Inspector Gadget - Episodul 1

Nume : Inspector Gadget
Nr. Episoade : 14
Limba : Romana
A fost difuzat pe : Jetix 

Descriere in Romana :

Este o comedie Walt Disney destinata intregii familii, un film al carui erou este compus din mii de piese detasabile si in miscare. INSPECTOR GADGET se bazeaza pe eroul serialului cu acelasi nume, si urmareste aventurile comice prin care trece John Brown - un agent de paza cam naiv care viseza sa ajunga cel mai renumit ofiter de politie. La un moment dat, datorita unor imprejurari neasteptate, el devine candidatul ideal pentru realizarea unui proiect strict secret al politiei si frumoasa cercetatoare Brenda Bradford va aplica vastele sale cunostinte din domeniul robotizarii pentru a-l transforma pe nevinovatul paznic intr-un erou plin de talent si... accesorii!
Fiind utilat cu un sortiment vast de dispozitive inventate si grefate pe corp, noul "INSPECTOR GADGET" va folosi aceste "acareturi", alaturi de intuitie si noroc pentru a dezlega un complicat caz criminal. El va trebui sa-l infrunte pe infamul raufacator de talie internationala - Claw ("cleste"), care a pus la cale un plan diabolic prin care spera sa domine intreaga lume.

Description in English : 

Inspector Gadget is an animated television series that revolves around the adventures of a clumsy, dim-witted cyborg detective named lnspector Gadget – a human being with various bionic gadgets built into his body. Gadget's nemesis is Dr. Claw, the leader of an evil organization, known as "M.A.D."[4]
This is the first syndicated cartoon show from DIC Entertainment (as well as the first from the company to be created specifically for US viewers, along with The Littles). lt originally ran from 1983 to 1986 and remained in syndication into the late 1990s. It continues to air successfully in reruns around the world.
The series was produced by companies in France, Canada, the United States, Taiwan, and Japan. It was a co-production between DIC Entertainment in France (the main headquarters did not move to the US untiI 1987) and Nelvana in Canada; the animation work was outsourced to foreign studios such as Tokyo Movie Shinsha in Japan and Cuckoo's Nest Studio in Taiwan. It was the first animated television series to be presented in stereo.


Inspector Gadget is a famous cyborg policeman with a seemingly endless amount of gadgets he can summon by saying "Go-Go-Gadget" then the gadget's name. The word "Gadget" is actually part of the name, as hinted at in some episodes. Although he has all this equipment, Gadget is ultimately incompetent and clueless (in a manner similar to the Inspector Clouseau character of the Pink Panther series), and overcomes obstacles and survives perilous situations by sheer good luck, with help from his faithful niece Penny and intelligent dog Brain who both must secretly help him solve each case. Even his gadgets often malfunction, which Gadget often deals with by exclaiming that he needs to get them fixed.
Almost every episode of the first season follows a detailed and set formula, with little variation (though many of these elements were tinkered with in season 2). Gadget, Penny, and Brain will usually be doing something together when Chief Quimby calls the top-secret Gadgetphone (a telephone built into one of Gadget's hands). Usually, the call consists of Gadget saying, "Is that you, Chief? You're where? Right away, Chief." Gadget then tracks down Quimby, who is either disguised or hiding, and receives a brief message about the latest caper by Dr. Claw and M.A.D, along with his assigned task aimed at stopping it. Each of these messages self-destructs after reading (a nod to Mission: Impossible), a fact which Gadget always ignores as he crumples the messages up and tosses them away, inevitably getting them somewhere near Quimby where they explode in his face.
The episode then usually takes Gadget to some exotic locale and somehow Penny and Brain find a way to accompany him. Brain keeps Gadget out of trouble from M.A.D. agents (who Gadget usually mistakes for friendly locals; ironically, Gadget often takes the disguised Brain for a MAD agent), while Penny solves the case.
Frequently, Penny herself lands in trouble with M.A.D. agents - most of whom truss her up and leave her in a "Death-Trap" or similar perilous situation (a nod to The Man From U.N.C.L.E.). She occasionally extricates herself at the last possible moment, but more often she is forced to call Brain who rescues her in the nick of time. (More than anything else, Penny's being reduced to a damsel in distress prevents Brain's role from becoming entirely thankless.) With the help of Penny and Brain, Gadget inadvertently saves the day, Dr. Claw escapes, and Chief Quimby arrives to congratulate Gadget on a job well done.
Each episode ends (as many cartoons did in the 1980s) with Gadget (and usually Penny and Brain also) giving a public service announcement - in direct contrast with his dangerous job and risk-taking behavior in the show, with most of the tips having a connection with problems Gadget had experienced during the episode. For example in one episode, Gadget tries to hitchhike saying he hopes the approaching motorist doesn't mind him doing so, with the ending PSA making very clear how dangerous hitchhiking can be.


