Regele Shaman - Episodul 1

Nume : Regele Shaman (Shaman King)
Nr. Episoade : 64

Descriere in Romana : 

Shaman King (シャーマンキング Shāman Kingu?) (română Regele Șaman), cunoscut și ca "Mankin", este o serie anime și manga de Hiroyuki Takei. Revista a avut 32 de volume, iar anime-ul 64 de episoade. Seria a fost lansată în revista Weekly Shōnen Jump în Japonia, iar apoi a fost creat seria anime, ce a fost regizată de Seiji Mizushima, co-produsă de TV Tokyo, Nihon Ad Systems și Xebec și difuzată de TV Tokyo. Cărțile de joc Shaman King sunt disponibile în Japonia și America de Nord.
Manta Oyamada, cunoscut ca și Mortimer sau pe scurt Morty în varianta tradusă în engleză de Fox Box (devenită mai târziu 4Kids), un tânăr studios de gimnaziu, încearcă într-o noapte o scurtătură spre casa printr-un cimitir după ce a pierdut ultimul tren după școală. În timp ce calatorea prin el, se întâlnește cu Yoh Asakura si "companionii" lui: un cimitir plin de fantome. Yoh revelă a fi un shaman, o punte intre lumea celor vii si a celor morți. Yoh demonstrează de asemenea puterea unui Shaman de a se unii cu un spirit pentru a atinge acelasi scop. Yoh și Morty devin repede foarte buni prieteni în timp ce Yoh își folosește abilitățile de Shaman pentru a ieși cu bine din diferite situații.
Lupta Shaman este o bătălie ținută o data la 500 de ani între Shamanii concurenți, câștigătorul devenind "Regele Shaman", persoana care este capabilă să contacteze "Marele Spirit" (spiritul la care fiecare suflet se va întoarce eventual). Câștigătorul primește abilitatea de a reface lumea după propriul plac. Anna Kyoyama, logodinca lui Yoh, intră curând în peisaj și prescrie un antrenament brutal, cu scopul de a-l pregăti pe Yoh pentru turneu. Astfel începe intriga care îl va duce pe Yoh într-o călătorie în drumul căreia se va împrieteni cu Ryu(Rio), Tao Ren(Len/Lenny), Horohoro(Trey), Faust VIII, Lyserg Diethel și Joco(Chocolove).
În timpul Luptei Shaman, Yoh îl întâlnește pe Hao Asakura, un Shaman foarte puternic care dorește să extermine toți oamenii și Shamanii slabi pentru a creea o lume doar pentru Shamani. La sfârșitul luptelor Shaman cand echipele rămase erau constituite din Yoh și prietenii lui, Legiuitorii X si echipa lui Hao, echipele rămase au decis să piardă turneul încoronându-l pe Hao pe Regele Shaman. În timp ce Hao este dus departe, Yoh și prietenii lui decid să-l atace pe Hao în timp ce fuzionează cu Marele Spirit care este în comă. Pentru a face asta, Yoh și prietenii lui trebuie să-i învingă pe cei din tripul "Patch" care sunt obligați să-l servească pe noul Rege Shaman.
Odată înfrânți cei zece membrii ai tribului, Hao este trezit ca Regele Shaman. El îl înfrânge pe Yoh și prietenii lui și le absoarbe sufletul. În interiorul Marelui Spirit, Yoh, Ren, Horohoro, Faust VIII, și Joco se luptă cu Hao cu cele cinci spirite legendare; Spiritul Pământului, Spiritul Tunetului, Spiritul Ploii, Spiritul Focului și Spiritul Vântului. Se dezvăluie că Marele Spirit i-a îndeplinit dorința lui Hao astfel încât cineva să poată să aducă înapoi spiritul mamei lui. Cu ajutorul Annei, mama lui Hao este adusă Marelui Spirit. Ea îi spune lui Hao că trebuie să-i ierte pe oameni pentru că au asasinat-o. Hao decide să amâne planul sau de a-i eradica pe oameni și să-l observe pe Yoh și prietenii lui cum schimbă lumea.
Șapte ani mai târziu, Hana Asakura îi așteaptă la o stație pe cei cinci luptători legendari și pe părinții lui, Yoh și Anna.

Description in English :

Shaman King (Japanese: シャーマンキング Hepburn: Shāman Kingu?) is a Japanese manga series written and illustrated by Hiroyuki Takei. This manga follows the adventures of Yoh Asakura as he attempts to hone his shaman skills to become the Shaman King by winning the Shaman Fight. Takei chose shamanism as the main theme of the series because he wanted a topic that had never been attempted before in manga.
The Shaman King manga was originally serialized in Weekly Shōnen Jump between 1998 and 2004. The individual chapters were collected and released in 32 tankōbon volumes by Shueisha. An animated television series was produced by Xebec and co-produced by TV Tokyo, which aired on Japan's TV Tokyo network from 2001 to 2002. The manga has also been reprinted in a kanzenban edition, and has spawned video games, a trading card game, and many types of Shaman King-related merchandise.
In North America, Viz Media obtained the English-language license for the manga and published chapters of Shaman King in its Shonen Jump magazine from March 2003 to August 2007. The anime series was licensed in North America by 4Kids Entertainment in 2003, and aired on Fox Box. Exclusive video games were released by 4Kids Entertainment in North America and Europe.
In Japan, the manga has been popular, selling over 26 million volumes as of 2011. Both the manga and anime have been featured, at various times, in "top ten" lists of their respective media. The Shaman King anime has been watched by a large number of television viewers in Japan. Publications about manga, anime and other media have commented on the Shaman King manga, with positive comments on the series.


The plot of Shaman King revolves around Yoh Asakura, a shaman, a medium between the worlds of the living and the dead. Yoh seeks to become the Shaman King, the one who is able to contact the Great Spirit, and will gain the ability to reshape the world in any way they wish, and for this purpose he must to win the Shaman Fight, a battle held once every 500 years between competing shamans. Anna Kyoyama, Yoh's fiancée, soon enters the scene and prescribes a brutal training regimen to prepare him for the tournament. Thus begins the plot that will lead Yoh on a journey that will lead him to befriend Ryu, Tao Ren, Horohoro, Faust VIII, Lyserg Diethel, and Joco McDonnell (known as Chocolove McDonnell).
During the Shaman Fight, Yoh encounters Hao Asakura, a strong shaman who wishes to eradicate humans and create a world for shamans. At the end of the shaman battles, the remaining teams consist of Yoh and his friends (the X-Laws) and Hao's team. The remaining teams choose to forfeit the tournament, crowning Hao with the title of Shaman King. As Hao is led away, Yoh and his allies decide to attack Hao while he is merging with the great spirit, which is in a coma. To conquer Hao, Yoh and his friends must defeat The Patch Tribe members who are obliged to serve under the new Shaman King.
After Yoh and his friends overcome the ten Patch Tribe members, Hao is awakened as the new Shaman King. He defeats Yoh and all his friends and absorbs their souls. Inside the Great Spirit, Yoh, Tao, Horohoro, Lyserg, and Chocolove battle against Hao and the five legendary spirits: the Spirit of Earth, the Spirit of Thunder, the Spirit of Rain, the Spirit of Fire, and the Spirit of Wind. When former associates of Yoh and his friends begin appearing in the Great Spirit, it is revealed that the Great Spirit granted Hao's wish for someone to bring back his mother's spirit. With Anna's help, Hao's mother is brought to the Great Spirit. Hao's mother tells him that, in order to be saved, he must forgive the humans for murdering her. Hao decides to postpone his plan to eradicate humans and to observe how Yoh and his friends will change the world.
Seven years later, Hana Asakura waits at a station for the five legendary warriors and his parents, Yoh and Anna.


