiences alike. Tangled was nominated for a number of awards, including Best Original Song at the 83rd Academy Awards. The film was released on Blu-ray and DVD on March 29, 2011; an animated short sequel, Tangled Ever After, was released in 2012.
Once upon a time, a single drop of sunlight falls to Earth and becomes a golden flower filled with incredibly strong healing properties. An old enchantress named Mother Gothel discovers the flower and hoards its healing ability through a song to keep her young for hundreds of years. Centuries later, the pregnant queen of a nearby kingdom falls deathly sick, leading the king to seek out the legendary mystical plant. Despite Gothel's efforts to hide it, the flower is found, uprooted, and boiled into medicine for the queen, which heals her. A baby princess is born with beautiful golden hair that possesses healing properties. Gothel, wanting to reclaim her immortality and youth, breaks into the royal nursery to cut a lock of the princess's hair, only to discover that doing so causes it to lose its magic. She kidnaps the princess instead and names her "Rapunzel," raising her as her own in an isolated tower. The king and the queen honor their missing daughter by releasing floating lanterns on the night of her birthday each year in hopes that one day, their lost princess will return.
For her eighteenth birthday, Rapunzel asks Gothel for permission to go outside the tower to see the source of the annual floating lights, but Gothel refuses and says that the outside world is filled with dangers. Meanwhile, Flynn Rider and the Stabbington brothers steal the tiara of the lost princess. During the ensuing chase, Maximus, horse of the Captain of the Guards, is separated from his rider but continues on his own. Flynn betrays his accomplices, takes the tiara, and stumbles upon Rapunzel's tower. Rapunzel knocks him unconscious, hides him, and takes the tiara. She asks Gothel for a special paint, the ingredients for which require three days of travel. Gothel leaves and Rapunzel tells Flynn that she will give him the tiara back if he takes her to see the lights. While on the route, he takes her to the Snuggly Duckling Inn, which is full of Gaul thugs, in hopes of scaring her into giving up her quest. The thugs are charmed by Rapunzel, who encourages them to follow their dreams.
Fearing that someone might find Rapunzel, Gothel returns early to the tower and finds the tiara. She teams up with the Stabbington brothers so she can get Rapunzel back and the brothers can get revenge on Flynn. The guards invade the tavern and chase Rapunzel and Flynn to a dam which collapses. Flynn and Rapunzel become trapped in a flooding cave. Believing he is about to die, Flynn tells Rapunzel his real name: Eugene Fitzherbert. Rapunzel admits her hair glows when she sings, then realizes they can use the light from her hair to find a way out. Rapunzel later uses her hair to heal Flynn's injured hand. When Flynn goes to gather firewood, Gothel meets Rapunzel insisting that Flynn does not care for her and gives Rapunzel the tiara, suggesting that she test Flynn by giving it to him. The next morning, Maximus confronts Flynn but Rapunzel befriends the horse and convinces him to help them instead. Arriving at the kingdom, Flynn takes Rapunzel around the city and later at night, takes her to see the lanterns. There, Rapunzel gives Flynn back the tiara. He realizes he has fallen in love with her, and just before he is about to kiss Rapunzel, he spots his old accomplices and leaves Rapunzel to give them the tiara, realizing that he cares more for Rapunzel. The brothers knock him out, tie him up on a boat, and sail him across the lake. They tell Rapunzel that Flynn betrayed her as they attempt to kidnap her for her hair's power. Gothel stages a rescue by knocking the brothers unconscious and takes her back to the tower. Rapunzel realizes she is the lost princess and attempts to flee the tower, but is captured by Mother Gothel.
Flynn is arrested and sentenced to death, but is rescued by Maximus and the Gaul thugs from the inn. Flynn races back to the tower and finds Rapunzel chained to the wall and gagged. Gothel fatally stabs him with a knife. Just before Flynn dies, he uses a shard of glass to cut Rapunzel's hair short, causing it to lose its power and the frightened Gothel to crumble into dust. With his last breath, Flynn declares his love for her. He dies, leaving a heartbroken Rapunzel to cry, singing the healing song. A single tear, still possessing its healing ability, drops onto Flynn's face and revives him. Returning to the kingdom, Rapunzel is reunited with the King and Queen. Flynn then ends the film by telling the audience that all the thugs made their dreams come true, he readopted his original name, and that he and Rapunzel eventually married and lived happily ever after.