The Smurfs a Christmas Carol (2011)- Online subtitrat in Romana

Nume : The Smurfs a Christmas Carol
Durata : 22 min.
Limba : Romana
A fost lansat in : 2011

Descriere in Romana : 

 În sătucul vesel al strumfilor din pădure toată lumea este bucuroasă pentru că este Crăciunul. Toate căsuţele sunt împodobite cu beculeţe colorate şi alte ornamente de Crăciun, mai puţin una, cea a Morocănosului. Papa strumf, Strumfiţa şi încă vreo doi strumfi cercetează casa Morocănosului să vadă ce s-a întâmplat. Morocănosul refuză să mai petreacă sărbătoarea împreună cu ceilalţi, spunând că urăşte Crăciunul şi tot ce reprezintă acesta. Papa Strumf are o idee, în privinţa asta, pe care o pune în practică. Prepară o poţiune pe care o bea Morocănosul intrând brusc într-o stare de somn şi visare. În vis, îi apar Morocănosului, pe rând, trei spirite ale Crăciunului. Primul spirit, cel al unui Crăciun din trecut, îi arată cu câtă bucurie sărbătorea Morocănosul cu ani în urmă. Al doilea spirit reprezintă Crăciunul prezent în care are loc un adevărat dezastru pentru simplu fapt că Morocănosul nu participă la împodobirea bradului. Cel de al treilea spirit îl poartă în Crăciunul viitor care este determinat direct de lipsa de interes a Morocănosului. Un lucru şi mai teribil este provocat din această cauză, fiind în pericol acum întreaga comunitate de strumfi.

Description in English :

The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol is an American computer/traditionally animated short film based on The Smurfs comic book series created by the Belgian comics artist Peyo. The animated short was written by Todd Berger and directed by Troy Quane, and it stars the voices of George Lopez, Jack Angel, Melissa Sturm, Fred Armisen, Gary Basaraba, Anton Yelchin and Hank Azaria. The film was produced by Sony Pictures Animation with the animation by Sony Pictures Imageworks and Duck Studios. The Smurfs: A Christmas Carol was released on DVD on December 2, 2011, attached to the The Smurfs.[1]
The short is an adaptation of the novel by Charles Dickens called A Christmas Carol. When Grouchy Smurf behaves badly to everyone and refuses to celebrate Christmas, the Smurfs of Christmas Past, Present and Future teach him to appreciate Christmas.
On a Christmas morning, the Smurfs get ready for their Christmas party. Hefty Smurf and Handy Smurf cut down a Christmas Tree, and by Christmas evening, they all finish and start to celebrate. All but Grouchy Smurf join the party, expressing that he hated Christmas. After the party, all of the Smurfs go to bed and receive a gift from Papa Smurf - a Smurf hat handcrafted by Papa. Grouchy wakes up to find a present in front of his door. He opens it and finds a Smurf hat being not the one he had expected - a hang glider. Grouchy yells at the top of his lungs, "I HATE CHRISTMAS!". Subsequently he sees everything around him turn into animation, and finds himself animated too. Suddenly, he sees an angel magically appear who seems to be Smurfette. She explains to him that she is the Smurf of Christmas Past to teach him a lesson about appreciating Christmas. She shows him as a young "Smurfling" receiving a gift, which is a Smurf hat, looking so happy to get it. Then the Smurf of Christmas Present, who is Brainy Smurf, appears and shows how he felt about the gift he had got and then tells him to be happy on Christmas. Then the Smurf of Christmas Future, who appears as Hefty Smurf, shows Grouchy his future, telling him that if he does not change his ways, all of the Smurfs will wander into the forest and get captured by Gargamel. Then everything around him goes back to its original form, the Smurfs come and see Grouchy on the Christmas Tree decorating it and putting ornaments on it. He yells out to the Smurfs, "MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERY ONE!"