Before creating Shaman King, Takei, an assistant of Nobuhiro Watsuki's Rurouni Kenshin, exchanged ideas about the series with the other assistants. As a colleague of Watsuki, he worked primarily as a manga assistant, only focusing on his own projects during his days off. He was influenced by street art from hip-hop and rap culture, which is apparent in his manga artwork.For drawing, he used calligraphy inks and pen nibs. When illustrating, he used Copic brand color markers.
He chose shamanism as the principal topic of the series because he "wanted to choose a topic that has never been done before". He said he incorporated his own personality and beliefs in Shaman King.[1] He has an interest in the subject, and "choosing shamanism as the subject of this story seemed like a natural extension of that." For the title, he said he used "shaman", an English word, due to the fact that "the nuance is really great" and because there "is no word in Japanese that accurately carries the meaning of the word 'shaman'."
Takei created the stories after he created the characters because he believed the "stories are born because of the existence of the characters". In addition, he felt that "the most important thing [to create a character] is to have originality".Trough his characters he wanted to show different cultures, backgrounds and values. When asked "how do shamans of pacifistic religions ever win the Shaman Fight?" he answered that the Shaman Fight is fought using the "strength of the soul".
Five years after the end of the series, when the Shaman King Kanzen-Ban was finished, Takei said, "After making the readers waiting [sic] so much for this, the last thing I wanted to do was to disappoint them". He thought the ending was a "huge responsibility". This edition served to make corrections and adjustments and, for Takei, it was something "fun," as it was different from scratch.



The chapters of Shaman King were written and illustrated by Takei and were published in Shueisha's Weekly Shōnen Jump from June 30, 1998 to August 30, 2004. The 285-chapter series was collected into 32 tankōbon volumes, the first of which was released on December 3, 1998, with the last (volume 32) being released on January 5, 2005. Only 31 volumes were released once the publication ended. The release of volume 32 (intended for publication on December 3, 2004) was delayed. Shueisha reported they would only publish volume 32 if they receive evidence of demand from approximately 50,000 people.
During the 2009 Jump Festa, Shueisha announced a kanzenban reprint of the entire series. Called Shaman King Kanzen-Ban (or "Perfect Edition"), its release reprinted the entire series in 27 volumes, concluding with the "true ending" to the series. A total of 16 new chapters produced for this edition expanded the total number of chapters in the series to 300. The new series finale was also posted on the official Kanzen-Ban website, in addition to the print editions. The first volume of the Perfect Edition was released on March 4, 2008, with the last (volume 27) being published on April 3, 2009. Shaman King has also been published as part of the Shueisha Jump Remix series of magazine-style books. Sixteen volumes of Shaman King were released under the Shueisha Jump Remix series between April 1 and October 28, 2011.
On November 2011, a one-shot manga was released titled Shaman King: Zero in Jump Kai, with four other one-shots released monthly until the beginning of Shaman King: Flowers.Shaman King: Zero was released on a single volume on May 10, 2012. On November 2011, Shueisha announced the serialization of a sequel, Shaman King: Flowers (シャーマンキング Flowers Shāman Kingu Furawāzu?), to start in their magazine Jump Kai in April 2012. It focuses on Hana Asakura's development as a Shaman.The first tankōbon of Shaman King: Flowers was released on August 10, 2012, and is currently on the fourth volume, released on October 10, 2013.
Viz Media licensed the series for an English-language release in North America, with chapters initially serialized in the American Shonen Jump. It began in third issue in 2003, but ceased serialization in the August 2007 issue. Volume 1 was released on September 3, 2003, and volume 32 was released to conclude the series on January 4, 2011. In Australasian region, Madman Entertainment licensed and published the series between February 10, 2009 and September 10, 2011.

Funbari no Uta

Funbari no Uta (ふんばりの詩 Funbari Poem?) is a spin-off to Shaman King which lasted for five chapters and takes place seven years after the end of the manga series. It features Hana Asakura and his journey with Ryu to find the Five Elemental Warriors for a reunion before the opening of the Funbari Hot Springs Inn. All five chapters were included in volume 32 of the American release.


The episodes of the Shaman King anime series are directed by Seiji Mizushima and produced by Xebec. At an early stage of anime production, Takei himself helped the anime's staff. However, he soon left the staff due to his lack of time as he was working in the manga.The 64 episodes were aired between July 4, 2001, and September 25, 2002, on TV Tokyo in Japan. 4Kids Entertainment obtained the rights to broadcast the Shaman King anime in the United States, where it premiered on Fox Box on August 30, 2003. The final episode aired on September 3, 2005.
The episodes were collected into 16 DVD compilations by King Records in Japan and released between October 30, 2001, and January 22, 2003. The DVDs were later collected and released in three box sets between August 27, 2008, and December 25, 2008.[ Five DVD compilations of the English adaptation have been released by Funimation Entertainment between October 19, 2004 and March 29, 2005 in an uncut form.

Clasa lui 3000 - Episodul 1

Nume : Clasa lui 3000 (Class of 3000)
Nr. Episoade : 10
Limba : Romana
A fost difuzat pe : Cartoon Network

Descriere in Romana : 

Clasa lui 3000 este un serial de desene animate care a fost la început difuzat pe Cartoon Network dar mai târziu difuzarea serialului pe acest canal a fost întreruptă. Serialul este creat, produs executiv, și la avut în distribuție pe André 3000 din grupul Hip hop OutKast ca superstarul și profesorul de muzică, Sunny Bridges și produs de Cartoon Network Studios. Acum serialul este difuzat pe Pro Cinema dublat în limba română. Serialul prezintă viața lui Sunny Bridges, un artist muzician care este profesor de muzică la Școala Westley de arte performante.

Description in English : 

Class of 3000 is an American animated television series on Cartoon Network that was created, executively produced, and starred by André 3000 of the Hip Hop group OutKast as superstar and music teacher Sunny Bridges, set at Atlanta, Georgia's Westley School of Performing Arts. Mr. Bridges is a jazz and blues artist who occasionally lectures in Atlanta's Little Five Points residential area. It was produced by Tom Lynch Company, Moxie Turtle and Cartoon Network Studios. In Canada, the series has aired on MuchMusic.
As of September 25, 2011, it's currently the last Cartoon Network series to be given a TV-Y7 rating without the Fantasy Violence side rating to accompany it as an ironic result (this show ended up rated TV-Y7 due to mild innuendo, the surreal animation being slightly intense for younger viewers, and some comic relief slapstick humour). It is also the final Cartoon Network show which aired at the time Jim Samples had been in charge of Cartoon Network (he decided to resign the week after the 2007 Boston bomb scare had occurred).

Production history/Cancellation

The series made its world premiere (previously advertised as a live premiere with performances by Chris Brown) on November 3, 2006 at 8:00 p.m. ET/PT with a one-hour special, came to Cartoon Network UK on May 28, 2007 and premiered on Cartoon Network Australia/New Zealand on February 4, 2008. Timothy McGee actually sued Andre 3000, claiming he proposed the idea for a similar TV show back in the year 1997 with Andre replaced by Kenneth "Babyface" Edmonds, which may be one of the costs of the show's cancelation. The show was co-created and developed by Thomas W. Lynch & Patric M. Verrone. In January 2010 all mentionings in the website about the show were removed, meaning that Cartoon Network has abandoned it. Although there has not been a DVD released in Region 1, seasons 1 and 2 of the show are currently available on iTunes, with the exception of "The Cure" from season 2.

