RoboGandecelul - Episodul 1

Nume : RoboGandacelul
Nr. Episoade : 4
Limba : Romana
A fost difuzat pe : Jetix

Descriere in Romana :

RoboGandacelul este un serial de animatie canadian, care a rulat la postul de televiziune Teletoon in Canada si Jetix in Europa. Urmareste povestea unui gandac de bucatarie numit Rube si a fratelui sau Reg. In timp ce cautau mancare, asa cum se poate vedea in filmuletul de introducere, Rube este prins si se fac experimente pe el. Fratele lui il salveaza, dar cand sar intr-o priza sa se ascunda, Rube este transformat pentru totdeauna intr-un robogandacel, pe jumatate robot, pe jumatate gandac de bucatarie. Dupa aceasta transformare el jura sa isi foloseasca puterile doar pentru a face a bine pentru toata lumea, si niciodata pentru uz personal, spre nefericirea fratelui sau mai mic, Reg. Numele de RoboGandacelul vine din engleza: RoboRoach, iar de multe ori l-am vazut tradus gresit, ca “Robo Gandacelul”, in loc de “RoboGandacelul” scris legat. De obicei un desen are cam 20 de minute, la care se adauga introducerea, si care are cate doua parti. Noi am separat cele doua parti, care avea fiecare povestea ei, si am facut cate una de 10 minute. Fiecare desen animat se termina prost pentru Reg, care se plange de fiecare data: “De ce eu? De ce intotdeauna numai si numai eu?”.

Description in English :

Roboroach is a Canadian animated television series, which ran on Teletoon in Canada and Fox Kids in Europe. It follows the story of a cockroach named Rube and his brother Reg. While scavenging for food, as seen in the introduction film, Rube is caught and experimented on. His brother saves him, but when they jump in an electrical outlet, Rube is transformed forever into a roboroach, a half-robot half-cockroach. After that he swears to use his powers only for the good of everyone and never for personal use, unfortunately for Reg.


  • Ruben "Rube" Roach has been turned into a "super-bug" and serves as the superhero of the fictional town of Vexberg. He always thinks of the others before himself and never accepts gifts of gratitude, and that's the reason why he and his brother live in poverty. Rube is also quite naive and believes almost everything anyone tells him. He has three pet lice and a "larvy" doll. His superpowers include transforming into almost anything, from washing machines to scouters and from planes to toilets. He is voiced by Scott Thompson
  • Reginald "Reg" Roach is Rube's older brother always tries to get rich but always fails. He is overambitious and cares only about himself. Reg tries to use his brother's powers to obtain money but Rube always turns down reward offers because, as he says: "A good deed is its own reward!". That infuriates Reg as he is also quite selfish and ill-tempered. This often causes him a lot of trouble. His catchphrase is "Why me? why me? Why all the time me?" with slight variations according to the episode. He could be described as an Ever-failing character. Reg is voiced by Ted Dykstra.
  • Mayor Mierworm is the mayor of Vexburg. she does not like Rube or Reg and thinks of them as menaces. Once she even tried to blame them for a crime they never committed, just to get rid of them. As a politician she is not very good but seemingly Mayor Mierworm gets re-elected quite often.
  • Skeeter Jettings is the main reporter in the series and can be found announcing the news on Reg and Rube's TV. His name is a spoof on Peter Jennings.
  • The police chief is Roboroach's friend and chief of the police station. Also known for his giggle.
  • Doc is the Roach brothers' personal physician.
  • Sterling Überbucks is CEO and owner of his company "Überbucks Dynamic Concerns". He and his helper Toadie are always trying to get richer at the cost of anything. Sterling has a nephew Stewie Jr., an evil twin brother named Carling and a great-great-great grandfather named Sterling Überrucks The Very 1st.