  • Inspector Gadget is the main protagonist and titular character of the series and movies. He dresses like Inspector Clouseau, drives a Matra Murena car and acts like Maxwell Smart, who was portrayed by Gadget's voice actor Don Adams. The clueless Gadget frequently bungles during his cases and gets into danger, but he always gets out of trouble through either his trusty gadgets, Penny or Brain's unseen assistance, or pure luck. One of his most famous catch-phrases in the series is "Wowsers!" While he would never succeed in completing a mission by himself without Penny and Brain, they usually would not succeed in completing a mission themselves without Inspector Gadget and his gadgets unintentionally foiling the MAD agents' plans.
  • Penny is Gadget's precocious niece. She is a master of investigation and technology who is the one truly responsible for foiling M.A.D.'s schemes, a fact only Brain knows. Using a computer disguised as a book and a utility wristwatch, she monitors her Uncle Gadget's activities, communicates with Brain and foils M.A.D.'s plots. Penny very often gets captured by M.A.D. agents before calling Brain for help or escaping by herself.
  • Brain is Inspector Gadget's and Penny's faithful pet dog and companion. He is bipedal, just as intelligent as a human and assists Penny in keeping Gadget out of danger and solving the crime. Brain uses a variety of disguises, which Gadget never sees through, and is often mistaken for a M.A.D. agent by Gadget. Brain's collar is outfitted with a retractable video communications system linked to a computer wristwatch Penny wears that allows her to relay information on Gadget's activity, or warn Brain as to the whereabouts of M.A.D. agents. Brain can communicate with humans, through a gruff, Scooby-Doo-like "dog" voice or pantomime and physical gestures to communicate effectively.
  • Doctor Claw (his real name is never revealed) is the main antagonist of the series and leader of the evil M.A.D. organization. Throughout the entire series, Dr. Claw is an unseen character. Only his arms and gauntleted hands are visible, leaving the viewer to guess as to his face and body. He is usually at a computer terminal where he monitors his various schemes, often in a creepy old castle. Although he is aware of Gadget's idiocy, he believes the Inspector to be his greatest enemy, never fully realizing that it is actually Penny and Brain who foil his plots in each episode (although he or his M.A.D. agents have captured Penny and sometimes Brain a number of times). Dr. Claw's preferred mode of transportation/escape is the M.A.D. Mobile, a black and red vehicle that can transform into a jet or a submarine. He is always seen with his fat pet cat M.A.D. Cat, (a nod to Ernst Stavro Blofeld and his cat) who reaps the benefits of his brief victories and bears the brunt of his defeats. Dr. Claw's catch-phrase is "I'll get you next time, Gadget! NEXT time!" It is heard at the end of every episode, during the credits, and is followed by a loud "Meow" from M.A.D. Cat.
  • Chief Quimby is Inspector Gadget's short-tempered boss and the chief of Westfinster. He has a moustache and is usually seen with a pipe in his mouth. He appears disguised at the beginning of each episode with his own theme music to deliver Gadget his mission only to be blown up by the self-destructing message (a parody of the Mission: Impossible messages) because of Gadget's obliviousness; he appears again at the end of most episodes to congratulate Gadget on a job well done, but he never realizes that it is Penny who is truly the one responsible for foiling Doctor Claw's plots.
  • Corporal Capeman, voiced by Townsend Coleman, is a recurring character introduced in the second season as Inspector Gadget’s sidekick. Capeman is a self-proclaimed superhero who acts in the manner of a stereotypical crime fighter but, though more observant than the Inspector of details, is equally as inept at interpreting them. Capeman is obsessed with learning to fly and often mistakenly believes he has miraculously acquired the power of flight while in the midst of dire circumstances.