Inspector Gadget - Episodul 1

Nume : Inspector Gadget
Nr. Episoade : 14
Limba : Romana
A fost difuzat pe : Jetix 

Descriere in Romana :

Este o comedie Walt Disney destinata intregii familii, un film al carui erou este compus din mii de piese detasabile si in miscare. INSPECTOR GADGET se bazeaza pe eroul serialului cu acelasi nume, si urmareste aventurile comice prin care trece John Brown - un agent de paza cam naiv care viseza sa ajunga cel mai renumit ofiter de politie. La un moment dat, datorita unor imprejurari neasteptate, el devine candidatul ideal pentru realizarea unui proiect strict secret al politiei si frumoasa cercetatoare Brenda Bradford va aplica vastele sale cunostinte din domeniul robotizarii pentru a-l transforma pe nevinovatul paznic intr-un erou plin de talent si... accesorii!
Fiind utilat cu un sortiment vast de dispozitive inventate si grefate pe corp, noul "INSPECTOR GADGET" va folosi aceste "acareturi", alaturi de intuitie si noroc pentru a dezlega un complicat caz criminal. El va trebui sa-l infrunte pe infamul raufacator de talie internationala - Claw ("cleste"), care a pus la cale un plan diabolic prin care spera sa domine intreaga lume.

Description in English : 

Inspector Gadget is an animated television series that revolves around the adventures of a clumsy, dim-witted cyborg detective named lnspector Gadget – a human being with various bionic gadgets built into his body. Gadget's nemesis is Dr. Claw, the leader of an evil organization, known as "M.A.D."[4]
This is the first syndicated cartoon show from DIC Entertainment (as well as the first from the company to be created specifically for US viewers, along with The Littles). lt originally ran from 1983 to 1986 and remained in syndication into the late 1990s. It continues to air successfully in reruns around the world.
The series was produced by companies in France, Canada, the United States, Taiwan, and Japan. It was a co-production between DIC Entertainment in France (the main headquarters did not move to the US untiI 1987) and Nelvana in Canada; the animation work was outsourced to foreign studios such as Tokyo Movie Shinsha in Japan and Cuckoo's Nest Studio in Taiwan. It was the first animated television series to be presented in stereo.


Inspector Gadget is a famous cyborg policeman with a seemingly endless amount of gadgets he can summon by saying "Go-Go-Gadget" then the gadget's name. The word "Gadget" is actually part of the name, as hinted at in some episodes. Although he has all this equipment, Gadget is ultimately incompetent and clueless (in a manner similar to the Inspector Clouseau character of the Pink Panther series), and overcomes obstacles and survives perilous situations by sheer good luck, with help from his faithful niece Penny and intelligent dog Brain who both must secretly help him solve each case. Even his gadgets often malfunction, which Gadget often deals with by exclaiming that he needs to get them fixed.
Almost every episode of the first season follows a detailed and set formula, with little variation (though many of these elements were tinkered with in season 2). Gadget, Penny, and Brain will usually be doing something together when Chief Quimby calls the top-secret Gadgetphone (a telephone built into one of Gadget's hands). Usually, the call consists of Gadget saying, "Is that you, Chief? You're where? Right away, Chief." Gadget then tracks down Quimby, who is either disguised or hiding, and receives a brief message about the latest caper by Dr. Claw and M.A.D, along with his assigned task aimed at stopping it. Each of these messages self-destructs after reading (a nod to Mission: Impossible), a fact which Gadget always ignores as he crumples the messages up and tosses them away, inevitably getting them somewhere near Quimby where they explode in his face.
The episode then usually takes Gadget to some exotic locale and somehow Penny and Brain find a way to accompany him. Brain keeps Gadget out of trouble from M.A.D. agents (who Gadget usually mistakes for friendly locals; ironically, Gadget often takes the disguised Brain for a MAD agent), while Penny solves the case.
Frequently, Penny herself lands in trouble with M.A.D. agents - most of whom truss her up and leave her in a "Death-Trap" or similar perilous situation (a nod to The Man From U.N.C.L.E.). She occasionally extricates herself at the last possible moment, but more often she is forced to call Brain who rescues her in the nick of time. (More than anything else, Penny's being reduced to a damsel in distress prevents Brain's role from becoming entirely thankless.) With the help of Penny and Brain, Gadget inadvertently saves the day, Dr. Claw escapes, and Chief Quimby arrives to congratulate Gadget on a job well done.
Each episode ends (as many cartoons did in the 1980s) with Gadget (and usually Penny and Brain also) giving a public service announcement - in direct contrast with his dangerous job and risk-taking behavior in the show, with most of the tips having a connection with problems Gadget had experienced during the episode. For example in one episode, Gadget tries to hitchhike saying he hopes the approaching motorist doesn't mind him doing so, with the ending PSA making very clear how dangerous hitchhiking can be.


  • Inspector Gadget is the main protagonist and titular character of the series and movies. He dresses like Inspector Clouseau, drives a Matra Murena car and acts like Maxwell Smart, who was portrayed by Gadget's voice actor Don Adams. The clueless Gadget frequently bungles during his cases and gets into danger, but he always gets out of trouble through either his trusty gadgets, Penny or Brain's unseen assistance, or pure luck. One of his most famous catch-phrases in the series is "Wowsers!" While he would never succeed in completing a mission by himself without Penny and Brain, they usually would not succeed in completing a mission themselves without Inspector Gadget and his gadgets unintentionally foiling the MAD agents' plans.
  • Penny is Gadget's precocious niece. She is a master of investigation and technology who is the one truly responsible for foiling M.A.D.'s schemes, a fact only Brain knows. Using a computer disguised as a book and a utility wristwatch, she monitors her Uncle Gadget's activities, communicates with Brain and foils M.A.D.'s plots. Penny very often gets captured by M.A.D. agents before calling Brain for help or escaping by herself.
  • Brain is Inspector Gadget's and Penny's faithful pet dog and companion. He is bipedal, just as intelligent as a human and assists Penny in keeping Gadget out of danger and solving the crime. Brain uses a variety of disguises, which Gadget never sees through, and is often mistaken for a M.A.D. agent by Gadget. Brain's collar is outfitted with a retractable video communications system linked to a computer wristwatch Penny wears that allows her to relay information on Gadget's activity, or warn Brain as to the whereabouts of M.A.D. agents. Brain can communicate with humans, through a gruff, Scooby-Doo-like "dog" voice or pantomime and physical gestures to communicate effectively.
  • Doctor Claw (his real name is never revealed) is the main antagonist of the series and leader of the evil M.A.D. organization. Throughout the entire series, Dr. Claw is an unseen character. Only his arms and gauntleted hands are visible, leaving the viewer to guess as to his face and body. He is usually at a computer terminal where he monitors his various schemes, often in a creepy old castle. Although he is aware of Gadget's idiocy, he believes the Inspector to be his greatest enemy, never fully realizing that it is actually Penny and Brain who foil his plots in each episode (although he or his M.A.D. agents have captured Penny and sometimes Brain a number of times). Dr. Claw's preferred mode of transportation/escape is the M.A.D. Mobile, a black and red vehicle that can transform into a jet or a submarine. He is always seen with his fat pet cat M.A.D. Cat, (a nod to Ernst Stavro Blofeld and his cat) who reaps the benefits of his brief victories and bears the brunt of his defeats. Dr. Claw's catch-phrase is "I'll get you next time, Gadget! NEXT time!" It is heard at the end of every episode, during the credits, and is followed by a loud "Meow" from M.A.D. Cat.
  • Chief Quimby is Inspector Gadget's short-tempered boss and the chief of Westfinster. He has a moustache and is usually seen with a pipe in his mouth. He appears disguised at the beginning of each episode with his own theme music to deliver Gadget his mission only to be blown up by the self-destructing message (a parody of the Mission: Impossible messages) because of Gadget's obliviousness; he appears again at the end of most episodes to congratulate Gadget on a job well done, but he never realizes that it is Penny who is truly the one responsible for foiling Doctor Claw's plots.
  • Corporal Capeman, voiced by Townsend Coleman, is a recurring character introduced in the second season as Inspector Gadget’s sidekick. Capeman is a self-proclaimed superhero who acts in the manner of a stereotypical crime fighter but, though more observant than the Inspector of details, is equally as inept at interpreting them. Capeman is obsessed with learning to fly and often mistakenly believes he has miraculously acquired the power of flight while in the midst of dire circumstances.

