Igor (2008) - Subtitrat in Romana

Nume : Igor
Durata : 87 Min
A fost lansat in : 2008
Subtitrat in limba Romana

Descriere in Romana : 

Igor s-a nascut cu o minte geniala, dar din nefericire lumea din jurul lui nu reuseste sa vada decat cocoasa lui, ingnorand inteligenta. Fortat de circumstante, el devine asistentul unui infam om de stiinta, Doctorul Glickenstein. Igor viseaza la ziua in care va deveni s iel un om de stiinta, va castiga premiul cel mare la Targul de Stinte Malefice si va castiga inima lui Gretchen, frumusica satului.
In fiecare an oameni de stiinta din toate satele vin in Malaria sa concureze in Targul anual de Stinte Malefice, un eveniment unde sunt prezentate intotdeauna o multime de raze ale mortii, generatoare de cutremure sau plante carnivore mutante. Spre deosebire de ceilalti asistenti, Igor isi doreste sa schimbe lumea in moduri pe care stapanul sau nici nu si le-ar putea imagina si cand Doctorul Glickenstein moare cu doua saptamani inaintea targului, el profita de ocazia aparuta pentru a-si demonstra talentele, ajutat fiind de creierul Brian si iepurele reanimat Scampers.
Problemele apar cand creatia sa malefica se dovedeste a fi Eva, o femeie monstru cu o inima de aur, ce nu intelege ca a fost creata sa fie rea si isi doreste sa urmeze o cariera de actrita. In cele doua saptamani pana la inceperea targului, Igor va incerca sa o faca pe Eva sa para un monstru terific, spunandu-i ca are sansa sa joace intr-o piesa de teatru al carui personaj principal trebuie sa fie malefic. In timp ce "repetitiile" sunt in curs de desfasurare, satenii curiosi incep sa dea tarcoale castelului, rauvoitorul doctor Schadenfreude planuieste sa o fure pe Eva si sa spuna ca este experimentul sau, iar Igor de indragosteste treptat de creatia sa si isi da seama ca viata unui om de stiinta excentric nu este atat de spectaculoasa pe cat credea el.
Igor viseaza sa fie mai mult decat un asistent si doreste sa devina el insusi un geniu malefic, spre indignarea tuturor care cred ca un cocosat nu poate fi nimic mai mult decat un sclav pentru un om de stiinta. Astfel Igor face ceea ce nimeni altcineva nu a mai facut pana atunci, creeaza viata cu scopul de a castiga concursul de inventii malefice, insa lucrurile nu ies tocmai asa cum a planuit.

Description in English :

Igor is a 2008 American computer animated family-comedy film about the stock character of the same name around the grotesque with his dreams of winning first place at the Evil Science Fair. The film was released on September 19, 2008 by MGM and features the voices of John Cusack, Molly Shannon, Steve Buscemi, Sean Hayes, Jennifer Coolidge, Arsenio Hall, Eddie Izzard, Jay Leno, Christian Slater and John Cleese. The kingdom of Malaria's agriculture-based economy is devastated when all crops are killed by a mysterious rain. Its evil King Malbert then blackmails the rest of the world to pay the town not to unleash the various doomsday devices invented by its Evil Scientists. They in turn are assisted by Igors, while the kingdom's annual Evil Science Fair showcases the scientists' latest weapons. One Igor, however, who serves the somewhat dull-minded Doctor Glickenstein, is a talented inventor who aspires to be an Evil Scientist himself. Among his inventions are his friends "Scamper," a re-animated, immortal rabbit with a death wish, and "Brain," a dim-witted human brain transplanted into a life support jar. When one of Glickenstein's inventions malfunctions and explodes, taking Glickenstein with it, Igor sees his chance. With Brain and Scamper's help, he assembles a huge, monstrous being from human remains. When he brings her to life, however, he discovers that the "Evil Bone" he gave her was not activated, making her gentle, affectionate, and feminine. Igor tries to convince her that she is evil, inadvertently naming her "Eva", while an attempt to brainwash her into becoming evil turns her into an aspiring actress instead. Igor decides to exhibit Eva at the science fair anyway, telling her that the fair is an "Annie" audition. Igor's nemesis Dr. Schadenfreude learns of Eva's existence and attempts to steal her, but when that fails, he exposes Igor to King Malbert, who sends Igor to an "Igor Recycling Plant." Schadenfreude activates Eva's Evil Bone and unleashes her into the Science Fair, where she destroys all the other Evil Inventions. Scamper and Brain help Igor escape from the recycling plant. They then learn that Malbert had deliberately killed Malaria's crops with a weather modification ray so he could implement his "Evil Inventions" plan, thereby keeping himself in power. Rushing into the arena, Igor reasons with Eva to deactivate her Evil Bone and allowing her to regain her normal personality, while Scamper and Brain deactivate the weather ray which falls and squashes Malbert. Schadenfreude attempts to take power but the citizens revolt upon learning of Malbert's deception. With Malbert gone, Malaria regains its former pastoral character. The monarchy has been dissolved and Malaria becomes a republic, with Igor as President. Schadenfreude is relegated to a pickle salesman, while the annual Science Fair is now an annual musical theater showcase.