RoboGandecelul - Episodul 1

Nume : RoboGandacelul
Nr. Episoade : 4
Limba : Romana
A fost difuzat pe : Jetix

Descriere in Romana :

RoboGandacelul este un serial de animatie canadian, care a rulat la postul de televiziune Teletoon in Canada si Jetix in Europa. Urmareste povestea unui gandac de bucatarie numit Rube si a fratelui sau Reg. In timp ce cautau mancare, asa cum se poate vedea in filmuletul de introducere, Rube este prins si se fac experimente pe el. Fratele lui il salveaza, dar cand sar intr-o priza sa se ascunda, Rube este transformat pentru totdeauna intr-un robogandacel, pe jumatate robot, pe jumatate gandac de bucatarie. Dupa aceasta transformare el jura sa isi foloseasca puterile doar pentru a face a bine pentru toata lumea, si niciodata pentru uz personal, spre nefericirea fratelui sau mai mic, Reg. Numele de RoboGandacelul vine din engleza: RoboRoach, iar de multe ori l-am vazut tradus gresit, ca “Robo Gandacelul”, in loc de “RoboGandacelul” scris legat. De obicei un desen are cam 20 de minute, la care se adauga introducerea, si care are cate doua parti. Noi am separat cele doua parti, care avea fiecare povestea ei, si am facut cate una de 10 minute. Fiecare desen animat se termina prost pentru Reg, care se plange de fiecare data: “De ce eu? De ce intotdeauna numai si numai eu?”.

Description in English :

Roboroach is a Canadian animated television series, which ran on Teletoon in Canada and Fox Kids in Europe. It follows the story of a cockroach named Rube and his brother Reg. While scavenging for food, as seen in the introduction film, Rube is caught and experimented on. His brother saves him, but when they jump in an electrical outlet, Rube is transformed forever into a roboroach, a half-robot half-cockroach. After that he swears to use his powers only for the good of everyone and never for personal use, unfortunately for Reg.


  • Ruben "Rube" Roach has been turned into a "super-bug" and serves as the superhero of the fictional town of Vexberg. He always thinks of the others before himself and never accepts gifts of gratitude, and that's the reason why he and his brother live in poverty. Rube is also quite naive and believes almost everything anyone tells him. He has three pet lice and a "larvy" doll. His superpowers include transforming into almost anything, from washing machines to scouters and from planes to toilets. He is voiced by Scott Thompson
  • Reginald "Reg" Roach is Rube's older brother always tries to get rich but always fails. He is overambitious and cares only about himself. Reg tries to use his brother's powers to obtain money but Rube always turns down reward offers because, as he says: "A good deed is its own reward!". That infuriates Reg as he is also quite selfish and ill-tempered. This often causes him a lot of trouble. His catchphrase is "Why me? why me? Why all the time me?" with slight variations according to the episode. He could be described as an Ever-failing character. Reg is voiced by Ted Dykstra.
  • Mayor Mierworm is the mayor of Vexburg. she does not like Rube or Reg and thinks of them as menaces. Once she even tried to blame them for a crime they never committed, just to get rid of them. As a politician she is not very good but seemingly Mayor Mierworm gets re-elected quite often.
  • Skeeter Jettings is the main reporter in the series and can be found announcing the news on Reg and Rube's TV. His name is a spoof on Peter Jennings.
  • The police chief is Roboroach's friend and chief of the police station. Also known for his giggle.
  • Doc is the Roach brothers' personal physician.
  • Sterling Überbucks is CEO and owner of his company "Überbucks Dynamic Concerns". He and his helper Toadie are always trying to get richer at the cost of anything. Sterling has a nephew Stewie Jr., an evil twin brother named Carling and a great-great-great grandfather named Sterling Überrucks The Very 1st.

Viva High School Musical Mexico - Online in Romana

 Nume : Viva High School Musical Mexico
Durata : 100 min
Limba : Romana
A fost difuzat pe : Disney Channel

Descriere in Romana :  

Viva High School Musical Mexico (High School Musical: El Desafίo Mexico) este un spin-off al filmului american High School Musical, făcut pentru Mexic. Filmul îi are în rolurile principale pe finaliștii emisiunii-concurs High School Musical: La Selección, cu participarea specială a duetului muzical Jesse & Joy.
Premiera originală a avut loc pe data de 5 septembrie 2008, în cinematografele din Mexic. În România, premiera a avut loc pe 14 februarie 2010, cu ocazia Zilei îndrăgostiților, la Disney Channel, cu o variantă dublată în limba română.


De-a lungul verii, Cristóbal (Cristóbal Orellana), căpitanul echipei de fotbal a liceului, descoperă că vecina și colega lui de clasă, Mariana (Mariana Magaña) s-a schimbat mult în timpul vacanței de vară. Luli (Mar Contreras) a rămas tot țanțoșă și cu o atitudine superioară față de fratele ei, Fernando (Fernando Soberanes) și de companioanele ei, pe care le numește "Invizibilele". Un nou an școlar începe la High School Mexico, iar școala anunță o "Bătălie a trupelor" ("Battle of the Bands"), concurs organizat de Jesse & Joy. Muncind contra-cronometru și cu resurse limitate, băieții își unesc forțele pentru ziua cea mare. Cristobal, Mariana și câțiva colegi formează o trupă numită "Fair Play". Dorindu-și să câștige, Luli încearcă să-l despartă pe Cristobal de prietenii lui. Dar, o singură trupă va câștiga; cea care înțelege că munca în echipă, dezvoltarea personală și munca din greu îi va face niște artiști și oameni mai buni.

Description in English :

High School Musical is a 2006 American television film and the first installment in the High School Musical trilogy. Upon its release on January 20, 2006, it became the most successful film that Disney Channel Original Movie (DCOM) ever produced,[2][3][4] with a television sequel High School Musical 2 released in 2007 and the feature film High School Musical 3: Senior Year released to theaters in October 2008. It is the first Disney Channel Original Movie to have a theatrical sequel.[5] The film's soundtrack was the best-selling album in the United States for 2006.[6]
High School Musical was Disney Channel's most watched film that year with 7.7 million viewers in its premiere broadcast in the US, until August's premiere of The Cheetah Girls 2, which achieved 8.1 million viewers.[7] In the UK, it received 789,000 viewers for its premiere (and 1.2 million viewers overall during the first week), making it the second most watched program for the Disney Channel (UK) of 2006. On December 29, 2006, it became the first DCOM to be broadcast on the BBC.[8] Globally, High School Musical has been seen by over 225 million viewers.[9][10]
With a plot described by the author and numerous critics as a modern adaptation of Romeo & Juliet,[11] High School Musical is a story about two high school juniors from rival cliques – Troy Bolton (Zac Efron), captain of the basketball team, and Gabriella Montez (Vanessa Hudgens), a beautiful and shy transfer student who excels in math and science.[12] Together, they try out for the lead parts in their high school musical, and as a result, divide the school. Despite other students' attempts to thwart their dreams, Troy and Gabriella resist peer pressure and rivalry, inspiring others along the way not to "stick to the status quo". High school diva Sharpay Evans (Ashley Tisdale) will do anything to sabotage the friendship between Troy and Gabriella and also get a lead in the school musical, assisted by her brother Ryan (Lucas Grabeel).
High School Musical was filmed at East High School located in Salt Lake City, Utah, the auditorium of Murray High School, and Downtown Salt Lake City. Murray High School was also the set of several other Disney productions: Take Down (1978), Read It and Weep (2006), Minutemen (2008)[13] and High School Musical: Get in the Picture (2008).[14]


On New Year's Eve, juniors Troy Bolton and Gabriella Montez meet at a party while both teens are at a ski lodge during winter break. At the party, the two are called upon to sing karaoke together ("Start of Something New"). They seem to be attracted to each other, and exchange numbers before going their separate ways.
After Christmas break, Troy sees Gabriella in his homeroom, and she explains that she just moved to Albuquerque, New Mexico and transferred to East High School over break. Troy shows Gabriella around the school, and they pause in front of the sign-up sheet for the winter musical auditions. This alarms Drama Club president Sharpay Evans, who assumes that Gabriella is interested in auditioning. Wanting to eliminate competition, Sharpay investigates the new girl and has the scholastic decathlon captain, Taylor McKessie, find out about Gabriella's past academic achievements.
During basketball practice, Troy has trouble focusing because his thoughts are on Gabriella and the idea that he might enjoy singing more ("Get'cha Head In the Game"). Gabriella and Troy both go to the musical auditions where Sharpay and her twin brother Ryan perform ("What I've Been Looking For") but both are too shy to audition. When Gabriella finally gains the confidence to step forward, Troy offers to sing with her, but Ms. Darbus tells them that they are too late. After Ms. Darbus attempts to leave, Kelsi Nielson, the musical's composer, trips and drops her things. Troy and Gabriella rush to help her, and they sing together as Kelsi plays piano ("What I've Been Looking For (Reprise)"). Ms. Darbus overhears them and gives them a callback audition.
When the callback list is posted, Sharpay discovers that she has competition for the lead in the musical, and the rest of the Wildcats are shocked that Troy and Gabriella have auditioned for a musical. Other students confess their own secret passions and talents ("Stick To The Status Quo"), alarming both Taylor and Troy's friend Chad Danforth. Since Gabriella has agreed to join the scholastic decathlon team, both Taylor and Chad want their teammates to focus on their upcoming competitions rather than the musical. Troy is tricked into saying that Gabriella is not important while she watches through a wi-fi link that the scholastic decathlon team has set up. Gabriella goes into depression ("When There Was Me And You") and decides not to audition for the musical. Realizing their mistake, Chad, Taylor and the basketball team tell Troy what happened and offer to support him in callbacks. Troy goes to Gabriella's house and they reconcile.
After overhearing Gabriella and Troy practicing, Sharpay has Ms. Darbus change the callback time to coincide with both the basketball championship and the scholastic decathlon to interfere with Gabriella and Troy's participation. Kelsi overhears the conversation and the basketball team and the decathlon team work together to come up with a plan. On the day of the competitions, Taylor and Gabriella use the school's computers to delay the championship and the decathlon. Troy and Gabriella rush to the auditorium, and Sharpay and Ryan finish performing their song ("Bop To The Top"), confident that their plan worked. After Gabriella and Troy audition ("Breaking Free"), Ms. Darbus gives the two the lead roles, making Sharpay and Ryan understudies. Troy and Gabriella both win their respective competitions, and the entire school gathers in the gym to celebrate ("We're All In This Together").
In a post-credits scene, Zeke paces alone in the gym as Sharpay comes running in declaring the cookies she rejected from him earlier "genius." She then hugs him and he says he will make her a crème brûlée.

Characters and cast

  • Troy Bolton (Zac Efron) is the most popular male student at East High School, and the captain of the varsity basketball team. On New Year's Eve after singing with Gabriella he finds himself having a crush on her.
  • Gabriella Montez (Vanessa Hudgens) is one of the brainiacs on the scholastic decathlon team. She develops a love for Troy.
  • Sharpay Evans (Ashley Tisdale) is an energetic student with a love of theatre. Enjoys being the centre of attention, particularly Troy's.
  • Ryan Evans (Lucas Grabeel) is Sharpay's twin brother.
  • Chad Danforth (Corbin Bleu) is Troy's best friend, and is very good friends with Jason and Zeke.
  • Taylor McKessie (Monique Coleman) is Gabriella's best friend. She is captain of the school's Scholastic Decathlon team.
  • Jack Bolton (Bart Johnson) is Troy's father and the coach of the basketball team.
  • Ms. Darbus (Alyson Reed) is the stern drama teacher at East High. She despises sports and cell phones but takes her job very seriously.
  • Kelsi Nielsen (Olesya Rulin) is a student at East High. She is a pianist and composer.
  • Zeke Baylor (Chris Warren Jr.) is friends with Troy and Chad, and plays for the basketball team. He also enjoys baking and is an admirer of Sharpay.
  • Jason Cross (Ryne Sanborn) is friends with Troy and Chad, and plays for the basketball team. He also tends to ask silly questions in class.
  • Martha Cox (Kaycee Stroh) is a peppy brainiac who enjoys hip-hop. She is good friends with Gabriella, Taylor, and Kelsi.

Fabrica de ras a lui Mickey

 Nume : Fabrica de ras a lui Mickey
Durata : 55 min
 Limba : Romana
A fost difuzat pe : TVR 1

Descriere in Romana :

Pe 18 noiembrie 1928, un soricel mic si curajos pe nume Mickey si-a facut marele debut, luand lumea cu asalt!
Astazi, dupa mai bine de 75 de ani, Mickey Mouse continua sa fie unul dintre cele mai indragite superstaturi de pe Pamant. Iar tu te vei putea alatura prieteniloe preferati de la Disney, care sarbatoresc unele dintre cele mai nostime momente cu Mickey in aceasta colectie absolut hilara de comori ale universului animatiei.
Mai intai, Mickey are probleme cu timpul, datorita ceasului cu alarma si absolut aiurea ala lui Goofy, in Hickory Dickory Mickey. Apoi lui Minnie ii cade cu tronc un maestru bucatar, iar cand Mickey incearca sa ii prepare o cina simandicoasa, ca sa o recucereasca (Mickey Tries To Cook), starneste un adevarat haos in bucatarie. In plus, oferta include alte sapte nestemate super haioase, intre care Organ Donors, Mickey’s Airplane Klt, Street Cleaner, Mickey’s New Car, Bubble Gum, Mickey’s Big Break si MIckey’s Mix-Up. De la prima secventa pana la ultima, Mickey’s Laugh Factory este locul unde se produce distractie non-stop, 365 de zile pe an!

Description in English :

Mickey Mouse Works is an American television show that features the cartoon character Mickey Mouse and his friends in a series of animated segments. It is somewhat of an update of Mickey's Mouse Tracks. It is the first Disney television animated series to be broadcast in HD. The series is rated TV-Y7.
Mickey Mouse, Minnie Mouse, Donald Duck, Daisy Duck, Goofy, Pluto, and Ludwig Von Drake all star in their own segments. Horace Horsecollar, Clarabelle Cow, Huey, Dewey and Louie, Chip 'n Dale, Scrooge McDuck, Pete, Humphrey the Bear, J. Audubon Woodlore, Dinah the Dachshund, Butch the Bulldog, Mortimer Mouse and Clara Cluck all appear as supporting characters. Musical themes for each character are composed by Stephen James Taylor with a live 12-piece band and extensive use of the fretless guitar. Music was nominated for an Annie Award in both 1999 and 2000. Although it was a very short-lived series, it immediately became very popular in its original run and in syndication.[citation needed] The cartoons on the show were later used in the Disney animated television series House of Mouse.
Mickey Mouse Works was created to recreate the golden age of Disney's animated shorts, featuring some of Disney’s most popular characters. By using basic colors and the original sound effects, effort was put forth to capture the look and feel of classic Disney.
Each half-hour episode consisted of a variety of cartoons, varying in length from ninety seconds to twelve minutes. These shorts fell into three general types: the brief gag cartoons, the longer character-based cartoons, and the more classically-based "Mouse Tales" (usually the show's longest segment). The character-based segments also included "Silly Symphonies", carrying on the tradition of that series of theatrical shorts.
The gag shorts, which lasted 90 seconds each, were shown with the following umbrella titles:
  • Mickey To The Rescue: Mickey tries to rescue Minnie from Pete's trap-laden hideout.
  • Maestro Minnie: Minnie conducts an orchestra of animated, disagreeable, instruments.
  • Goofy's Extreme Sports: Goofy shows off extreme sports to the words of his offscreen narrator.
  • Donald's Dynamite: Donald's activity is interrupted by the appearance of a well-placed bomb.
  • Von Drake's House Of Genius: Ludwig Von Drake shows off an invention of his which goes haywire.
  • Pluto Gets The Paper: Pluto goes through a bit of problems trying to fetch the newspaper for Mickey.
With no established schedule or routine, Mickey Mouse Works was designed to look like one spontaneous flow. Adding to that feeling were the show's opening credits, which ended differently each week, the only constant being an elaborate interruption from a spotlight-stealing Donald Duck.
While most skits involved individual characters, some have Mickey, Donald, and Goofy running a special service group. Most Goofy skits have him doing a "how-to" segment, always accompanied by a narrator. Most Donald segments were about him trying to accomplish a certain task which never works out right, frustrating him.

Ice Age: A mammoth Christmas (2011) - Online subtitrat in Romana

Nume : Ice Age: A mammoth Christmas
Durata : 22 min
Limba : Romana
A fost lansat in : 2011

Descriere in Romana : 

 Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas este o animație de 26 minute care a avut premiera pe canalul TV FOX pe 24 noiembrie 2011 și a fost produsă pentru Blu-ray și DVD pe 26 noiembrie 2011. Filmul este regizat de Karen Disher și vocile sunt interpretate de aceași actori din seria Ice Age: Ray Romano, John Leguizamo, Queen Latifah, Denis Leary, Josh Peck, Seann William Scott și Chris Wedge. În distribuție mai apar Billy Gardell în rolul lui Moș Crăciun, Ciara Bravo în rolul lui Peaches, T.J. Miller în rolul lui Prancer și Judah Friedlander ca Head Mini-sloth. Prezentare În mijlocul pregătirilor pentru sărbători, din greșeală Sid distruge decorațiunea favorită a lui Manny: o piatră. Sid, convins de Manny că se află pe lista celor obraznici a lui Moș Crăciun, pleacă spre Polul Nord împreună cu Crash, Eddie și Peaches pentru a-l convinge pe Moș Crăciun că a fost cuminte. Pe drum întâlnesc un ren zburător. Când ajunge la Polul Nord și după ce trec de gărzile moșului, Sid și însoțitorii săi distrug atelierul de jucării al Moșului. Când Manny, Ellie și Diego descoperă că Peaches e dispărut, merg după aceștia la Polul Nord și împreună trebuie să salveze Crăciunul.

Description in English :

Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas is a 2011 computer animated television special and part of the Ice Age franchise, produced by Blue Sky Studios and directed by Karen Disher. It premiered on November 24, 2011 on Fox and it was released two days later to DVD and Blu-ray.
Despite being produced by Blue Sky Studios, the film's animation was actually done by some animators at Blue Sky and mainly by the Santa Monica/Texas-based special effects and animation company, Reel FX Creative Studios.


Christmas decorations

What, this?…you need something bigger, taller, sparklier, something with a pizazz: um, a tree!
—Sid, Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas
Christmas has come and Scrat eyes a beaver assembling a cache of foods, among them an acorn: Scrat sneaks in and takes the acorn, along with others he finds in the area set up as decorations: he ties a large stockpile of them on a piece of bark and tries to leave with them, but they break out and leave him with nothing. Meanwhile, Manny brings the Christmas Rock out of storage, to Ellie's delight: the rock is intended as a surprise for Peaches, who comes sliding down a snow slope in a snowball fight with Crash and Eddie. Manny reveals that the Christmas Rock is the same one from his childhood, a family heirloom, and important as it lets Santa Claus find them to deliver presents.
Diego and Sid step in to see the Christmas Rock, with Sid deriding it. Manny will not let Sid near the Rock and Sid, to find his own means of decorations, decides to find a different decoration and chooses a tree. Crash and Eddie help him to decorate the tree with insects, small animals, and fish bones: to top the tree, Sid puts a star-shaped piece of ice on the top, which is accidentally flung off and hits the Christmas Rock, shattering it. Manny, furious at Sid, declares that Sid is on the "Naughty List". Manny dismisses the idea of Santa to Ellie, which Peaches overhears, and the young mammoth is shocked that Manny does not believe in Santa. Sid, in tears that he destroyed the rock, slides downhill as his tears freeze solid.

To the North Pole

We're gonna find Santa so I can prove to my dad he's real and we're gonna get you off that list.
—Peaches, Ice Age: A Mammoth Christmas
Scrat finds an acorn half frozen in a pond and steps onto the slippery surface to pull it out. After pulling it out successfully, Scrat begins to ice skate with the acorn, going through a log, where he misplaces the acorn and instead mistakenly holds onto a spider, which attacks him. Meanwhile, Sid, feet still frozen, sulks about being on the Naughty List until Peaches calls on him to snap out of it: she intends to head to the North Pole with Sid, Crash, and Eddie so as to convince Santa Claus to take Sid off the Naughty List, along with Crash and Eddie, who, despite their misdeeds, still want Christmas.
The four set off to the North Pole by following the Northern Lights, and move on until they reach a whiteout, which separates them for a moment until they find one another and move on, led by Sid, who mistakenly leads them off a cliff. As they fall, they are rescued by a flying reindeer, who takes them to the other side of the cliff and introduces himself as Prancer. Sid thanks the reindeer and moves on before he nearly falls down the cliff again and is caught by Peaches, who decides that the reindeer will go with them. Back at the village, however, Manny attempts to patch up the Christmas Rock with mud and sticks, to poor effect, when Ellie comes along, calling out that she cannot find Peaches, Sid, Crash, or Eddie. Diego states that the four of them headed out to the North Pole to find Santa; with that, Manny and Ellie move on to find Peaches and the others, led by Diego, who tracks them by, reluctantly, picking up Sid's scent.

The Smurfs a Christmas Carol (2011)- Online subtitrat in Romana

Nume : The Smurfs a Christmas Carol
Durata : 22 min.
Limba : Romana
A fost lansat in : 2011

Descriere in Romana : 

 În sătucul vesel al strumfilor din pădure toată lumea este bucuroasă pentru că este Crăciunul. Toate căsuţele sunt împodobite cu beculeţe colorate şi alte ornamente de Crăciun, mai puţin una, cea a Morocănosului. Papa strumf, Strumfiţa şi încă vreo doi strumfi cercetează casa Morocănosului să vadă ce s-a întâmplat. Morocănosul refuză să mai petreacă sărbătoarea împreună cu ceilalţi, spunând că urăşte Crăciunul şi tot ce reprezintă acesta. Papa Strumf are o idee, în privinţa asta, pe care o pune în practică. Prepară o poţiune pe care o bea Morocănosul intrând brusc într-o stare de somn şi visare. În vis, îi apar Morocănosului, pe rând, trei spirite ale Crăciunului. Primul spirit, cel al unui Crăciun din trecut, îi arată cu câtă bucurie sărbătorea Morocănosul cu ani în urmă. Al doilea spirit reprezintă Crăciunul prezent în care are loc un adevărat dezastru pentru simplu fapt că Morocănosul nu participă la împodobirea bradului. Cel de al treilea spirit îl poartă în Crăciunul viitor care este determinat direct de lipsa de interes a Morocănosului. Un lucru şi mai teribil este provocat din această cauză, fiind în pericol acum întreaga comunitate de strumfi.

Description in English :

The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol is an American computer/traditionally animated short film based on The Smurfs comic book series created by the Belgian comics artist Peyo. The animated short was written by Todd Berger and directed by Troy Quane, and it stars the voices of George Lopez, Jack Angel, Melissa Sturm, Fred Armisen, Gary Basaraba, Anton Yelchin and Hank Azaria. The film was produced by Sony Pictures Animation with the animation by Sony Pictures Imageworks and Duck Studios. The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol was released on DVD on December 2, 2011, attached to the The Smurfs.[1]
The short is an adaptation of the novel by Charles Dickens called A Christmas Carol. When Grouchy Smurf behaves badly to everyone and refuses to celebrate Christmas, the Smurfs of Christmas Past, Present and Future teach him to appreciate Christmas.
On a Christmas morning, the Smurfs get ready for their Christmas party. Hefty Smurf and Handy Smurf cut down a Christmas Tree, and by Christmas evening, they all finish and start to celebrate. All but Grouchy Smurf join the party, expressing that he hated Christmas. After the party, all of the Smurfs go to bed and receive a gift from Papa Smurf - a Smurf hat handcrafted by Papa. Grouchy wakes up to find a present in front of his door. He opens it and finds a Smurf hat being not the one he had expected - a hang glider. Grouchy yells at the top of his lungs, "I HATE CHRISTMAS!". Subsequently he sees everything around him turn into animation, and finds himself animated too. Suddenly, he sees an angel magically appear who seems to be Smurfette. She explains to him that she is the Smurf of Christmas Past to teach him a lesson about appreciating Christmas. She shows him as a young "Smurfling" receiving a gift, which is a Smurf hat, looking so happy to get it. Then the Smurf of Christmas Present, who is Brainy Smurf, appears and shows how he felt about the gift he had got and then tells him to be happy on Christmas. Then the Smurf of Christmas Future, who appears as Hefty Smurf, shows Grouchy his future, telling him that if he does not change his ways, all of the Smurfs will wander into the forest and get captured by Gargamel. Then everything around him goes back to its original form, the Smurfs come and see Grouchy on the Christmas Tree decorating it and putting ornaments on it. He yells out to the Smurfs, "MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERY ONE!"

Hop (2011) - Online subtitrat in Romana

Nume : Hop
Durata : 93 min
Limba : Romana
A fost lansat in : 2011

Descriere in Romana :

Fred O'Hare este un ratat incapabil sa isi gaseasca un loc de munca, pe care parintii l-au dat afara din casa si care s-a refugiat temporar in locuinta surorii sale Samantha. Intr-o seara in care se intoarcea cu automobilul spre casa, imprudentul Fred il accidenteaza pe Iepurasul de Pasti si ii fractureaza acestuia un picior, fiind fortat sa isi adaposteasca victima in locuinta Samanthei in perioada de convalescenta. Samantha il ingrijeste cu devotament pe iepurasul ranit, chiar daca acesta nu este chiar cel mai comod si usor de multumit musafir, in vreme ce fratele ei Fred trebuie sa se antreneze pentru a prelua atributiile Iepurasului de Pasti, a carui misiune este sa ascunda oua de ciocolata prin casele oamenilor. Intrucat iepurele nu mai poate sa alerge si sa topaie din cauza piciorului fracturat, Fred si Samantha sunt nevoiti sa faca echipa cu el pentru a salva sarbatorile, pe parcursul desfasurarii evenimentelor atat barbatul, cat si iepurasul desavarsindu-si procesul de maturizare. 

Description in English :

Hop is a 2011 American Easter-themed live-action/animated comedy family film from Universal Pictures and Illumination Entertainment, directed by Tim Hill and produced by Chris Meledandri and Michele Imperato Stabile. The film was released on April 1, 2011, in the United States and the United Kingdom. Hop stars the voice of Russell Brand as E.B., a rabbit who does not want to succeed his father, Mr. Bunny (Hugh Laurie), in the role of the Easter Bunny; James Marsden as Fred O'Hare, a human who is out of work and wishes to become the next Easter Bunny himself; and the voice of Hank Azaria as Carlos and Phil, two chicks who plot to take over the Easter organization.It was released on DVD and Blu-ray Disc on March 23, 2012, in Region 1 On Easter Island, a young rabbit named E.B. is intended to succeed his father as the Easter Bunny. Intimidated by the calling's demands and ignoring his father's orders, E.B. runs away to Hollywood to pursue his dream of becoming a drummer. E.B.'s father sends his three ninja royal guards, the Pink Berets, to find his son. Meanwhile, Easter Chicks Carlos and Phil plot a coup d'état against him to take over the Easter organization.
At Van Nuys, E.B. is hit by Fred O'Hare, an out-of-work, job-hopping slacker (who is being pressured by his family to "get a job") who was driving to his sister Sam's boss's house he is house-sitting. Feigning injury, E.B. persuades Fred to take him in as he recovers, but when E.B. causes trouble, Fred attempts to abandon him in the wilderness. E.B. persuades the human to help him by claiming to be the Easter Bunny, whom Fred saw in operation in his youth. The rabbit sees the Berets closing in on him and hides inside a business where Fred is having job interview. E.B. enjoys a successful recording session with the Blind Boys of Alabama as their substitute drummer, but ruins Fred's job interview. In the process, E.B. gets a tip about a possible audition for David Hasselhoff, who invites him to perform on his show.
Afterward, Fred attends his adopted younger sister Alex's school Easter pageant with E.B. hiding in a satchel. E.B., alarmed that the Pink Berets have apparently found him due to the three bunny suit shadows on a wall and disgusted by Alex's awful rendition of "Peter Cottontail", dashes out and disrupts the show. Fred feigns a ventriloquist's act with E.B.'s cooperation as his dummy and they lead the show in singing, "I Want Candy". Both his father, Henry, and Alex, are angry about the upstaging, but Fred is inspired to be the Easter Bunny himself. E.B. is skeptical, but he agrees to train the human and finds that Fred has some genuine talent for it.
As the Pink Berets close in on him, E.B. prepares a decoy to fake his death and leaves for Hasselhoff's show. The Berets see the decoy and, horrified that the human has apparently killed E.B., capture Fred and take him to Easter Island. Fred is held captive and confronted by E.B.'s father and Carlos about killing E.B. Carlos pretends to be upset about E.B.'s death, silences Fred (who tries to reveal the truth of the decoy) and seizes control of the Easter factory.
Meanwhile, at the Hoff Knows Talent live show, E.B. is in his dressing room preparing for his performance but his reflection begins to berate him for acting selfish and leaving Fred. Just then a production assistant arrives to tell him that he is next to perform. E.B. leaves his dressing room and begins to feel guilty about leaving Fred so he discusses the situation with Hasselhoff, who advises him to go back and help his friend. E.B. finds evidence of Fred's capture and races back to the factory. He confronts Carlos, but is immobilized in gummy candy and tossed into the chocolate bunny carving line. Fred and E.B.'s father are tied up with black licorice and are to be boiled alive, but they manage to free themselves by eating away the licorice and E.B. survives by dodging the blades. Carlos, now a chick-bunny combination due to the magic of The Egg of Destiny (a magical staff used by The Easter Bunny), engages battle with E.B. and defeats him easily due to his size and then tries to lead the Egg Sleigh out with Phil directing with light up wands.
To stop the launch, E.B. improvises a drum session. Uncontrollably driven to dance to the beat, Phil provides the wrong signals, causing a crash and Carlos is subdued. After being defeated, Carlos is made to pull the Egg sleigh and Phil is made the new head of the Easter Chicks. E.B. then apologizes to his father for his selfishness, and he and Fred are made co-Easter bunnies and take over the job. Fred's family is now proud that he has a job and responsibilities.
After the credits, E.B. and Fred are in China delivering an Easter basket to the same woman who had previously attacked E.B.'s father earlier in the film.

The Smurfs (2011) - Online subtitrat in Romana

Nume : The Smurfs (Strumfii)
Durata : 98 min.
Limba : Romana
A fost lansat in :2011

Descriere in Romana :  

Ştrumpfii sosesc pe marele ecran odată cu producţia Columbia Pictures şi Sony Pictures Animation, comedia de live-action şi animaţie, Strumpfii. Când vrăjitorul cel rău Gargamel îi alungă pe Ştrumpfi din satul lor, ei sunt aruncaţi printr-un portal magic tocmai în lumea noastră, aterizând în inima New York-ului, chiar în Central Park. Renumiţii pitici albaştri, care au devenit captivi în marea metropolă poreclită the Big Apple, trebuie să-şi găsească urgent drumul spre satul lor, înainte ca vrăjitorul Gargamel să le dea de urmă.

Columbia Pictures şi Sony Pictures Animation prezintă o producţie a Kerner Entertainment Company,  Ştrumpfii.  În film joacă Neil Patrick Harris, Jayma Mays, Sofia Vergara şi Hank Azaria în rolul lui Gargamel.  Regia îi aparţine lui Raja Gosnell.  Producţia e semnată de Jordan Kerner.  Scenariul este scris de J. David Stem & David N. Weiss şi Jay Scherick & David Ronn, după o poveste de J. David Stem & David N. Weiss, inspirată de personajele create de Peyo.  Producătorii executivi sunt Ezra Swerdlow, Ben Haber şi Paul Neesan.  Directorul de imagine este Phil Méheux, BSC.  Scenografia e realizată de Bill Boes, iar montajul de Sabrina Plisco, A.C.E.  Efectele vizuale speciale sunt opera Sony Pictures Imageworks Inc. , sub îndrumarea  coordonatorului de efecte vizuale, Richard R. Hoover.  Designerul de costume este Rita Ryack.  Muzica filmului îi aparţine lui Heitor Pereira. 

Descriptions in English :

The Smurfs is a 2011 American 3D family comedy film loosely based on The Smurfs comic book series created by the Belgian comics artist Peyo and the 1980s animated TV series it spawned. It was directed by Raja Gosnell and stars Hank Azaria, Neil Patrick Harris, Jayma Mays and Sofía Vergara, with Jonathan Winters and Katy Perry as the voices of Papa Smurf and Smurfette. It is the first CGI/live-action hybrid film produced by Sony Pictures Animation and in The Smurfs trilogy.[4] During early production the film was known as The Smurfs Movie.
The film tells the story of the Smurfs as they get lost in New York, and try to find a way to get back home before Gargamel catches them. After five years of negotiations, Jordan Kerner bought the rights in 2002 and was in development with Paramount Pictures and Nickelodeon Movies until Columbia Pictures and Sony Pictures Animation obtained the film rights in 2008. Filming began in March 2010 in New York City.
After having the release date changed three times, Columbia Pictures released The Smurfs on July 29, 2011. Box office analysts initially predicted the film would tie with Cowboys & Aliens, but The Smurfs ultimately came in second grossing $35.6 million against Cowboys & Aliens' $36.4 million. Despite receiving mostly negative reviews from critics, The Smurfs has been a box office success, and CinemaScore polls showed a positive score from audience voters. The Smurfs reached the $500 million milestone in the weekend of September 23–25, 2011.


As the Smurfs get ready for the Blue Moon Festival, Papa Smurf sees in his cauldron a vision of Clumsy Smurf reaching for a dragon wand and the Smurfs in cages while Gargamel laughs. Not wanting this vision to come true, Papa Smurf disallows Clumsy to pick Smurf Roots. Clumsy disobeys Papa and ends up unintentionally leading Gargamel and Azrael to the village. The Smurfs all flee for their lives while Clumsy unknowingly runs towards the Forbidden Falls, with Papa Smurf, Smurfette, Grouchy, Brainy and Gutsy running after him. They find him at the edge of a cliff, and while trying to help him up, they are sucked into a gigantic vortex that spirits them to present day New York City. To make matters worse, Gargamel and Azrael follow and the Smurfs end up in the apartment of Patrick and Grace Winslow, a married and expectant couple and their Basset Hound Elway. After clarifying things, the Winslows befriend them and allow them to stay in their apartment. The next day, needing to find a "star gazer" (a telescope), the Smurfs follow Patrick to his work place at Anjelou Cosmetics, misunderstanding the previous explanation of his job as fortune-telling. He calls Grace to pick them up.
However, having extracted "Smurf essence" from a lock of Smurfette's hair, Gargamel also arrives and ends up being treated by Patrick's boss Odile upon using most of his acquired magic to turn her elderly mother into an attractive young woman. But Gargamel resumes his search upon recognizing Patrick and following him to FAO Schwarz, but gets arrested after stealing a leaf blower and for causing a riot with some customers. Gargamel manages to bust out with aid of flies. By that time, Papa Smurf manages to calculate the night he and the others can get home. But first, he must figure out the spell to do so. Patrick tells them that there is an old book store in the city near Anjelou Cosmetics as he bonds with the Smurfs after sending what he believed to be his finished advertisement to be published. However, the next day, Patrick learns that Clumsy accidentally attached a blue-moon themed side project and he loses his temper before walking out on both the Smurfs and Grace to save his job.
Forced to search on their own, the Smurfs find the store and find the book L’Histoire des Schtroumpfs by researcher Peyo, containing the spell to turn the moon blue. But learning of their location, Gargamel sneaks into the book store and finds a dragon wand, transferring his magic into it as he uses it to capture Papa Smurf as he sends the others to safety. Though the Smurfs promised Papa Smurf that they won't try to save him and return home, Clumsy and Patrick, having seen the error of his actions, convince them to plan a rescue. At Belvedere Castle, after increasing the dragon wand's power with bits of Papa Smurf's beard, Gargamel finds himself facing all the Smurfs, summoned to New York by Brainy conjuring the blue moon. As the Smurf army battles Gargamel, Smurfette defeats Azrael and saves Papa Smurf before they join the fray. Though Gargamel attempts to break the Smurfs by killing Papa, Patrick saves him while Gutsy knocks the dragon wand out of the wizard's hand but he drops it. Clumsy tries to catch it, and to Papa Smurf's surprise, manages to catch it and sends Gargamel flying into a trash can and being hit by a bus with the advertisement "Blue Moon" on it before Papa Smurf breaks it. Soon after, the Smurfs take their leave as Patrick receives a call from Odile that he still has his job because he finally gave her what she wants, after she noticed the blue moon that Brainy created. Later, Patrick and Grace have a baby boy, whom they name Blue to honor the Smurfs, who rebuild their village in the style of New York.
In the aftermath, Gargamel wakes up and learns that he is still in the present and he looks at the audience before blasting it with his wand telling them "What are you looking at?" as the credits roll.